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Honey QWISO Forum (lets show them why qwiso is the best)


some more amber by me

some more amber by me

still working on taking better pictures lol. check this stuff i made out.

what do you guys think?




check out what i made. its sitting in front of me waiting to be smokes. not sure if i want to vape it, knife it, or put it on some weed lol.

i have some more photos but im having issues uploading them.
@dingbat - what exactly are you doing to make your qwiso into earwax or budder?

are you just whipping it and with what and how so?

I've tried but i can't get it to turn out like yours. I've get some hard glassy stuff using HPLC alcohol, but thats it.

@Lazyman - you have a "tek" for your big batch process?


Overkill is under-rated.
Hmm good question, big batch tek:

Put whole, unground trim in freezer for at least 1 hr.
Put 3-4 gallons of SLX denatured alcohol in freezer for at least 3 hours.
Take one clean rubbermaid tub, wipe it out with alcohol.
Get several large pyrex baking dishes, wipe out with alcohol.
Line a large strainer or colander with several layers of paper towels.
Put frozen trim in bottom of tub
Pour frozen alcohol over it to cover (mixture must be loose and somewhat floating, if it stays in a gob of trim you need more alcohol)
Stir the mix with a big metal spatula or spoon for the desired time (with frozen alcohol you have more time, it takes a couple minutes to pour in 4g of alcohol anyway.) I like letting it sit for 2-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Set your strainer into the first pan, and start to pour the mix into the filter.
When pan is about 2/3 full, move strainer to second pan and continue. Repeat until tub is empty.
Over an EMPTY pan, wring out the filter and discard the whole lot. Some pieces of trim probably fell into the mix. Make a new filter, line the screen again, and pour the last pan back through to catch any debris.
Put into teflon-lined bags and into a double boiler.
Evap on a double boiler outside and on an electric hot plate.
After boiling off all the alcohol outside, pour into pyrex pans and put into the oven, set at 200*F until the mix stops bubbling, usually takes a few hours.
Then set oven at 292*F for 7 minutes to finish the decarboxylization process.
Reduce heat to 120*F to keep pans warm.
Pull out one pan at a time and scrape it up, using two razor blades to dump it onto waxed paper. When you have all but the corners done set it aside and do the other pans.
When you're done with the last pan, grab a small bottle of ISO and pour a half cup into the first pan, washing down the sides and corners. Wash your sticky fingers and razor blades too.
When the first pan is all done, dump that mix into the next pan, add more alcohol if needed, and repeat until all pans are clean. Leave the solution in the last pan and return to the oven at 200*F.
When that pan is dry scrape up the last of your oil, and you're done!

Once the oil is on waxed paper, try to wad it up a bit so its in one spot, then stick it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Grab a new piece of waxed paper and transfer the frozen gob to the new sheet (waxed paper only lasts for 1-2 handlings, I just grab a new sheet every time I TOUCH this stuff.)

Keep it in the freezer and chip off a small piece when you need it.

If it all goes sideways, goes everywhere, or gets contaminated, just soak the whole mess in fresh alcohol, filter it once its all dissolved, and re-evaporate the alcohol.

Try fixing ANY other kind of hash or oil, you can't! This stuff is very conducive to fixing mistakes, and boy is it potent! :)
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@dingbat - what exactly are you doing to make your qwiso into earwax or budder?

are you just whipping it and with what and how so?

I've tried but i can't get it to turn out like yours. I've get some hard glassy stuff using HPLC alcohol, but thats it.

@Lazyman - you have a "tek" for your big batch process?

for the earwax (first time i made it) i just made my honey qwiso out of blonde kif. then i let it sit in a container for 2 weeks. it turned into a little mound of creamy wax. after that i just broke it up a little bit and it looked like disgusting earwax LOL. i did not freeze the oil after i made it, never have.


batch going on now

batch going on now

first round (in the square pan on the stove) is the qwiso

the round bowl is collecting second, warm wash for cooking.

this batch is being made with about a half pound of already tumbled b's and trim.


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too green, you must have done too long of a wash. the liquid should be golden or amber color. if you do a faster wash you wont get as much chlorophyll.


May your race always be in your favor
So today I made a QWISO run of 17G of popcorn buds, half cup iso 15-20 sec shake pour off, evaporate with a hair dryer let cure on a hot pad for a few hours and Voila!! QWISO. Stuff packs a good punch, messed my nephew up pretty good tonight. :) :dance013:


I'm leaving on a road trip to van this week to see some friends! I'm bringing this to knock their socks off.

Beautiful amber glass QWISO. This stuff breaks into pieces and would easily shatter if I dropped it on tile or hit it with a little hammer. What do you guys think? I made alot more than this but this was my share :D

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Freezing to tie up the water and watching the timing closely made a big difference in the quality of my quick wash.

Here is a picture of a pristine 3 minute quick wash ethanol extraction showing only amber. I used frozen cured material and chilled 190 proof Clear Springs with minimal shaking.

Here is a 10 minute wash using the same material and processing conditions, which shows the nasty tasting water solubles like chloraphyll starting to leach out.


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    3 minute frozen extract.jpg
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    10 minute frozen extraction-1.jpg
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