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People do not die from cannabis use!


hard rain


Similar to https://www.today.com/health/family-believes-marijuana-killed-their-healthy-son-t115183

Medical Examiners Unable To Say If Cannabis Was Cause of Death
Weed Ended Up Killing Their 22-Year-Old Son

A number of factors inhibit research on marijuana, including ongoing federal prohibition and problems with the quality of the cannabis used in official studies.

Even so, a number of studies have identified promising therapeutic and medicinal qualities of cannabis. And of course, thousands of people have said they’ve found success self-medicating with marijuana.

But there is also a body of research that highlights the dangers of cannabis use, especially for young adults and teenagers. At just 22 years old, Michael Ziobros may have been especially at risk.

But the medical examiner who found THC in Michael’s blood, Dr. Junaid Shaikh, told Today that he was unable to determine for sure whether or not cannabis killed the young man. In his report, the examiner noted that there just isn’t enough information about the effects of cannabis on the heart.

Importantly, one recent study does point to higher cardiovascular risks for cannabis users. According to Barbara Yankey and her team at Georgia State University, people who used cannabis had a threefold higher risk of dying from high blood pressure.

Parents Say Weed Ended Up Killing Their 22-Year-Old Son
Despite the inconclusive evidence, the Ziobros remain convinced their son died due to smoking extremely potent cannabis.

As such, they are unsatisfied with the explanation by the Union County Medical Examiner.

However, Dr. Shaikh did recommend in a letter to New Jersey state senator Thomas Kean that the Ziobros consider cardiovascular genetic testing to rule out possible hereditary causes for the arrhythmia that killed their son.

The Ziobros plan to follow that advice. But the Ziobros also hope that their tragic story will encourage others to take a closer look at the risks of using cannabis.

They knew their son used marijuana to treat his irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. And like him, they believed it was safe. “He just thought it was natural and organic and it ended up killing him,” said Kristina Ziobro.

That's what I saw..... take it or leave it. It's possible.
The fact that he had THC in his blood does not mean it caused his death. I wonder if he had caffeine in his blood? Maybe he ate something he was allergic to? Or just died of some rare natural cause. Who knows? Parents certainly aren't experts.

Article should never have been written, now it becomes internet fodder of misinformation.


Active member


they said the same thing about schizophrenia, that pot smoke caused it

NOW science says that reality is people with latent schizophrenia are more likely to smoke because of the latent disease

so the question becomes how many people who have cardiovascular stress and heart conditions smoke because stress physically pains them?

How many people who smoke pot smoke cigarettes? what part of the population with 3x the amount of disease also led poor lifestyles potentially before they found weed?

Remember weed is a medicine but you need to use it with that intent and then allow the benefit you get from it to address other facets of lifestyle for optimal health

Smoke in and of itself will not heal you from continued bad lifestyle choices

It does not make an idiot any smarter either,but it does make them happy.A


Well-known member
I'm not gonna get too involved here,but my cousin has really bad schizophrenia and when he smokes,he gets it really bad.like he seems normal but when he smokes he gets real nervous and his blood pressure rises and scares the hell outta me.based on what I've seen,people with serious schizophrenia shouldn't smoke everyday.maybe edibles would be better


I'm not gonna get too involved here,but my cousin has really bad schizophrenia and when he smokes,he gets it really bad.like he seems normal but when he smokes he gets real nervous and his blood pressure rises and scares the hell outta me.based on what I've seen,people with serious schizophrenia shouldn't smoke everyday.maybe edibles would be better

But he wasn't like that before the first marijuana. 1 marijuana is all it takes


never heard on someone die from weed :)

I have. Just gotta roll my eyes at all the stupid quotes claiming there are no records. Of course there are records. There are records for everything. Suicide by multiple gunshots. Doesnt mean it's real, but its on record.

She died from choking. But the investigators don't figure somones prior respiratory issues and smoking habits into the equation when they find a dead body grasping a bong. Something everyone joked about happening for years. And officially "marijuana overdose"

Shit I've just about done the same thing when the nail gets too hot. You CAN asphyxiate from smoking or even vaping marijuana. Its a physical affliction, not a chemical one.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I'm not gonna get too involved here,but my cousin has really bad schizophrenia and when he smokes,he gets it really bad.like he seems normal but when he smokes he gets real nervous and his blood pressure rises and scares the hell outta me.based on what I've seen,people with serious schizophrenia shouldn't smoke everyday.maybe edibles would be better

Edibles would be better? Not in my experience!


Well-known member
yeah,ya know maybe i didnt think that through.i just figured cause smoking hits you almost instantly that maybe it wouldnt hit them straight away.fuck if i know!lol