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Number 1 old fart tip


ICMag Donor
i love this thread idea.
although i have only a touch of grey...a perfect environment is unattainable. it is a herb, and it will grow in 90 degree weather.

I am sorry, but I do not think that this is proper or solid advice. Please clarify this post...

A proper, "dialed in" STABLE environment IS very achievable. Especially with the aid of modern day digital equipment...

I would never recommend growing in temperature that hot indoors. That is even a touch high for someone using C02. But for the average grower, without C02, 90 degrees is not going to do anything but cause the plant to form looser buds due to the need for a respiration rate. The plant will need to "breathe" more due to the high heat levels...it stress the plant out. Some very sensitive strains might even through male flowers in temperatures that high. Once again, there is an ideal temperature range, and it does make a difference in the final quality of your finished product.

Just my opinion....but what do I know.



Hey Folks

I would like to thank everyone who has posted in this thread. It has been a joy in more ways than one, some of you people are down right funny:) I meant this thread to be a serious grow tip thread but it wouldn't be the same without all the jokes. Thanks again and I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have, Peace


When they find an artery that is 99% blocked, it's definitely time to give up tobacco.


You know you're an old fart when "regularity" becomes an important part of your vocabulary.


you can learn more by listening than talking.

I always liked the phrase about god giving us two ears to listen and only one mouth to speak, not really religous but it's like your quote...the loudest in the room is never the smartest in the room


Active member
Growing old may have its ups and downs, but it beats the hell out of the alternative.

Live fast and party hard - it's too late to die young.



Hey Folks

I would like to thank everyone who has posted in this thread. It has been a joy in more ways than one, some of you people are down right funny:) I meant this thread to be a serious grow tip thread but it wouldn't be the same without all the jokes. Thanks again and I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have, Peace

Ok I got to plead a mea culpa to this one. I was reading this thread when I got up to go to the bathroom. After having to duckwalk across the bathroom to the cabinet in the hall due to observational failure and an empty kleenex box, it seemed sage wisdom indeed.
File under "What to look for before fertilizing"


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
my wife always tells me I'm "full of bad advice and tacos" That being said, YMMV.

Be friendly to your neighbors, but never invite them over for tea.

Learn another language, you'll never know what'll get you through customs without a search.

If you're buying northern property learn the term "permafrost". Also see "brand new sinkhole"

Don't take life too seriously. Hang up a hammock in the grow room, get a tan.

Never order "eggs and hash" in Botswana when you're eating next to the cop shop. On the plus side it came with a pipe.

Always check your oil.

Never go noodling where the catfish are electric.

Your time is only worth as much as you're willing to ask for it.

As far as grow advice always remember. You are not a grower. You've never SEEN a grow operation. That electric bill is from welding. . . Who the hell still smokes pot at 60? Absence of evidence is better than evidence of absence.


Invertebrata Inebriata
If you're indoor gardening, plant something innocent- flowers or vegetables- outdoors. Then, when someone says, "How come you got a twenty pound sack of vermiculite in your storage room?", you got a better answer than "duh..."

Plus, it makes the world a nicer place, doesn't it?


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Had I but known...

Had I but known...

Best advice someone could have offered me, 40 years ago, is a Firesign Theater quote;

"Everything you KNOW, is wrong!"

Could have saved me a lot of time and hassle.

I'm just saying;

Question everything!
Put everything to the test.
"Especially, that which you are most certain of!" - Weezard

Alo, -to give
Ha, - the breath of life



New member
If one listens and watches, you're plants will tell you what you need to know, let them grow,be observant,and pay attention, best advice I ever recieved.
it's vital to have Peace, Love and Happiness. All the other stuff is just stuff. Be what you is cause if you is what you aint, you aint what you is.