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McSamuelsMachine 1sqft 56W LED Stealth Grow


You don't have herms at this point. Think of a herm more as a clearly flowering female that all of the sudden starts growing balls - the nanners you're reading about. Herms I've had showed up post week five of flowering, and it's often environment related. Don't get me wrong, growing bag seed does leave you prone to more genetic weirdness, but usually not at this point.

Bring on the pics!!!


Oh yes a couple more things I forgot.

The paler of the plants has now "recovered" and all five are the same shade of healthy looking darker green. Its caught up in height with the others as well.

I measured the ph of the runoff finally the other day and it looks to be in between 7-7.2 but I don't really trust this reading as the only measurement I have is a pool tester with a colored tab you drop into the water, and the runoff is already a darker shade due to some dirt in it. I'm assuming (wishful thinking?) that the ph is slightly lower than that but obviously I'll keep monitoring the plants for any problems. Have been watering with store bought water ph'd to 6 but haven't found any more of it recently and I'm running out!

Will switch to 11:30/12:30 flowering and take it from there...probably drop a half an hour of light every two weeks. Which I think will be good anyways because my timer appears to be crap and the lights have been going on earlier and earlier every day...they'll probably "slid" forward about 20 minutes now over the course of less than 5 weeks.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens with the strech on these babies, it could get wild! :)

Time for some water with humic


You don't have herms at this point. Think of a herm more as a clearly flowering female that all of the sudden starts growing balls - the nanners you're reading about. Herms I've had showed up post week five of flowering, and it's often environment related. Don't get me wrong, growing bag seed does leave you prone to more genetic weirdness, but usually not at this point.

Bring on the pics!!!

ahh ok, thanks kindest. The reason I say this is because because one of them has pistils at several of the nodes but one has a large round lump shaped almost like a seed. Maybe its just a swollen calyx? Its only on one side though.

Anyways yes, pics coming soon!


The "lump" does not appear to have a pistil, nor the resemblance of a calyx, but it could be an under-developed one, or malformed.


Don't kill her though, Im sending good vibes your way hoping she'll pull through!


Day 33 from seed/Day1F....pictures!

Day 33 from seed/Day1F....pictures!

Alright so here are a couple pics...as you can see they have really taken off the last few days, and even just in the last 24hrs since I switched to flower.

I'm worried I overvegged them, as now they are just a few centimenters away from the lights already! But I suppose we'll see what happens with sexing. As of now I don't have a whole lot of room to train them.

Right now I have three plants showing a lot of pistils (though two have suspicious growths, one way more than the other...pics coming later) and two with none at all.


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The "lump" does not appear to have a pistil, nor the resemblance of a calyx, but it could be an under-developed one, or malformed.

hey neekz...yea there is that one but its not actually the one I was most recently referring to, which is below in the pics. the one from earlier, though that plant does have pistils at all the nodes above it, was really tiny and I couldn't even find it today but I'll keep an eye out.

The newer one is much larger and to my uneducated eye looks like nanners are going to form. As you can see in the pics there are pistils at the other surrounding nodes. Its quite large, larger than a big seed. Any ideas?


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Day 35 from seed/3F

Day 35 from seed/3F

A little pictureless update: the plants have really stretched since putting them into flower. A couple of them are almost at light level! Only an inch below.

I'm honestly considering culling the two plants that aren't showing pistils at this point as I just don't have room to train with all five in there. :( Thoughts?


You could top em, but yield will suffer if you cut em to short in flowering. If you do a little FIM pinch and slight Supercrop you can probably get a couple more inches, stop vertical growth, and send some hormones down to the lower branches to bush up. Hard to get a picture of everything lol, no canopy shot's.


Day 42 from seed/ Day 10F

Day 42 from seed/ Day 10F

Ok so bad news! :(

I went away for the weekend and when I came back the plants had grown straight into the lights!

The top nodes are totally fried and crisp now.

Ahhh, its a learning experience, eh?

Now I guess I'm going to have to top them and see how they react. Hopefully it doesn't totally stress them out since they are 10 days into flower, but I'm sure they're already stressed now anyways and I don't have much choice!

Afterwards maybe I can attempt some lst as well, but I don't really have a good set up for that yet.

Will try and get some pics of the carnage up soon


Ok well I decided not to drastically top them, though I did cut one in half just to see what happens :) . It was one of the more damaged ones that had yet to show any pistils as well.

I just installed a screen to SCROG with, though honestly I'm not sure I can do this effectively with all 5 (er, 4.5 :) ) plants!

Any suggestions welcome!

Pics coming tomorrow.
those pics look like hermies to me. sucks about plants hitting the lamps. every one does it atleast once though lol next time you go on vacation add a peice of plexiglass betweem the lamps and plants. you can get it a lowes pretty cheap




Ok, I promise to never promise photos the next day again :)

Here are a couple of pics from the burning of the lights and the aftermath.

I ended up losing three of the top flowering sites from that!


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Then I tied them bitches down and was left with a nice amount of headroom


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Then I did some pretty drastic pruning and cleared of the jungle to get more of the bud sites quality light.

Since then I've done a bit more and will continue to keep them relatively well trimmed. :)


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Day 48 from seed/ Day 17F

Day 48 from seed/ Day 17F

Ok so now for the real kicker...

Hermie Galore!

All three of my babies who are really flowering all hermies, without a shade of doubt. The majority of budsites have pistils on top and then on a lower level they've got balls. Some of them smaller than others, but balls none the less.

Its possible I guess that the stress of the burning caused this but I don't think so, as two of them were showing signs already before that.

Also, the herb I got these seeds out of was heavily populated with them...in less than 2g's I got over 30 seeds! So that makes sense. :)

Anyways, a bit of a bummer but not much I can do about it. I'm going to do my best to castrate as much as possible, though I have a feeling it will be tough down the line.

So thats three of the plants...the 4th has some pistils but is a bit further behind the rest, and the one I cut in half just looks confused :)

It kindof takes some pressure off of the grow though, and now I can just focus on learning the ropes better and doing my best without the stress of making them hermie! :)

Switched to 11/13 two days ago (after two weeks 11.5/12.5).


Day 48 from seed/Day 17F :Balls everywhere

Day 48 from seed/Day 17F :Balls everywhere

Canopy and close ups


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Day 56 from seed/ Day 25F

Day 56 from seed/ Day 25F

Another pictureless update.

Not too much to report here except that the Hermie Army has invaded my little garden!

At this point I'm pretty much expecting to get heavily seeded bud, and theres not much I can do about it. I've tried picking off the nanners/balls but there are so many, and they just grow back anyway. A couple of the nanners already burst open (isn't this really early?!) dumping pollen all over the branches below them. Though I must say...even though I expect them I get a bit of a shock when I look up the skirt of some of these gals and see balls poking out!

Also, out of the five plants the only one that so far is only showing female flowers (though its waaay behind), in the one I chopped in half. Go figure :) Anyways, maybe its too early to tell and she'll hermie on me as well.


Active member
Great set up and photos, sorry to hear about the hermies, but as you said you can learn a lot now and be ready for next time with some fine genetics in a box that you already know works well... Good luck and keep us posted!


Thanks jenery.

Yea will definitely try and get some proper good genetics for the next run if I can.

And I suppose having a bunch of hermies is better than having a bunch of males!

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