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So...what's up today?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning all. Right about that daver. I need to go downstairs and check on the grow first thing but will spend some of the day getting ready for the first killer freeze of the year. Need to drain the pipes on my sprinkler system.....at least the pipes above ground.

Will probably cover the flowers out front. Don't know how much longer I can keep them going though....looking like most every night in the forecast is calling for temps cold enough to freeze any delicate plant life.

This will be a day for lots of coffee and staying close to the fire......

BB later....


Well-known member
This old stoner is awake and awaiting the arrival of Michael. The windows are boarded. The generator is ready. This one is going to suck.

The coffee is strong and black. The wind is light at the moment, and the first outer bands are approaching. The dogs are fed and they have pooped so now we are going to get really small.

Did I mention that I hate hurricanes?



One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning all. Light snow here. Wish this weather front would move out. Haven't seen the sun in days now. I have chores outside to do and this fricken weather has got me hold up inside.

@ buzzmobile......hunker down my friend that storm is a monster. I just looked at it on the weather map and damn it is huge. I am afraid with the earth's temps rising storms like this are gonna become more normal. Hope all in its path are doing what is necessary to protect their property and themselves as best as possible.

Thinking its gonna be a light day in the grow. I do have some starts starting to show roots. I guess I can mix some soil and move them to pots. Could make a trash run as well. Other than that I will just have to see what needs doing once the lights come on in about 30 minutes.


Active member
Yesterday I cut 2 Tommy Chong's LA Amnesia. I can not wait to try it. They are full of seeds. I am excited. I had a Top 44 male that was beautiful so I crossed him with them. I hope to have nice seeds! I have 8 more that are close to being ready but not yet. The largest and earliest one smells like a strong lemon. I've been chasing that!


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning all. No sun again today. This is getting to be a real drag. I guess I need to get outside and brave the weather as work needs doing.

Wondering about our friends affected by the monster storm that hit the South Eastern part of the country. Daver and buzzmobile are you still out there? Hoping you made it through this ok.

Before going outside I have some work in the grow. Feeding day. Lights come on in a few.....see ya....


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Good night all. I am higher than a kite, stoned as a mo fo, had one toke over the line......climbed the highest mountain and pissed on the other side....good night....


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Was hoping this thread would take off....guess not. Note to self...gotta process horse radish today.

St. Phatty

Active member

Harvested a bud off the Blue Headband plant.

Made a taller screen for the winter lettuce because the plants were rubbing up against the 4 inch high screen they started with.

Took advantage of the Bump in the Gold price to sell an ounce yesterday. In previous years I paid the property tax as slowly as possible but that's really a grind.

Christ I hope the prop. tax doesn't go up more than 10% from last year. The county administration would be at home in the collapsing USSR as an example of gross administrative waste.


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One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Purdy plant Phatty. I have spent most of the day out in the veggie garden. Horseradish is dug up and cleaned. Will process it tomorrow.

Property taxes are almost guaranteed to go up. With property values going through the roof ..... fasten your seat belt. Mine went over $4,000 last year.

I am done for the day.....beer thirty for this old hippie. What to smoke all these choices.....one of the perks of growing...

St. Phatty

Active member

My Blue Headband plant.

Rain and heavy buds did a job on the stems.

I think a lot of people would harvest now.

If I had a greater fear of grow-rips I would harvest now.

It's still packing on resin. Every morning I inspect the buds for mold.

We're supposed to have another week of sun.

If only I could get paid to window-shop !!!

Looking at some $1000 scopes right now.

I couldn't imagine buying anything more expensive than the Primary Arms First Focal Plane scope ($229) -


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Damn Phatty put that in a cage.....Marijuana plants are just like maters....they need support...

I have an extra scope you can have. Brand new. Last time I ordered one they sent me 5...these are cheap but work.

St. Phatty

Active member
Damn Phatty put that in a cage.....Marijuana plants are just like maters....they need support...

I have an extra scope you can have. Brand new. Last time I ordered one they sent me 5...these are cheap but work.

That sounds good.
:tiphat: What kind ?


This is a picture of some of my birds. The black bird is a "dorky" Silkie.

Some Silkies are good flyers and generally fierce, the one pound bird that all the 5 pound birds run away from.

The black Silkie can barely fly and walks slowly and clumsily. She is always the last bird in the feeding line. Yet she survived 5 other Silkies that did not survive their Free Range existence.

I managed to convince the birds to start spending nights in a pine tree, 15+ feet off the ground. Since they are ground birds, that was not easy - took about 2 years and 2 mountain lion attacks.

The black Silkie has trouble reaching the branches of the pine tree, and often ends up falling & tumbling down the cliff-side beneath it.

So the black Silkie found a bush whose branch she can reach, which puts her within reach of any predator that can reach her. I'm wondering if her black-ness helps in that regard.

I have a white Silkie that is the aggressive flyer personality. She is always first in the feeding line. I put up with them pooping in the spare bathroom till I couldn't take it any more. When I refused to let them in at night, she found a roost about 7 feet off the ground, and her 2 chicks are about 4 weeks old and they can fly.

The rooster roosts on the roof.

The lattice is to provide the birds with a hiding place near their feeding place, to increase the chances of surviving a hawk attack. Hard to see them, but there is 1 rooster and 3 Rhode Island Reds taking dust baths there.


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My Blue Headband plant.

Rain and heavy buds did a job on the stems.

I think a lot of people would harvest now.

If I had a greater fear of grow-rips I would harvest now.

It's still packing on resin. Every morning I inspect the buds for mold.

We're supposed to have another week of sun.

If only I could get paid to window-shop !!!

Looking at some $1000 scopes right now.

I couldn't imagine buying anything more expensive than the Primary Arms First Focal Plane scope ($229) -

That's how I grow my matters.:plant grow:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
@ Phatty. 420 microscope....hand held but does the job. Probably $20. We can hook up and I can give this to you. But, if you want to spend a grand....I can't help you. i do have some beach front property in Ariz if you are determined to spend that kink of cash though....

Still in the box and never used. If this doesn't work out.....get the other...


St. Phatty

Active member
My bad my friend I thought you were talking about 4:20 scopes

An extra rifle scope sounds great. :woohoo:

I like reading the reviews for the pricey ones, figuring I'll learn something.

I am in that part of my firearms training where learning cheek weld is 'what's for dinner'.

I ask a lot of other shooters how they position their eye, relative to the butt end of the scope. The reactions vary, like "I never thought about that", "you're over-thinking it", etc.

I think I would benefit from calling up the Primary Arms factory and sitting there on the phone with their tech support & one of their scopes, learning all the knobs.

I get decent clusters but I definitely do not have a feeling of mastery.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Not that much into marksmanship. Especially at that level. Fly Fisherman myself. Actually used to be pretty good. Age catches up to you. Stoned going to bed. Be well.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Evening all. Was supposed to process horse radish today. Ahh....NO. Spent the day helping my daughter buy a car. Thinking I am kind of qualified....spent all my life in the car business....last 25 was the general manage of a Nissan dealership. Had fun....made it fun for them as well instead of a conflict. Wanted to buy the Nissan Rogue ended up buying the Mazda...don't know the model. But she liked it better...

Like old home week for me....saw peeps I hadn't seen in years. Actually got to sit in my old office....they remodeled it ..... I guess they didn't like where I hid my pot...kidding.

All in all a great day....love helping my daughter...
Another good day in our soft opening at work, getting close to those 50 posts I need to start rebuilding my gallery, customers are blown away by the high quality and low prices compared to surrounding shops, and we got our first review on Google today, 5 stars of course, and it was a customer I tended to!

Unfortunately car is needing to go to the scrap yard, can't keep throwing money at something that keeps dying, not a 2000 corolla anyway, searching for something at nearby used dealerships, hoping to get something on payments so I don't have to keep getting disposable cars and driving them to death... Oh yeah, when I arrived at the mechanic shop, they told me I was literally a few miles away from the front driver's side axel snapping, if that had happened on the freeway, I would have most likely been in a serious accident, and those things are not known for their crash test safety.

Between that, and the continuous running issues, we just can't justify spending any more money, had to invest $570 into it recently, and it got me through my commute while waiting on the opening at the new location closer to my home, 2 hour bus commute now, it is what it is.