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Panic attacks

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I bottle shit up and sweat acid. My latex gloves take a deep stain in under 5 min and dissolve after an hour. My guitar strings turn purple after 5 min, and my fingertips penny green after < an hour. I've never really heard of anyone suffering from this condition to the extent that I do, and neither has anyone who has experienced the displeasure of allowing me to hold their guitar or laptop.

MJ, for me, helps let out that tension. I'll get weird and paranoid and start weighing in on things that I'm usually not comfortable enough to think about. If I am very stressed, sometimes the experience can get kind of acidy and uncomfortable. A lot of the people I know who suffer with anxiety seem to have reason to be stressed to begin with and have similar experiences with MJ.

I'd suggest talking to a shrink before resorting to anything other than regular bits of pot. I'll 2nd sublingual concentrates, but only if I make sure to fully fully decarb. Otherwise that stuff will send me to the moon. Pills are just bad. 100%.

Be sure your anxiety isn't the result of hyperventilation, and not vise-versa. You could have undiagnosed asthma, and that shit can kill you.


Lung health is related to anxiety, because when you're in fight or flight mode with panic attacks you need all the oxygen you can get, or so your body tells you.

Make sure you aren't smoking too much weed. That can increase your tolerance and pretty soon weed won't do its thing.

I am glad at this stage in my life I can sip tea and smoke cannabis to minimize the symptoms of anxiety.

*just ordered my lemon balm capsules. If you open them you get a pure lemon balm hash-like substance - a good extract.

Oh, ok you also asked what is a good knock out sedation strain. That would be Black Domina.


I don't have panic attacks but deal with anxiety weed induced it too. I have had really good luck with Chocolope Kush from DNA Genitics. I cape it on a low temp. It seemes uplifting and happy tobme!

Old Gold

Active member
Some Doctors recommend and give their patients a small dose of citicolene before medicating with THC....it's been shown to reduce the psychoactive effects, so maybe it will help in tbe right amount.

Rubber Chicken

Just a word of caution to Lunarose. Start with minute amounts of edibles, and work your way up each time. I have made cookies, that a full one had me zig zag walking, then mild tripping in bed. A lot of people take edibles, say it did not do shit, take some more, then 5 minutes later the first batch kicks in, and then regret when the next batch kicks in.

This was how my first time trying edibles was exactly.


Active member
^^^^ Yea, i wouldn't recomend edibles. It's easier to get your dosage right with smoking little puffs..

The high lasts alot longer with edibles and if you happen to take TOO MUCH, it might not be so nice for several hours, esp if you suffer from anxiety etc.

Also note that you don't have to smoke a whole joint on one sitting and get really high/stoned. You can take only one puff per hour and allow the cannabis to create a comfortable background buzz for you, while you still be able to function in every day life. Most people prolly won't even notice you have been puffin a little.:)

There is a huge difference how the strain will hit you, wether you smoke only 1-2 small puffs/hour or two, compared to if you smoke half of the joint or the whole dang thing without putting it down. Try it and you'll see what i mean.

...but maybe still look into CBD-rich/THC smokes, just not THC-only. CBD really gives a nice calm, balancing effect to smokes.
I am not able to shed much knowledge on this but I can share my own findings. I am a long time smoker who pretty much had to quit for a long time after three years of heavy use. This was because of panic when I smoked and started after my first LSD trip. Sativas that are mostly head highs are usually kinder than indicas contrary to how most people seem to react. Flo, Mextiza, Blue Heaven,....that kind of stuff. I got intrigued by CBD strains but there is little to read online for smoke reports so I picked one and grew it out. It is Skunk Haze by CBD Crew. It is more relaxing than typical indicas but can still give a weaker and briefer panic response if I smoke too fast. You have to be patient to gauge the high because it is more delayed. Phenibut ingested an hour beforehand seems to further lessen any anxiety. Exercise sometime before using helps a lot too.


Well-known member
Meditation and exercise will do wonders. Positive affirmations too, you will be surprised at what the mind can do when you remove the limitations that YOU have set on it.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Meditation and exercise will do wonders. Positive affirmations too, you will be surprised at what the mind can do when you remove the limitations that YOU have set on it.

When I was at my peak in life, and after a horrible relationship, I watched positive thinking hypnosis video tape a few times a week. I made 150K a year for about 10 years between 1995 and 2005. Had stopped watching it for years, and an elderly father with really bad Alzheimers weighed on me after that.


Active member
Meditation and exercise will do wonders. Positive affirmations too, you will be surprised at what the mind can do when you remove the limitations that YOU have set on it.
"Thinking more positively" isn't always the answer. If such an advice is given to a person suffering from bad depression, it can make them feel even worse.
This has been shown in a Swedish (?) study some years back. I'm sure you can find it somewhere with little Googling.

It can make people feel like failures if they can't do it, but also people around them get frustrated cause they might feel that "you're not even trying to be more positive" and so it can affect relationships etc.

But of course i don't mean that more positive thinking isn't a good advice, what i mean is don't set the goals too high and believe that depression is like the light in your kitchen, which you can turn on/off by flipping a switch.


Don't make positive-thinking a "compulsory (meditation) exercise" for yourself or the people around you. Try to be natural with such thinking/meditation, don't try to force it. = If you try to ber more positive person for months and it is not really working, it's ok to "feel like shit" so take a few weeks off and complain&bitch a little.

Few "fuck you God, what is this bullshit"-s ain't gonna hurt anyone. i'm sure God also understands that you're upset for a reason, so i wouldn't worry about" God's wrath" too much either.:)

Anger, sadness, depression etc are similar "tools" for us humans as physical-pain, they are a way to tell us that something is wrong/harming you. So it's not good-thinking, imo, if you try to deny such feelings or if you don't allow yourself to feel such emotions, cause you/others might see that as a "weakness" or whatever.

To me, many people have kinda wrong impression about "meditation" in general. It doesn't have to be a person sitting still in a quiet room for 2 hours with a certain mantra or whatever in their mind.

"Goal of meditation is for it to end" or something like that, said some Indian guru.
(..but he kept on talking about meditation, so it kinda baffled me, LOL)

But to me it means: "when you understand that you don't have to actually meditate at all, you can then stop it."

Be a human, a person because that is what you are. So don't try too hard to be what someone else CLAIMS is more or less the only way to do it, if it doesn't seem to suit you, don't do it, or do it in a way that is comfortable for you.


Suffered with ptsd, depression and anxiety attacks. I swore sometimes I was dying.
Years of medication did nothing.

Exercise was what helped me a lot and fishing. Fishing especially helped me when I was in dark places of the mind. I walked along the river until I was by myself and I would sit silent and with nothing on my mind apart from what was happening below the water.
It was like a form of meditation. Sitting there quite also offered some nice nature sightings as well. Snakes swimming across the river. Kingfishers flying around also fishing. Families of deers.

It really did help, I never had an attack sat by the river.


Listen to the river sing sweet songs
To rock my soul


I always find jerry and the boys particularly helpful for anxiety and many other conditions however, to some (which I will never understand) I think the Grateful Dead may produce serious panic.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Yes, start out having a nibble. Because your body absorbs edibles from the digestive tract it takes longer and it's a different sensation than blood/brain barrier of smoking feeling effect immediately. I agree w/ Loc Dog...start slowly. 15-30 mg for one person isn't the same for all.

Perhaps a blend of indica/sativa. Sativa in some create anxiety. Good luck!

Like other poster, CALM is a great way to benefit from magnesium deficiency. Helps with anxiety.

Tinctures may help....under the tongue or in a beverage.

Aridbud, I hope you are well!!!!

I have heard others mention the number of milligrams. How do you know how many milligrams, unless bought at dispensary that had to have testing done, and then throughout a batch there could be widely different amounts.

Be Well!!

Dog Star

Active member
Yep... you must to look on sativas,some of them can made fun with your mind
and then comes psychosis that is not pleasant experience,

usually a panick attacks,depression issues are closely interconnected with breathing,
enlarging your breath capacity,training and exchanging a food regime will bring neurotransmitters in balance,that i learned same as Ganjygav.

Also a sun is great,walks by a river or thru a forest,breathing cleaner air out of sight
of automobiles or some heavy industry already gives better feels for person,
good eating and extra nutrients via taking supplements can help in exchanging
your state to more normal and faster if you under stress.

Meditation,a state whithouth thoughts,to clean your mind and rest a bit from
your own mind..

Fishing is good,will give you chance to observe nature and you learn fast new things,
you are out in nature and have a bigger picture of what is going on... you get
more force for everyday living in a city and somehow you appreciate life more
better that you encounter around self..

nature heals for sure.


I just read something interesting that you can Google yourself. But a good natural remedy for anxiety and panic disorders is to burn a few Bayleafs actually fill a room with Bayleaf smoke kind of like you would incense go in sit in the room and inhale the smoke for 10 minutes or so and it is supposed to have a very calm and relaxing affect. I think I'm going to give it a try I've been a little stressed out lately. Ha ha


A close second to a calming benzodiazepine: Holy basil oil extract capsules standardized to 2.5% ursolic acid. Inhibits the mechanism responsible for the breakdown of GABA an inhibitionatory neurotransmitter.

Alternately look up guided mediation or breathing on youtube. the focusing on breathing can gain you 10 IQ points after 40 days of 10 minutes each day. Visual-spatial IQ that is. You'll also gain control of the nervous system over time.

Edibles can help with anxiety, they can also harm. Dose according or just smoke. If you stick with smoking, it's because you prefer delta-9THC over 11hydroxy THC which is more psychedelic and can bring on anxiety in users more than simply d9THC.