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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Maybe you should read thread......

Edit: The reason I stated that maybe you should read thread, is because many statements I made were accompanied by a pic, and, also, I did clearly state that while I did previously lose almost everything I had (pics), since starting new, gallery has from past several weeks alone at least 1200 starts, only from past several weeks, and, no secret I started planting in May (because those pics were up before I lost them also...)

Read thread, if something to add about subject again, please do , if not? feel free to ignore...it's as simple as that...(And, if you had anything valid to add of use....I would guess you would have already, so...again...you can have your last word...but, I'm really not going to debate someone who does...what....20 plants a season? in a commercial thread where I have already displayed at least 1200 in past 3-4 weeks, and, will more as time goes on...(still several more rounds planned...:smoke:

I think your real life experience is woefully inadequate compared to the tone that you take, and, frankly, do not appreciate you offering any comments when you haven't read the thread....

I would think a man of your obvious intelligence would realize when he is woefully out of his depth.....

Either add something, or do not.....it's a simple as that...I have no interest in "impressing" someone whose entire season is 100 times less than what I budget for a loss....nor whom I do not know....nor whom I will never meet....

Now...I'm truly sorry if that sounds a little harsh, it's simply the facts, the truth, how it is.......(and, truly...I am sorry if offends...but, I'm not going to debate with you......your the only one lacking proof of your extensive experience as fas as I am concerned......)

So, either share some of that wisdom, or...hmm...how did you yourself put it? "Put up or shut up"?


I will add what I feel I should add, post or commentary, as the need arises, and will offer what I see fit to offer.. Your in no position to demand anything, nor have a right, and, frankly, I find it questionable that you seem to consistently probe many for details that are none of your concern....

I, and others, will offer what we want, when we want....

Your option is always to ignore.....and you are free to do so....

I assure you....impressing yourself, and any others is not a concern or an objective (I know...hard to believe.....I have no interest in pleasing you, satisfying you, but, I assure you, it is indeed the case, and, furthermore, it's well known you would draw nothing from a thread regarding volume, since you do not to start with (unless maybe you want to provide some pics :smoke:)...you know....more than 1 plant :smoke:
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Very interesting thread Julian.

I have some similar thoughts but ofcourse starting in a smaller scale.

In my country, Denmark, its very populated so finding very remote areas for such operations is very hard, but my idea would be to camouflace it in cornfields.

Starting a few rows into a cornfield for cover from the surroundings.
Im not sure if they spray against unwanted weed here but if they dont i would start early and tear up a cornplant and plant a seed for like one pr 3 cornplants ( for camouflace).

If they spray here ( still need to check up on that) i would wait until they have finished cropdusting and a little further to be sure it wouldt harm the cannabis.
Then using small seedlings and transplant them out during the night.

In Denmark they harvest the corn anywhere between start to end October.
Therefore im gonna use some local weather resistant plants that finish early and has sufficient height to compete with the corn and finish mid September.

i would very much apriciate your thoughts on that idea.
It seems you would be the right person to ask ;)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Gunnarguchi said:
Very interesting thread Julian.

I have some similar thoughts but ofcourse starting in a smaller scale.

In my country, Denmark, its very populated so finding very remote areas for such operations is very hard, but my idea would be to camouflace it in cornfields.

Starting a few rows into a cornfield for cover from the surroundings.
Im not sure if they spray against unwanted weed here but if they dont i would start early and tear up a cornplant and plant a seed for like one pr 3 cornplants ( for camouflace).

If they spray here ( still need to check up on that) i would wait until they have finished cropdusting and a little further to be sure it wouldt harm the cannabis.
Then using small seedlings and transplant them out during the night.

In Denmark they harvest the corn anywhere between start to end October.
Therefore im gonna use some local weather resistant plants that finish early and has sufficient height to compete with the corn and finish mid September.

i would very much apriciate your thoughts on that idea.
It seems you would be the right person to ask ;)

Exactly.....corn not my primary, but, my understanding is they spray to a certain point in season and then cease, and, sure you could find that out with a little quick research....

You know....eradication efforts in US much higher I believe than almost every other place in the word, so...you know..Europe, I would think one would have much greater success(I've actually had several discussions with people in past and recent again about a quick hit and run project or two somewhere in Europe, as no where near the issues in US.....

Lot of people also when talking about the cornfields lead me to question also the surrounding areas, as, I have done perimeters of cornfields in the past (not the field, but, wooded areas backing a field, etc, as pretty much untouched areas between two fields, etc....just me, but, I felt safer, and, of course, depending on what numbers your running...you get less volume, but, greater security...)

You also can't overlook depending on your mobility and ability areas somewhat farther, depending on access.....there might also be areas that can bring something in also...(Meaning do the fields, but, also maybe add some to perimeters if allow it, and, others spots...ie" "putting all your eggs in one basket".......always best to spread whatever your doing out wide enough so if a problem with one plot, still have others going, so, that way, really anything can happen (almost :smoke: and your still on track...


Active member
ICMag Donor
I see your point but eventhough im kinda "out on the country" its much more dence populated here in my country.
There are definitly small areas suited for a smaller guerilla grow and i plan to do a few next year anyway, but those would more be for the fun og it and to get seeds from strains i dont want mixed with others.

But for a "commercial grow" its pretty hard to find areas in the right big scale thats not to overcrowded with ppl enjoying the nature around this parts.

theres lots of farmland in my area and crop rotation isnt a problem cause its so variated and theres plenty of cornfields in a 15 min car ride radius each year.

most corn here are corn used for cattle and they end up being around 2,5 meters when harvested ( 7-9 feet ) but finding a fast, tall growing and early finishing plant isnt a problem here eventhoug our climate is sometimes cold and rainy.

Theres nothing i would rather do but to use an unvisited hill or forrest area as it would save me the hassle of having to hide it in corn, but such areas are just almost impossibel to find in a larger scale here.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Gunnarguchi said:
I see your point but eventhough im kinda "out on the country" its much more dence populated here in my country.
There are definitly small areas suited for a smaller guerilla grow and i plan to do a few next year anyway, but those would more be for the fun og it and to get seeds from strains i dont want mixed with others.
Well, and that's one reason why I point out varying your planting times.....to accommodate different areas....some areas good for larger (in corn) some areas good for medium sized.....some areas good for smaller, and, smaller can plant higher numbers due to lower profile....

Not as much trying to direct as point out we all have usually more options with plants and locations than we initially think we do....

I have spots I do smack in middle of one of largest cities in the world in certain areas, so, really, only limit if what we make for ourselves...
But for a "commercial grow" its pretty hard to find areas in the right big scale thats not to overcrowded with ppl enjoying the nature around this parts.
Well, people use term merely for volume/numbers....it's not smart in most cases to have single plots with higher numbers and dense in the long run......can only create potential for discovery......
theres lots of farmland in my area and crop rotation isnt a problem cause its so variated and theres plenty of cornfields in a 15 min car ride radius each year.
How familiar are you with areas I think also an issue..(firsthand...)should always try and thoroughly familiarize yourself with area....
most corn here are corn used for cattle and they end up being around 2,5 meters when harvested ( 7-9 feet ) but finding a fast, tall growing and early finishing plant isnt a problem here eventhoug our climate is sometimes cold and rainy.

Theres nothing i would rather do but to use an unvisited hill or forrest area as it would save me the hassle of having to hide it in corn, but such areas are just almost impossibel to find in a larger scale here.

Well, and the other aspect of different spots is you can run different strains, different finishing times (same as above...problems (season) hit you...it's limited to damage.....lot of places can have unfavorable weather come in at the wrong times..(I have...many times...)

Lot of people do corn...and, for many, work fairly well...(one of my partners does some extra at his own spots that are corn..but, I pass....they make me a little nervous for a couple reasons....)


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanx a lot for your words and advice.

Ill both be taking more rides around the contry side and using Goggle Earth for proper spots for next year grow.

Your have a good point on spreading the beans for sure.

I plan to have many spots next year with difrent kinda strains but until i found some really suited spots, i think most of the spots will be for smaller number of plants ( that was why i thought of using some spots in cornfields also for a little more "commercial" size growing)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Gunnarguchi said:
Thanx a lot for your words and advice.

Ill both be taking more rides around the contry side and using Goggle Earth for proper spots for next year grow.
Always glad to do whatever I can......Yeah.....I use the aerial views for a lot of things, and, really comes in handy for a lot of situations...ie: sure, spot may look great from where your standing, but, aerial may show you something, good, or bad, 500 feet in a different direction, etc....not necessarily to find spots (can help) but, also to check existing and new spots.....on site....then compare aerial...then back on site with erial knowledge, etc....really can help out giving you "the big picture" in a lof of cases.....saves me a lot of trouble also (ie: I might see a spot from ground, driving....check it on aerial, find out not good for any number of reasons (saves me more tips and checking spot...I know already if I like it or not......very convenient....very..

Yeah, I've always advocated keeping an eye while on your travels...taking different routes to places, etc.....once people actually start to keep an eye open..........they're usually surprised at what they notice that they didn't before (again, different spots fitting different methods, etc......Most are fixated on trees....early in season....and lose tack you can plant all season long virtually with different results.....(I've been planting since about May 1st more or less...will continue with last rounds scheduled Aug 1-7th....earlier rounds have been ready in about 2 weeks, and, sometimes I stagger them so rounds ready to go...later rounds (from now until end of season), I will be giving a week more or less....out as soon as they can.....the last pic, 500 in 40" x 40" space...been less than a week and they might go out tonight, tommorrow, ahead of rains.....
Your have a good point on spreading the beans for sure.
Reduces numbers (per site) and spreads out risk (loss or otherwise...) endless ways one can approach it...not only one....(and all I try to point out to people......lot of different ways, times, situations.....really endless.......can reach objectives in many ways.....
I plan to have many spots next year with difrent kinda strains but until i found some really suited spots, i think most of the spots will be for smaller number of plants ( that was why i thought of using some spots in cornfields also for a little more "commercial" size growing)
Term is just volume......always best to keep single spots as low in numbers as possible unless you feel you can otherwise..(ie: you might have enough going elsewhere, etc.....number of other plots...)

The late ones I go a little heavy on numbers for single locations.....but.....much smaller plants and profiles and I think I can get away with it....might have some interesting pics of those soon :smoke: later and smaller they are, easier to get more in the spot...depending on the spot, and, also as said reduces exposure (time done.....reduces all season to end of season, etc...)

Likewise, someone might want to schedule different rounds for a "break" here and there.....can only go full force ahead for so long psychically.....

I just try and convey many more approaches than most think.....The corn...could do some there....could do some more on perimeter (or, wait a little while for later planting), then go on to do some other spots....then get back to corn perimeter...then do those hills....then finish off with another, etc......Really the only limitations come into play with spots available (which are more than most think) and the true problems at harvest (cut, dry, pack, etc...)


Supper dude, hope all goes well in the humid hell of the... would you call it the Midwest or south?

Anyways, I have no doubts about what you are doing. Sure it could be less numbers then you say, but the practical knowledge that you spit, is obviously only based in reality. Anyone with a clear mind and accurate point of view, would understand that all the things discussed in here are just common sense and are almost impossible to dismiss. Shit, you could have no plants out right now, wouldn't matter, the knowledge is still accurate. So for those that demand proof, your stupid; learn to understand things and be creative in my head. Example: Honestly, when I read these things, I imagine a 6' tall white guy with a couple tattoo's on his arms, holding a big ass auger, overlooking some valley of lush greenery; Probably not the case, but its what I see.

Anyways, so you talked all about these various aspects of the outdoor grow, one thing though... if you don't have clones/plants, you don't have shit. So maybe you could lay down some more of that practical knowledge, as to how you go about producing all those plants.

1. What size is your "veg" room and how much space does your clones take up at different stages in their lives?
2. What sort of lighting to do you use, do you rotate them to different types of lighting?
3. How do you keep you mothers (soil, dwc, coco, ect ect), how big are your mothers and how many strains do you keep.
4. How many clones do you take at a time from a mother, also how often can you do that?
5. What sort of medium do you use to actually root them? Is affordability a sacrifice for success?
6. Do you like strains that finish later or earlier, or a mix, as to stager your harvest? (Indica dom or Sativa dom?)

I know you've spoken of peat pots before, for transportation to the site, but what kind of mix are you adding to that?

K peace :wave: (btw I appreciate all the info; its a great help, i'll never be big like you, but these applications can be scaled to the smallest of growers)


Active member
The veg period

The veg period

200 Auto-Afis in veg. :wave: This was the third and final round.....3 groups outside now....3 weeks apart.



Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
pumpkin2006 said:
Anyways, I have no doubts about what you are doing. Sure it could be less numbers then you say, but the practical knowledge that you spit, is obviously only based in reality. Anyone with a clear mind and accurate point of view, would understand that all the things discussed in here are just common sense and are almost impossible to dismiss. Shit, you could have no plants out right now, wouldn't matter, the knowledge is still accurate. So for those that demand proof, your stupid; learn to understand things and be creative in my head. Example: Honestly, when I read these things, I imagine a 6' tall white guy with a couple tattoo's on his arms, holding a big ass auger, overlooking some valley of lush greenery; Probably not the case, but its what I see.
You must have seen those pics :smoke: Not far off :smoke:

Credibility with anyone is in the content, not the pics, and, many know why I post the pics I do :smoke: as compared to other pics :smoke: I welcome all to doubt and ignore.....(although would be of more benefit to poke holes where they see fit for the sake of discussion....after all, that's the point...discuss volume aspects and approaches and the nuances of such....)
Anyways, so you talked all about these various aspects of the outdoor grow, one thing though... if you don't have clones/plants, you don't have shit. So maybe you could lay down some more of that practical knowledge, as to how you go about producing all those plants.
Some in intro post I believe though .....:smoke:
1. What size is your "veg" room and how much space does your clones take up at different stages in their lives?
I have 2 6' x 8' closets in s spot only for that....supplies.....starts....etc.....this veg spot is coming to an end most likely at end of this season and moving on to another.....When I run mothers, I do a third larger room.....but, I like best to stick to fem seeds, despite the cost as it cuts down on my lead time..(with mothers, etc, I have to start basically Jan 1st to have enough, sexed, larger enough to get what I want and need from each one (about 200 each....) I don't have gifts, etc, so, will just grow out things that I procure, etc..(originally, this season was supposed to be a strawberry diesel, diesel, and blueberry run...but, package was seized, sop, switched plans right off the bat right back to fem beans....some other stuff....FMS fems...DP fems......some other random stuff....(could list if anyone really interested, but, pretty long list...don't even know if I can remember all, and, for the first time in 5 years on boards , some stock from someone :smoke:

Those rooms are in current pics, and, in a shot from last year (one of only pics saved because on another site), have 600 I think, so, another shows 500 in 40" x 40" footprint, so, easy to see I can get, if packed, up to 1500-2000 in those rooms if packed tight with trays, making 4k week possible roughly....(all depends on what I am using....I iuse anywhere from 1.5" all the way to 6" depending on what I am doing...earlier/first rounds I use the 6" peat pots, so I can get them larger and out larger....Can get about 3-400 I think of those per room (300 per?...) Sizes totally dictate what's possible......(500 in 40" sq., vs. those 6"'s might oinly be able to get....I dunno...50?....)

I prefer fem beans though...cut down my lead time..(ie: 15 days from seed to out as compared to 3-4-5 months sitting working to get same number of clones ready to go out...mothers...then sex....then fim....then veg.....then clones...then root.....then veg a little, etc...fem beans my preference.....I like it best...lot less lead time....
2. What sort of lighting to do you use, do you rotate them to different types of lighting?
1k's (funny because they are some older out of storage where I have a bunch.....pretty old......I'd share the serial numbers if someone could date them..:biglaugh: I have ballasts as old as probably 84' :biglaugh: ( yes, a LOT of them :smoke:

Nah, straight 1k's...parabolics....most of the time as close as possible...when I start rounds...they
re as close as 12".....and, of course, get raised, sometimes another added when a lot and rooms full :smoke:

(My initial plan was when wrapped up for season, do a run of some stuff for PS (bring in 4 1k hps, cooled) but, I keep getting late projects people want to run, so, I just moved those out to one of my spopts (I think mentioned in first post.....hope they turn out well, but, saw em last week, looking good, and, out will yield more than in and faster growth, so...eh, whatever....)
3. How do you keep you mothers (soil, dwc, coco, ect ect), how big are your mothers and how many strains do you keep.
Don't have that option because everything I do is basically "hit and run"...don't have 24/6/365 facility to maintain mothers, otherwise I would just be holding all elites :smoke:...Nah, I just get a hold of what I want (seed) grow out, sex, and, as above, continue through...that way not so bad because might get 200 each (always my target), and, have 10-20-30 different mothers....but, I usually run up to like...40 different things also...so...that way any disappointment is always minor (and, again, fair selection, so, even if something disappointing....might not be all......I usually do minimum 100 per when I run something to get a fair selection......when male/female....a lot more..(up to 500 per strain...all depends on what is around, oh hand, project, deliveries, etc..

I wish I could have a 24/7/365..would be nice.....

Anyway, when I run those out for cloning I do RW, 6 x 6's...and I run everything on 24/0, all the time for veg, (always have...), for seed I jus do the peat pots in the soil, and, this season at least, did an off the shelf wal mart organic, with some worm castings (good stuff, not the black gold and other similar), slight hit of chicken manure, etc....and, I use as of late the FN (for either...I like it works well), and also have of course a lot of other stuff I might use at any time.....mixtures who knows because I do all batches by eye (drives partners nuts because they can't use the same :biglaugh: )....
4. How many clones do you take at a time from a mother, also how often can you do that?
As above..."mother" in sense of the word, and, the way I prep is merely grown out and then turned into clones....none maintained (sadly )..I try to always go for 200 each....usually nothing left when I am done and I move on to next....)
5. What sort of medium do you use to actually root them? Is affordability a sacrifice for success?
All in first post brother...with pics too :smoke:
6. Do you like strains that finish later or earlier, or a mix, as to stager your harvest? (Indica dom or Sativa dom?)
Absolutely, and, I've mentioned that before elsewhere...you always want everything stagered and a mix for various reasons...

1.You never want to be stuck with too much to bring down (cut) at any given time.....
2. You never want too much of a single thing running because if a problem (clones, strain, mold say due to density, etc)....you don't want problem cleaning you out....you want to arrange so any hit you take is isolated to a smaller portion.....

3. I have had great success with mid or later October (in general, mold issues), but, sometimes have overcast Oct's.....but, product always safer from Oct 1st.....I like the late Sept's...but, have had rain issues last couple seasons...(last 2) so, still run them because every season is different, so, one can't alter their entire approach based on bad season...next may be completely different....

This year I tried a couple things I haven't before...little earlier (FMS,.....the Maroc, wanted to see quality and finishing times to see what it's like...have heard for some can come in pretty early, which would be nice and I would add more next time, and also the FMS PP...which is supposed to yield fairly well...and, somewhat earlier (although I have seen finishing dates completely the opposite....)

I like and tend to favor indica dominant, but the density has been hurting me.....(I loved the sour bubble runs, but, was tight as a rock, and, had minor issues....not one of the best yielders either, even with larger plants, so....ran the rest of it this year........would have rather donated them to someone for other purposes, etc...

So, that said..lately I have been going with lighter mixes...and, will continue to maybe...(maybe like a 60/40......have to see next time I am "shopping"....)

Depends....some might be able to run things longer than I can...(I really wish I could run many things, and, even was concerned the SD ibl's that I had originally planned would have been able to finish, because haven't found any firm data on outdoor finishing dates for the most part.....)
I know you've spoken of peat pots before, for transportation to the site, but what kind of mix are you adding to that?
As above...off the shelf organic (perlite of course.) worm castings which I always have loads of and love :biglaugh: whatever is laying around...I'd rather not have to feed while bringing them up......(as you could imagine, with volume, feeding......I can sometimes go through a lot....would rather save for other projects, etc......probably went through about 3-5 gallons of FN this year already.....
K peace :wave: (btw I appreciate all the info; its a great help, i'll never be big like you, but these applications can be scaled to the smallest of growers)
No biggie...try to do what I can, of use....lot of things I think applicable for many situations......Glad of use......waste of everyones time if not....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Reibsi said:
200 Auto-Afis in veg. :wave: This was the third and final round.....3 groups outside now....3 weeks apart.
Very nice.........I've really been developing quite an interest in AF stuff, but, have been hearing different things about the quality....but, really, more and more reallllllly interested in trying a run...........(usually I just do the late planted, but, of course, still risk due to time of season....I think pulling a batch out in june/july could really be easy from a lot of locations.......would really like to try them and have made a bulk inquiry not long ago somewhere about some stuff :smoke:

Very nice...(later I go through the earlier I get em out....I never have stuff that big...usually is gone much earlier......)

Nice and clean too :biglaugh: My shit turns into a mess once I am well into the season (cause never sure what's going where and when and what and what size, etc :biglaugh:) wish I could keep things that clean and orderly :biglaugh:
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Active member
I take my job very seriously.........How many people have plants in week 5 of flower?......Plants that stink to the high heavens and turn heads everywhere i go.....i`m not bragging here i`m just stating the truth,


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Of course, when I "shop", I really only seek out and search by finishing times, and then address yields, etc (although not the greatest factor because can make it up in numbers...) and that's something I think most new growers miss.....you start with finishing times, and, limits your selection (downfall with me and the fems...somewhat of a limited selections, so, can't always run what I would like to try, etc, but, eh, I make do....and then if I really want to run something I just go with clones, as was case last year with sour bubbles.....which were actually supposed to go somewhere else (indoor project) but plans go changed and they got chopped up and sent out :smoke:

(Of course all varies by region....some can run anything they want and not have to worry about finishing/frost dates and such, etc....I'm not as fortunate.......could go to Nov 1st....maybe even week or two later some seasons, but, eh....wouldn't want to see it not come out well.........)

In into quality every bit as much as volume :smoke:
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Reibsi said:
I take my job very seriously.........How many people have plants in week 5 of flower?......Plants that stink to the high heavens and turn heads everywhere i go.....i`m not bragging here i`m just stating the truth,

I was completely serious and have nothing but genuine curiosity.......for quite a while now....

Nice outdoor spots btw......I wish I could get that kind of spacing....( I can only get that close on late rounds....aerial concerns....)
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Reibsi, thats f'ing awesome looking. I'm just curious about a couple things, because the outdoor AF strains just seemed like the most logical thing to me. Early finish, good conditions, lack of mold/rippers.

What strain are you running? (lineage would be cool)
Did you make your own seeds?
Is your strain a consistent AF or do you have some that occasionally don't AF and have to pull them?

For Reibsi & Julian: You guys grow a lot of plants from seed, how do you procure that quantity of seed? Are you guys actually ordering it from over-seas; if so whats the process behind that? Also, if you are buying in bulk, are you getting a good deal?

Thanks for all the help guys, ya'll are real pioneers, so I just have to ask; otherwise I'd try and read.


Hi julian,
im pux
Julian.. ur avatar is great and all..


but isnt this one really cool?
and slightly easier on the eyes?
forget i said anything...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
pumpkin2006 said:
Reibsi, thats f'ing awesome looking. I'm just curious about a couple things, because the outdoor AF strains just seemed like the most logical thing to me. Early finish, good conditions, lack of mold/rippers.

For Reibsi & Julian: You guys grow a lot of plants from seed, how do you procure that quantity of seed? Are you guys actually ordering it from over-seas; if so whats the process behind that? Also, if you are buying in bulk, are you getting a good deal?

Fuckin A right that's awesome...I'm sold now :biglaugh: (I've been thinking and contemplating etc, but, I'm sold...........I'm going to start working on procuring for next season and write some in somewhere :smoke: I'd also be interested in specific info (strain, sources, etc)

I personally order from a different source then most do, and, yes, a suitable/acceptable discount in bulk.....(which is only reasonable because, after all, I could just order a single pack and never buy from them again.....so.......it's smart business I think on suppliers end....)

I usually get 100's pricing based on 1,000. (maybe 200 one thing, 100 one thing, 300 one thing, etc, using 1,000 price.......)

Very pleased now with new source and have been getting things done no one else could....

Edit: rarely I will do a dedicated patch of things for seed.....as was a possibility with the stuff I held back for ops (still haven't sexed, so, could still decide to leave them for seed, but, would be M/F seed anyway, so......I haven't decided if I want to yet or not......might be some nice stuff....Rez SD,BOG SB,DA BB x NL forgot what else..in first post...(I always save a pack of everything so I have a list and I remember at end what's what...I checked...Blockhead's....) Still haven't decided....would save some money, but, again....all M/F...so......)

On late planted , smaller stuff with a huge number per lot I don't mind sexing, as less work done, less work to do, etc, but, more, larger, spread out, lot of locations...eh....I prefer just straight fems be it clones or fem beans....

NOFpuXnk said:
Hi julian,
im pux
Julian.. ur avatar is great and all..

but isnt this one really cool?
and slightly easier on the eyes?
forget i said anything...
There's actually much more too it and it contains, and is based, on (avi and handle) a ongoing private joke among a small group of people I know.......

It's an avi......and handle...nothing to do with anything, and, I assure you...that's not me :biglaugh: (Although now I am amused again thinking of that guy out in sun planting and carrying loads :biglaugh:)
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great thread so far. can't wait to see the continuation! that took me a while to read, definitely could be a hightimes article or something like that. I wanna say, i respect your decision not to post meaningless pics. As said above, it doesn't even matter if somehow you wasted all this time writing up a bogus story, because the fact is, the ideas and information are correct.

keep us updated julian!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
irishSoCo said:
great thread so far. can't wait to see the continuation! that took me a while to read, definitely could be a hightimes article or something like that. I wanna say, i respect your decision not to post meaningless pics. As said above, it doesn't even matter if somehow you wasted all this time writing up a bogus story,

I have no problem posting pics..(to a degree...thread has many to illustrate points....clearly if one reads.....) I DO have a problem with someone demanding I post pics, and, what they want to see....
because the fact is, the ideas and information are correct.

And anyone is free at anytime to punch holes where they see such exist, but, yes, you are correct, they don't do they.....

Not bad for a guy who supposedly doesn't grow at all and really posts wheat field pictures, huh? :smoke:

Thanks Irish......something to sort out through before we continue....
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