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Ex POTUS G Bush snr accused of groping at leasr 8 women


Active member
ICMag Donor
i think we are talking past each other (?)...

"Monogamy is a societal construct because it happens to be right for some people."

it is normal in some societies because it forced upon you by the authority of that society and this authority thinks it is the right way to live.

yes it is possible for people to stay together a life time but it is not the norm in humanity unless it is reinforced by the societal authority itself especially in modern times.

there seldom is such a thing as human nature because mostly humans can develop different living circumstances and have extremley complex social structures and psyches.

human nature is in the majority of cases just used to justify behaviours and laws and rules (rationalization)

for example there are (were) tribes in australia that do not have the concept of family as we know it (relatives- father and mother have a child and are their parents) but very complex constructions where completely unrelated persons can be the father or mother of someone or the sister or daughter or brother or whatever.

Have you been in love? Are you just talking about things you've read somewhere?

If not, are you happy having multiple current relationships, loving one person one night and loving a different one the next? They're happy with you fucking other people too, not getting jealous or wanting you for themselves?

I don't mean to ask personal questions. That's what it comes down to, though. Personal relationships. Talking about nonmonogamy being better and not caring at all about being your baby's father. Sometimes your views change with experience. Sometimes not.
Have you been in love? Are you just talking about things you've read somewhere?

If not, are you happy having multiple current relationships, loving one person one night and loving a different one the next? They're happy with you fucking other people too, not getting jealous or wanting you for themselves?

I don't mean to ask personal questions. That's what it comes down to, though. Personal relationships. Talking about nonmonogamy being better and not caring at all about being your baby's father. Sometimes your views change with experience. Sometimes not.

i am not talking about myself, i am talking about the ideas that control our behaviour.

the example about the australian tribe is not to illustrate that you don't have to care about your baby, but to show that there are other views on reality than ours.

the tribes are much more loving and caring than the people in our societies will ever be, bacuse they have not forgotten what it means to be human and are not convincend that they are bad, sadistical, warloving, fighting, "alpha-males" and submissive "girls" or "women", they are not yet indoctrinated by an ideological construct that detached them from their love and their human behaviour towards each other.

do you think it is normal to rip a baby out of the womb in a room with bright artificial lighting by a stranger in green clothing with a mask on, then sticking a finger up its bum, sticking needles into it, weighing it etc. before all other things and not letting the mother care for it ?
do you think it is normal to let the baby and then child to sleep alone in a bed with bars and in his room and let it cry to let it "be tough" and get "stronger" ? do you think it is normal for a child to sit still from a young age until adulthood on a chair that destroys your back and you have to cripple yourself to sit on ? do you think it is normal for a child to be alone and without parents or friends or peers until the parents come home from work ?

paper thorn

Active member
not surprised, GHWB is a globalist, elitist, unAmerican slimeball.
elite, globalists live for dominating people politically and socially, and personally


Hi ho here we go
We have a winner!

We have a winner!

not surprised, GHWB is a globalist, elitist, unAmerican slimeball.
elite, globalists live for dominating people politically and socially, and personally

He was also a CIA Spy...he ran the program just like Putin and the KBG.

Think about it :party: