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ADD/ADHD anyone?

Where I'm from most people mixes their cannabis with tobacco,

So very few people see it as anything postive since its strongly linked with cigarette smoking

On top of that, there is a very prominent alcohol culture aswell,

I would go out on a limb and say ~85% Off all cannabis users here have not experienced these effects without the byproducts of the radioactive tobacco or the poisonous alcohol.

I remember very vividly how different and how much more medical effects I started to reap from this plant when I quit mixing it with tobacco, shortly after that i also decided to quit combustion and started vaping/dabbing where I felt even more medical benefits that I had never experienced before.

But it sure was a long road from combusting mixed with tobacco to actually feeling these medical benefits that everyone talks about.

My point is that its hard for me to explain to anyone that I'd rather use some cannabis oil
to treat my ADHD, over the pills/stimulants that they prescribe me.

When the reality is that they see cannabis on par with Alcohol/tobacco.

it continues to amaze me how uneducated people are in some of these EU countries.

In this day and age, how can information NOT spread,


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Thanks Doug for sharing. This is the first time I read anything similar and it does sound appealing.

Have any idea how many mg are in one capsule? Also cannot remember if you told us which strain you use?

How did it feel when you started and before getting used to it so you don’t feel any side effects?
Always happy to share what's worked for me. ;) No idea on mg per capsule. Everyone is different and I'm sure I have way more CBD:THC in me than the average non-grower. lol When I have a steady supply of canna-pills I smoke a lot less, only a few times a day. Without the pills I only toke when I'm awake. ;) lol

The strain I'm currently using is a specific cut of Canna-Tsu. It's around 20%+ CBD and 8-9% THC. It's a little CBD heavy for me, so I try to work in a few tokes a day with higher THC strains.

Make your pills weak and test one. Should you be able to feel it, add more toasted rice flour to the batch. Test another one the next day. Still feel it? Add more toasted rice flour. Whatever your specific inebriation level is, you want your pills to be too weak to hit it. If you make them much too weak, you can always take 2. ;) It's rather easy to manipulate pill strength without waste. :)

Absolutely. When I talk about addiction (or maybe better dependence), I am referring to specific behaviors like smoking even when I decided not to, or smoking getting in the way of my normal functioing or committments, taking unecessary risks just so I can be high, and generally not feeling like I am in control.
As you add a steady back load of CBD into your system, you'll find these behaviors even out. You'll find a greater mood control ability builds up as well. Absolutely amazing experience for me. :)


New member
Without the pills I only toke when I'm awake. ;) lol

Lol, I know the feeling :biggrin:

When you do, how do you deal with side effects? I cannot really focus on work while high, I'd just rather talk to people, or eat, or do anything but work.

In fact I found that THC makes some of my ADHD symptoms worse, like impulse control, or easily being distracted, feeling "lazy" etc.

At the same time, my experience of life when using TCH is so much richer, balanced and joyful. Without any treatment I just exhaust myself and feel like a brain dead zombie by the end of the day. On prescribed amphetamines (Vyvanse) I feel like a logical robot who only cares about work. I find it difficult to prioritize work and just do good enough when called for, but overdo everything. This, together with hyper-focussing on achieving my goals, leads to working myself to the ground, and leaving the rest of my life a mess.

Sleep is a mixed bag. I generally sleep better if I toke, but some nights I do wake up more. I suspect it has also to do with over-eating in the evening, which tends to happen too often when I'm on THC.

I've been doing CBD oil this week (only 7.5mg two times a day), and have found it to give the clear focus of amphetamines minus the side-effects. Still early of course.

With pure CBD, I do not feel as relaxed, as many people say they do.

I am curious about mixing in some THC with my CBD to see if this will enhance the effects. I will try and make some pills mixing the two.

The strain I'm currently using is a specific cut of Canna-Tsu. It's around 20%+ CBD and 8-9% THC. It's a little CBD heavy for me, so I try to work in a few tokes a day with higher THC strains.

So I cannot grow until we move to a new place next spring, and the only thing I can find here are a few THC dominant strains (guessing <1% CBD).

However, I ordered a few grams of high-CBD hemp flower (advertised at 20%+), and tried mixing it in a joint / bowl with high-THC strains. Did not like the effects though. It felt like worse of both worlds.

Do you think that toking a mix of strains like this can never do the trick?

I'm now thinking of extracting separately CBD and THC in olive / coconut oil, and trying to mix them in different dosis until I find a sweet spot you describe.

Any reason why you prefer pills to placing a few oil drops under your tongue?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The canna-tsu doesn't get in the way of life. It doesn't make me high, unless I smoke out of something that will build up resin like a pipe. Even then it's just a low buzz.

I'd keep up the CBD oil, along with your THC usage. I'm not a big fan of smoking cannabis from most sources, I much prefer clean cannabis. I find the contaminates can get in the way and definitely ruin the effects. No idea how clean your hemp CBD strain was grown. Then again, I've heard so many stories about "the headache I got from smoking hemp," I'm rather curious if the experience is from the hemp itself. No idea though.

Mixing strains correct for you will work, I'm positive of this. I personally use olive oil, since coconut does not digest well for me. lol As for canna-caps vs. pills, it's a convenience thing. Oil requires a bottle and dropper, pills can go in the pocket and swallow quickly without leaving a taste. My oils are pretty dang spicy... lol

Be glad you have sources for CBD, I grew up with there being less and less in my cannabis as the years went by. Awesome to have it back again. I'm sure you'll be able to find something which works great for you, keep working at it. :)


Well-known member
I’ve microdosing aces Congo helps me with focus. It certainly doesn’t clear my mind but it helps me to just plod along with one thing at a time and is good for when I’m having to do the never ending grow maintenance.

Any more than three tokes and it has a negative effect on concentration

Update: I’ve observed that while I can stay focussed on doing one thing, I work slower after the Congo vape. Slow and steady wins the race :)
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Well-known member
DC thanks for your info mate could you tell me - should I be looking for as high cbd, low thc as possible? Or is a combo better

Btw I discovered I had ADHD during an acid trip, I realised acid cures it like flicking a switch. I’ve heard microdosing is great but I have no source of acid here in the UK :-(


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I say look for what works. If you can find anything CBD, try everything available. You're going to find a mix that works for you, whether you find it in one strain or have to mix yourself, time will tell.

Perhaps microdosing will be legal in another 40 years, again time will tell.


Namekian resident/farmer
I myself do not and will not trust people tied to big pharma study your symptoms and understand that nature does better than man as man cares only for profits and all nature wants is to be taken care of properly ;) hope all is going well now for you my friend


New member
Hi Doug Could you please help me!

Hi Doug Could you please help me!

Hi Doug!

My nam is Ted and long story short I got CHS and my dad's a GI doctor and he agrees I am allergic to NEEM Oil and other pesticides. Could you please help me figure out which soil to use because I am about to do my own growing! I have fibro myalgia and IBS and a bunch of other unfortunate illnesses and cannabis helps me so much but I need clean and true organic bud! I purchased a growing package but the soil they said they used is called Fox Farm soil and I saw in one of your posts that it made someone sick. Could you please tell me exactly which soil and nutriets to use to make my bud 100000% organic with absolutely no pesticides or NEEM or anything. Thank you so much for what you've done for the cannabis community! Please reply :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Hi Doug!

My nam is Ted and long story short I got CHS and my dad's a GI doctor and he agrees I am allergic to NEEM Oil and other pesticides. Could you please help me figure out which soil to use because I am about to do my own growing! I have fibro myalgia and IBS and a bunch of other unfortunate illnesses and cannabis helps me so much but I need clean and true organic bud! I purchased a growing package but the soil they said they used is called Fox Farm soil and I saw in one of your posts that it made someone sick. Could you please tell me exactly which soil and nutriets to use to make my bud 100000% organic with absolutely no pesticides or NEEM or anything. Thank you so much for what you've done for the cannabis community! Please reply :)
Good news, I've never heard another report of CHS from FoxFarm soils. I'm guessing the soil was amended with neem seed or something by someone. I checked with FoxFarm and they do not use any type of neem products.

Get tested for H.Pylori, I'm pretty sure you'll find you have it. It makes you a lot more sensitive to azadirachtin. You'll also find a lot of relief within a week of beginning the H.Pylori treatment. Probiotics will help combat the antibiotics involved.

IBS/CHS are aggravated by choosing foods you shouldn't. I would strongly recommend cutting out foods with highly processed or artificial ingredients. Check all of your foods against the Typebase5 search engine, and eliminate all 'avoids' for your blood type and your parents blood types. When you eliminate the issues from the foods you're eating, it helps you identify what's really going on with you. :)

Hope that helps and... Welcome to ICMag!! :)


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Look into the Biobizz nutrient line if you're looking for an easy to use and very good organic nutrient line. Biobizz is 100% neem free and organic.

I have used this nutrient line in the past together with their Biobizz light mix soil and can personnaly recommend them.

Here are some productreview videos:

And also the feeding chart:
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New member
Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone!

Hi guys thanks for responding! I will def use those products! I just want something completely free of anything that could cause me to get sick. As for food, I only eat organically from Whole Foods and have been artificially flavor free for years now. I have probably the most sensitive body on this planet and can get really sick just from smelling perfume with toxins in it. My dad is an amazing GI doctor and is all about being organic since that can usually help people with 75% of their problems without providing them with tons of medication to take.

Could you guys please give me any more growing info on exactly what I should do and use? I ordered a growing kit that included the fox farm ocean soil. Sounds like it doesn’t have any Neem in it but maybe I should go with your suggestion on products. More info please!!!! Thank you :)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I predict you'll be fine with what you have, as long as you keep reading and learning. Expect a few bumps along the way, but no worries of neem/aza poisoning. :) I understand how scary it can be, I dealt with CHS for over 10 years.

Please get an H.Pylori test, I'm surprised your dad hasn't suggested it already. Should it be part of your issue, treating it will bring massive relief. Awesome on the clean food. ;)


New member
Thank you

Thank you

Okay well thanks for the info! i just got all the stuff i need to grow so youll here about my results in like 6 months! ill let you know if it solved my CHS. In terms of h pylori, my dad has already tested me and i dont have it. he also said that its a very popular thing to have and he says about 80% of weed smokers tend to have traces of it.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Wow, you have such a strong reaction without H.Pylori... you dodged a bullet. :) Good luck and be sure to ask for help. :)


Active member
I wouldn't expect weed to be a easy fix for ADD/ADHD. I've found a strain that works for me, but I only found it 4 or 5 years ago. At that point I'd been smoking weed for 45 years and most of what I smoked made things worse, not better. I wasn't looking for help with ADD, just trying to find and grow good weed. CBD might be an easier to find and source solution, if it does anything for you. I'm pretty skeptical about medical claims for marijuana. Just happened to find some that helped me.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
In 2007 I would have still laughed at the idea of 'medical cannabis.' That was before I moved to a legal state and started sourcing decently grown strains of an amazing variety of medical effects. Literally like being handed a blank prescription to a pharmacy.



Active member
I wouldn't expect weed to be a easy fix for ADD/ADHD. I've found a strain that works for me, but I only found it 4 or 5 years ago. At that point I'd been smoking weed for 45 years and most of what I smoked made things worse, not better. I wasn't looking for help with ADD, just trying to find and grow good weed. CBD might be an easier to find and source solution, if it does anything for you. I'm pretty skeptical about medical claims for marijuana. Just happened to find some that helped me.

i have ADHD too. what strain is this RB56?


Active member
i have ADHD too. what strain is this RB56?
Mandala Satori. Popped 7 seeds, found 3 phenos. One was way too dark and intense, kind of terrifying. 2nd wasn't notable. 3rd did the trick. Gentle, pleasant, alert high. Consumed this every day for 4 or 5 years now. Almost no tolerance built up and I consume a lot.