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Indicas make dreams happen
Amazing plants. I can say that I truly appreciate an awesome Indica that induces sleep and provides a solid body stone. For me, the medical properties of these varieties of plants are life changing.


Well-known member
Last year I grew Bodhi's Old School Hashplant (PNW Hashplant x 88g13HP). I was very excited about it because I grew a lot of Hashplant in the 90s and it was a favorite. Unfortunately when I sampled it after harvest it gave me a mild frontal lobe headache. I get migraines so that's a deal breaker for a strain. Even though it produced fat, rock hard nugs coated in resin that look like indoor.
I pulled it out after six months and it's amazing what a long cure can do. No headaches! Didn't grow it this year but I may grow it again in the future. The high is a goofy stupid Indica high.
When I first tried it after the cure I was getting a lighter out of my car. I was suppose to bend down to reach into the glove compartment but I didn't bend at all. Just slammed my head into the top of the car. I started laughing idiotically, didn't feel a thing.
Here's photos from last year. Great Indica structure:



And a picture of the 9 month old dried nug. I realize I'm a terrible bud photographer. This picture doesn't do it justice, can't see any of the resin. But it does show the structure, how dense it is.



Well-known member
The weather this summer has been amazing easily the best in my memory. The Hashplants are loving it getting bigger then I thought possible. One of the Pot of Gold Hashplants has gone king kong mongo.


She's over ten feet not bad for an Indica.
This is her little sister. She's between 4 and 5 feet. She sexed late so she didn't get her nice spot in the ground as early but she was always short and stocky. She's filled in like crazy turned into a fat little bush.


The breeder lost all their seeds so these might be the last crop of Pot of Gold Hashplant if I don't make more. The plants aren't cooperating 2 of the three males flowered a few weeks ago. The last one got hacked today. The females haven't produced tufts let alone buds yet. Still a week or two away from pollination.
To keep it viable I'll have to stash it in the fridge. Don't like doing that, I prefer to go straight from the male to a female. My last Pot of Gold Hashplant hasn't even sexed yet which is weird. Despite the size difference the strain is fairly stable the plants have a distinctive smell I can catch even in pre-flower. The big female is ready I'm expecting tufts any day now.
Luckily I have a Sinai in full bloom even if the P.O.G. HP pollen gets old. Already pollinated a limb, probably going to do another one.


Thin leaves and thin airy buds so far. Some of the lower limbs are still partly in Veg. She has excellent drought resistance. I've forgotten to water her a couple times. It's hard to notice she doesn't wilt just sags a bit even when it's 90 degrees F. I'll bet she does well on a minimum of feeding too.
Adapted to the hardship of the desert got to be why some Afghan and Lebanese grow so small too. I could see that with the Pot of Gold, when she was root bound in a container she didn't grow much. As soon as I stuck her in the ground with lots of food she popped up and bushed out.
Hard to say but I'm expecting mid September harvest. The Sinai male flowered in June that pollen is long gone.


Well-known member
Realized it's been over a month since my last post. It's flowering time outdoors if anyone has something Hashplanty now's the time for pictures.

The disappoint of the year has been Seedsman's Afghan #1. I got the seed a couple years ago, didn't have the space this year, but talked myself into starting a few. I really wanted to see how the newer Hashplants compared to the old Hashplants of the 70's and 80's. Plus Seedsman says it finishes in mid September which is good for me because I can here the rain on my roof right now.

Unfortunately it turned out not be Afghani #1. Or any Afghani. Here's a couple pictures.



Hasn't started to flower yet. It's obviously not an Afghani. Definitely a tropical sativa the structure is SE Asian more specifically Thai. It's shown a couple preflowers so I know it's female. It's a total waste because I'm too far north to wait for it to flower. I usually frost in late October or November but it probably won't make it that far from the short wet cool days.

And if anyone is thinking it's an 'Afghan Sativa' or could really be Afghani #1 that somehow expressed some long lost Sativa ancestor. No. That's not how plant breeding works.

Afghan Sativas are hempy ditchweed types that would be starting to flower because winters in Afghanistan are much colder then the PNW. Anyone familiar with SE Asian varieties will recognize this plant. I already culled the others, I'm keeping this one for the novelty, it is a beautiful plant. Wish I could finish it.

It's also worth noting that Thai varieties are not as rare as people think they are. They're rare in true form like this because they're unmanageable at most latitudes and indoors. Even so a lot of people have seeds and their genes are in a lot of strains over the years some of my favorites have Thai Genetics. If this plant had white hairs I could at least make some hybrids and hope for some early finishers but it's not going to happen what a shame.

On to happier stuff despite our on and off sun and rain no mold so far. A couple cases of powdery mildew but most of my strains are resistant to the stuff. Here's the Pot of Gold Hashplant.


If you look carefully at the closest fan leaf you can see mildew spots. I've been spraying with Greencure and removing leaves so far only the part of the plant furthest from the sun is infected. I need to keep at it every day if I'm going to beat the stuff.

Here's her big sister. In the first big storm she had a large branch snap and I wasn't able to repair her. Now she's got a big gap on the right side compared to my earlier pictures. I don't like it but it does allow more light back onto my Purple Lui and Faux G Purple. I like the Faux G, CGI Humboldt offering OG Kush F-Cut x Purple Urkle. With the added light the Faux G has bloomed, literally and figuratively.


Hash candy she smells amazing. I'm making seeds she's probably the best Pot of Gold Hashplant yet.

And the Faux G Purple


For an OG hybrid the Faux G is very Hashplant. Her sister last year was big and branchy. She's crammed up against the bramble so she isn't as branchy and I started her later. Nice smell but nothing distinct.


Well-known member
Beautiful. Shows how nice kif plants can turn out. The structure is worth noting definitely a plant for resin production and collection.

I love that dry type of hash. With most modern hybrid strain you need to sieve either in cold weather, in cold water, or with dry ice because the resin is too sticky to easily slide through the screen. The old school hashplants have dry resin that easily falls through the screen. Totally different tacky tactile feel on the fingers.

It's interesting that kif plants were not bred and used as hashplants until the 60's when demand for hashish in Europe and America skyrocketed. Kif is not resin and plant matter sieved through a screen. It's a mixture of ground Moroccan cannabis that was usually mixed with tobacco or a special strain of mint, then smoked through a special type of pipe.

A Kif or Sebsi pipe. There's a nice one for sale on Ebay right now.


Here's a link to an old photo at the Hash Marihuana and Hemp museum:


Great pipe. I'm guessing the modern world has destroyed the Kif trade, no one grows or harvests the tobacco, mint, and cannabis used. I believe the kif strains started to change in the 1960s when Lebanese and Turkish hashmakers brought their trade to Morocco along with their seeds.

Kif strains aren't noted for being super resinous or stoney. Traditionally grown tobacco is quite strong. I'd think between the tobacco buzz and the light kif stone along with the strong tea Middle Eastern cannabis users enjoy drinking it was a very different high to what we are used to.

I used to know the botanical name of the type of mint that grows in Morocco's mountains that was used in the kif smoking mix. May have to figure that out at some point.


Active member
Totally different tacky tactile feel on the fingers.

yes, the resin is very dry. I can do the manicure without wearing gloves and despite this my hands remain clean

beautiful sebsi. The classic model has a wooden pipe usually divided into two parts and a small bowl in clay


a book that I recommend in which there are several anecdotes about the kif is: M'Hashish - A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard - Mohammed Mrabet - Translated by Paul Bowles
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Well-known member
Nice I forgot about the clay pipe at the end. Essential for a true sebsi.

The Sinai Hashplant is coming along nicely. Beautiful purple colors.


My friend, the only other person with the Pot of Gold Hashplant strain, shared some pictures. Posted here with his permission:


Excellent grower his plants always look great. Here's Purple Lui x Bubblegum getting turning white.


And a picture of the full plant. Notice the long full colas and wide leaves. Purple Lui has an incredible fruity smell. A wonderful strain, finishes by Oct 1, beautiful color and taste, good vigor, large yield, excellent mold and mildew resistance, nice introspective high.



Well-known member
After a brutal week of wind and rain there's been several days of excellent clear dry sunny weather. New trichomes everywhere. Visited my friend and he's very close to harvest.

Pot of Gold Hashplant


Getting hard to take pictures after the equinox the sun gets very low in the sky


There's two very distinct phenotypes of the POG hashplant. Both are very resinous, the most resinous one is also leafier. It has an incredible Christmas candy smell. The pictures are of the Christmas candy one.

The other is denser with a lemon fuel smell. The one with the lemon fuel smell is the obvious hybrid while Christmas candy is the true Hashplant. This goes with what the breeder said, some years the selected males were the biggest most vigorous plants in the garden not necessarily a POG.

It would be nice if it wasn't hybridized but it's easy to recognize the true Hashplant and there isn't a lot of difference. Of course an inexperienced breeder would never notice the differences.

At the start the hybrid appeared the 'better plant'. In vegetative it grew big and bushy. The true Hashplant was smaller and a bit slower. Then in late July it reversed. The smaller true Hashplant overcame the hybrid. Stocky and bushy it hit a growth spurt and looked to be the better plant.

Now towards the end of flowering the hybrid has caught up, has the denser heavier looking flowers. But the resin on the pure Hashplant is amazing and the Christmas candy smell is delightful. My big POG is also Christmas Candy.

I have two others, one that is a pure Hashplant. The 3rd is very tall, easily over 3 meters tall but has almost no branching because I overcrowded it. It has a huge top cola. It smells like medicine and skunk, another hybrid. I have yet to see a phenotype I don't like.

Here's my friend's Grape Ape x Bubblegum. Not really a true Hashplant but beautiful.



This is the first phenotype. Awesome sweet grape bubblegum smell. My friend knows his cannabis..


Well-known member
I’ve grown pot of gold from flying Dutchman
I don’t believe these plants are from their offering
BTW-flying Dutchman’s POG wasn’t impressive in the resin department at all but was very bulky


Namekian resident/farmer
Can't write about hashplants without mentioning the sativa complex that's infected the cannabis scene here. 'Sativa' has become code for something for cannabis users. It means you aren't one of the unwashed ignorant masses mindlessly consuming narcotics. You're hip, you're 'in the know', you're cool.
I'll meet a friend of mine's kid, 22 years old, start pulling out my stash to smoke a bowl. He'll give me a little knowing nudge or wink, touch his nose or something, and say that he prefers sativas. Of course he prefers the ones over 25% THC. So I'll make a show of rifling through my containers, pull out something kinda leafy (anything dense and he shakes his head disgustedly) and say 'yeah this is Sativa'. Then he says something like, 'I'll be up all night DANCING with this stuff.' And so it goes.
People talk about it like it's MDMA or Afri cola or something it's getting weird. I went to the dispensary and they only had one grower with true sativas (Kiona) which the budtender claimed were landrace (they weren't) to give it that extra -wink-wink-cool. The guy began arguing with me when I brought up hermaphrodites, he thought only Autoflowers were hermaphrodites so...
I think the dispensary budtenders are responsible for it. But of course the strains the budtenders think are sativas are hybrids. New Kali Mist is one. I grew (the newer version) KM in the Pacific Northwest and it finished in the 2nd week of October. I was disappointed. Decent but disappointing high. If I can grow it outdoors it ain't a sativa except for a few (Sinai) exceptions. I think the budtenders want to be hip and smoke dope all day. But they don't want to get REALLY baked because they're at work.
All commercially grown pot (with a few notable exceptions) is hybrid. Characterized by high THC levels, no CBD or THCV. Mostly the same 6 or 7 terpenes over and over. None are sativa dominate because they'd take more then 10 weeks to flower and the state and consumers have turned it into a quick turn over money game.
25 years ago there where still good sativa indoor growers. My friends and I remember growing from random bag seed and always coming up with several excellent sativas, some purple. Taking 12-15 weeks to flower along with the Indica dominate bag seed 10 weeks or less. Those days ended a long time ago.
I've seen plenty of Indica I didn't like. Usually hydro mass produced, muddy high muddy head. Boring stone. I want the mud honey...
I was reminded of my usual reaction to sativas when I was hanging out with an old grower friend. I wanted to see his reaction to smoking Nigerian Haze. Beautifully grown and cured, 20% THC, very nice. We smoked a joint. Got high and laughed a bit.
Half an hour later we were rolling a joint of Grape Ape x Bubblegum. He has chronic neck pain. As soon as he took a couple hits he said, 'NOW I'm high.' It wasn't that the Nigerian Haze didn't get him high. It wore off very quickly and didn't relax his body so he could forget his neck pain.
It brought me back, how I used to react when I smoked every day. I'd get up in the morning and take a few bong hits of the strongest Purple Kush along with a cup of coffee.
Sativas are nice, pretty flowers, taste good, nice cerebral high. But...
I want to be locked to the couch, not because I'm tired and sleepy, but because I'm scared to go outside. I smoked Pot of Gold Hashplant hashish a couple weeks ago, had that kind of effect. Started having insights into the psychology of the people around me. The trees started glowing and moving from side to side. I was suppose to go to the hardware store but was too scared to get in the car. Every few minutes my mind state would start to devolve into panic. Then I'd center myself, feel all warm inside, then the cycle would begin again.
Of course there's a great thread about that effect from real Sativas here, The search for Trip Weed. I can't usually grow sativas and they're not what I grew into cannabis smoking with. I've experienced real tropical sativas, but not very often. Usually my experience has been 'That was nice, now let's get REALLY baked.'

As my friend bone says it's all sativa because indica is a subspecies of cannabis sativa l. ;)


Well-known member
It's already been said but the Pot of Gold Hashplant is not related to Flying Dutchman's Pot of Gold. The POG Hashplant is from a grower in Mendocino. He's been breeding on it since around 2000. Makes excellent hashish because of the large amount of resin on the flowers and leaves. Tastes and smells like Afghan hashish.

I'm facing a tough decision we've had beautiful 70 degree F weather the last few days and it's expected for today. But tonight it's suppose to rain and for the next couple days off and on. It doesn't sound like a full on storm but the pissy sun breaks and showers overnight sort of stuff. There's also a chance it won't rain at all.

Of course I'm at the point where I need one more week of good weather, really two but I'm realistic. The plants have recovered from the last storm and are putting out size and resin but a few of them are about done. I know another 3 or 4 days would finish them but hanging soaked isn't going to improve things. Although I could dodge the bullet and the rain might miss me or I could get a few sprinkles and that's it.

I've been finding some mold spots on the Sinai. I'd love to give it two more weeks it still has lots of white hairs but I chopped the top. It's a generalization that Indicas mold more then Sativas but I haven't found that to be true. The Sinai is obviously a narrow leaf variety and it's immune to powdery mildew but it's showing susceptibility to mold. In it's native environment it probably would never get wet so that's not surprising.

Where the narrow leaf structure shines is in the fox tails. The tip of a fox tail will start to mold, you can remove it and the bud keeps going. With the density of Indicas the mold can get in deep and attack the stem. I've been able to easily remove the mold from the Sinai but it's going to force me to harvest earlier then I'd like.

I'm impressed by the mold and mildew resistance of most of my strains but they're proven outdoor strains. The POG hashplant did great last year. My little POG has a bad case of mildew, my other two don't have a spot. I planted a crook neck squash next to the little POG it was a big mistake. The Durango OG got hit badly, it spread from her to the POG and now it's spreading to the Mextiza and Love Triangle.

I've been using Green Cure mixed with Essential smart water it's worked great but I ran out. Need to get more and knock this stuff out. I'd like to let the Love Triangle and Mextiza go another week or two so can't have a simmering mildew problem.

Here's the Durango OG with the mildew spots. I have a couple others that are 100% clean. It's a shame because she's the frostiest plant in the garden, one of the frostiest I've ever seen. I can tell she's related to Peyote Purple I can see a similarity there through the Bubba Kush.




She's a Hashplant all right. There's two phenotypes, the one shown here that's pure frost. She smells like wonderful hashish. The other phenotype is less frosty but quite dense. Looks more OG then Bubba.

The top part of the plant with the big buds is still all white hairs. It hasn't been touched by the mildew, I'm assuming the UV radiation helps, so I'll let it go. The lower part has been hit so I'll take it down. I was worried I wouldn't be able to see the mildew in the white frosty buds but that doesn't appear to be the case. The nasty mildew white is noticeable. So far the buds are clean but if I see any mildew the bud gets tossed.