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Senators will introduce a federal medical marijuana bill tomorrow [TUES]


Active member
Nothing's ever all or none. It's going to happen in stages. This is a start. I've got a passifier for you...lol...just kidding -granger


Well-known member
haven't read through the bill, if it's really out there yet
but how would this work with existing state law?
they wouldn't try to compel state law to fit federal requirements?
which wouldn't fly, i would think
now if this federal law extended MMJ availability into states with no MMJ, that could make sense


But it does absolutely shit for those of us that choose to medicate or recreate without some other "authoritarian" permission slip!


This bill is nothing but a pacifier for those of you that are unwilling to remove your blinders and see the truth for what it is!

If a bill were intriduced to only regulate corporations...
I could agree.
This bill is in your face... CORPORATIONS ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE CONTROL FROM INDIVIDUALS VIA LEGISLATION! The more "legal" this issue becomes, the more regulations we are subjected to!

Yall enjoy your pacifiers!

why would you make perfection the enemy of progress?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
But it does absolutely shit for those of us that choose to medicate or recreate without some other "authoritarian" permission slip!


This bill is nothing but a pacifier for those of you that are unwilling to remove your blinders and see the truth for what it is!

If a bill were intriduced to only regulate corporations...
I could agree.
This bill is in your face... CORPORATIONS ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE CONTROL FROM INDIVIDUALS VIA LEGISLATION! The more "legal" this issue becomes, the more regulations we are subjected to!

Yall enjoy your pacifiers!

What have you done to advance your viewpoint? Been to jail over it? Just spreading the word on the Internet? Organize any protests lately?

Enjoy your own pacifier.


Active member
ICMag Donor
But it does absolutely shit for those of us that choose to medicate or recreate without some other "authoritarian" permission slip!


This bill is nothing but a pacifier for those of you that are unwilling to remove your blinders and see the truth for what it is!

If a bill were intriduced to only regulate corporations...
I could agree.
This bill is in your face... CORPORATIONS ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE CONTROL FROM INDIVIDUALS VIA LEGISLATION! The more "legal" this issue becomes, the more regulations we are subjected to!

Yall enjoy your pacifiers!

Haven't most of the medical states also decriminalized it? For personal amounts, anyway. Having a small amount without a medical card in California isn't a crime anymore. After the next election, it should be freely available for any adult to buy or grow here without a medical card.

This bill in Congress is just a first step. Removing cannabis from schedule 1 means the end of the ban on scientific research. This will also mean the next president won't be able to shut down medical marijuana in the states where it's legal. This will be huge if it passes. I don't expect it to stay a schedule 2 drug for long as more and more states legalize.


New member
What have you done to advance your viewpoint? Been to jail over it? Just spreading the word on the Internet? Organize any protests lately?

Enjoy your own pacifier.
I am with you on this one, I am confused why MJPassion is so uproar about this?

Just because it isn't written exactly as you want it... Federal level mmj would mean employers have to allow employees that are prescribed it and cannot fire based on that alone...

Shit, MMJ next year will be legal in CA for 20 YEARS. 20 YEARS and still you can get fired for having mmj in your system..

It is a struggle for many having to deal with employers and mmj..


ICMag Donor
Here is some powerful testimony from a vet from the CARERS press conference


People, please take a baby step in the right direction and spread this link here:

http://blog.norml.org/2015/03/10/historic-senate-bill-seeks-to-revamp-medical-marijuana/ click "Take Action"

Thanks for the NORML link, Mr. Belvedere. Will spread the word and sent my voice via NORML to those elected (I didn't vote for him, but still, let the people speak).

It's time for a positive change regarding cannabis and healthcare.


Well-known member
haven't read through the bill, if it's really out there yet...
Here ya go. I bet this bill will be read by members of congress…unlike the Affordable Care Act. What was it Nancy Pelosi said…”But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy.”<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

At least things are being brought to the table.


  • US Senate MMJ March 2015.pdf
    35.9 KB · Views: 51
would changing cannabis to schedule 2 class medical benefit drug; wouldn't it give the Gov. and Big Pharma MORE control over it?

gov. regulates the pharma industry, and big pharma will take control of all of the cannabis science and gov could make regulated and restricted to death and make cannabis illegal unless from them/big companies under gov. thumb for example

we do not want to re-classify cannabis.....we want to DE-Classify Cannabis!


Active member
would changing cannabis to schedule 2 class medical benefit drug; wouldn't it give the Gov. and Big Pharma MORE control over it?

gov. regulates the pharma industry, and big pharma will take control of all of the cannabis science and gov could make regulated and restricted to death and make cannabis illegal unless from them/big companies under gov. thumb for example

we do not want to re-classify cannabis.....we want to DE-Classify Cannabis!

State level MMJ exists at the indulgence of the executive branch, so it's not subject to the constraints of schedule 2 drugs. OTOH, the Obama Admin obviously supports legalization so it's unlikely that they'll do anything more restrictive. By the time 2017 rolls around, it's unlikely that their successor will be able to, either, regardless of their bent.

Expect more state level legalization in the 2016 election & more change to federal law in the wake of it. Hell, if DC allows retail the pressure on Congress to act will be overwhelming.

Conservative politicians are just trying to get out of the way of the avalanche w/o giving the impression that they're running for their lives. One thing they're not good at is admitting that they've ever been mistaken about anything. They need time for the memories of their constituents to fade so that they can pretend it was their idea all along. They need to hurry up to accomplish that.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Lets hope something comes of it but at the same time lets not even think of it as the beginning of the end. I sure hope it is though.


ICMag Donor
Lets hope something comes of it but at the same time lets not even thing of it as the beginning of the end. I sure hope it is though.

It's a start. Can you even think of another executive administration even remotely considering it in the past?

Won't be an overnight change, but look how long it took for states to proclaim medical cannabis? Decades!


Active member
Are there any other Plants in Schedule 2? Heroin is not poppies.

Big pharma can control clinical trials and pay for FDA approval of a drug, like GW is doing with Sativex, but they cannot patent and control Cannabis.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

Schedule 2 means that anybody can LEGALLY research it without going through the National Institute for Drug Abuse- who decline nearly every current research request based on their current Congressional mandate. If the bill makes it to committee and passes both houses, then anybody will be able to legally research it including any scientists, universities, students, pharmacists, you or me included. Currently almost NO research is being done on cannabis in the US because of the current schedule. Being on schedule two means that it has medical value and can therefore be researched by anybody with the proper qualifications. Not just the pharmaceutical companies!

Obama is taking the "quiet" route probably because he knows he has to pick his battles carefully. If he is vocal about supporting legalization and states rights Congress will naturally want to fight it. If a bill gets to his desk, he'll sign it. Jack Herer would be rolling over in his grave seeing some of the comments here. Do you realize how hard it was for California to get medical marijuana, that happened 20 years ago people! Only *recently* the Feds stopped meddling with California! If this bill is passed, it will be extremely difficult for the feds to change the law because they do not want to flip-flop on this issue. If it does NOT pass, all it takes is a slight political change or propaganda stunt and the feds law-enforcement will be back in our business just like before! Congress is more likely to pass a bill that is "their idea", so Obama is keeping his mouth shut and letting it be "their idea" for law changes.

This bill will end the federal plant count law fears of having more than 49/99 MMJ plants being a major *federal* felony!

During the hearings in 1937 the AMA testified the cannabis has medical value and should not be prohibited. "big petrochemical" companies (not "big pharma") were pulling strings to start hemp prohibition because they wanted to build the plastics and energy industries by banning hemp. In 1937 there was the major sulfanilamide incident- hundreds of people (mostly children) died testing sulfanilamide. The pharma company skipped testing on mice and tested directly on people. In 1938 the FDA was created as a response to the uproar over this incident. Previously the regulating body was the US Department of Agriculture Division of Chemistry. The FDA mandated that pre-clinical drug trials must be done on mice before people.

Do you realize how quickly our current decent environment can change if you don't support these things? All it takes is yellow journalism and propaganda or a change in the political climate in DC for the DEA and federal law enforcement to start running herd again over all the old and new medical states!

All of the current research breakthroughs are being done by scientists in Israel, Spain etc. where they're able to research it easily without government intervention. US academics are researching it, but they have to do it "illegally" and in a clandestine fashion.

Totally unbelievable the amount ignorance in this thread. Open your mind and don't be brainwashed about "Big Everything" being the root of all evil-you've been spoonfed this but people on the internet/radio/tv who have no idea what they're talking about. If anything "big Pharma" may now oppose this Act because many of their current pharmaceutical drugs developed since 1937 could start to be replaced by natural cannabis. If they create effective treatments based on cannabis research, what is the harm? If they develop a highly effective treatment or cure for Alzheimers based on cannabis research- an analog of cannabis available in patented pill form only through a FDA pharmacy, would you take it if you were showing signs of Alzheimers?

Of course getting it LEGALIZED and totally unscheduled is the main long term goal, but in the real world progress happens in baby steps. Do yourself a favor, crack open a book and read The Emperor Wears No Clothes so you can be educated on the subject.

!!This bill will completely legalize growing and possession of hemp CBD varieties at the federal level meaning they can be grown/posessed in *any hemp friendly state* without federal prosecution!!

http://www.jackherer.com/thebook/ chapters four and five will explain what I'm saying. Reading the whole book will give you a much better overall picture of what really happened throughout history, this book has changed the world.

Once the US has made significant progress at the federal level, most other countries will follow suit, some nations will change quickly and others will be slower to change.

When Jack Herer was dying in an Oregon hospital, the doctors refused to treat him with cannabis because it was not legal in that state medicinally *at the time*.
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Señor Member
Are there any other Plants in Schedule 2? Heroin is not poppies.

Yes. Coca erythroxylum. Also, opium poppies are expressly listed in the schedule 2, but that one is questionable since there are non-opium varieties that are legal, but the moment one cuts into them or makes an extraction out of the dried pods, they are breaking the law.


ICMag Donor
Everyone (petrol, big pharma, states for taxes, etc.) want a piece of the pie, but that mass hysteria propaganda still looms over us, despite studies in masse, public opinion saying the opposite. Strides are being made...just baby steps.


Active member
still waiting for an explanation of this line of thinking

Lol. OK here we go. Schedule 2 means it us now under the pervue of the FDA. All grow oops and dispensary's are instantly out of business due to non compliance with FDA standards. In states were possession of pot is decriminalize end you will now be charged with unlawful possession of a prescription drug. You still won't be able to grow a plant and never will.

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