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Question for any female growers..........


I'm first-time female grower. It's quite liberating. And not necessarily in a "I feel like a real woman now" kind of way, but in more of a "This is truly fulfilling to me as a person" kind of way. I really can see myself growing my own bud for the rest of my life, just as a life hobby and passion. Gardening in general has taught me patience and responsibility on many levels. :)


Active member
I started growing in earth boxes about 6 years ago, then decided to get serious and my husband & I got some waterfarm hydro buckets. He would do the hydro, and I'd grow in dirt. He loved all the ph testing and formulating and measuring, and I loved trying new stuff like fimming and bonsai. I provided most of the love in the endeavor, and even he believes that's the most important ingredient.

After a while our work/employment situations changed, and he was out working 9-5 and I was self-employed and home a lot more. So I sort of took over the operation, and he would help from time to time with heavy lifting. Still it's about the love. Learning to grow cannabis has improved my veggie gardening skills like 100-fold. I was never very successful in years past, but the past 2 summers I've put a few buckets out in the sun with tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, and they did awesome!

I still think pot is the most fun species of plant to grow. The cloning, the spot pollinating, the pinching... the harvesting, the drying, the curing... the smoking.... ahhhh.

We're out there, I just don't think we are as 'vocal' (or whatever the written equivalent would be online).
I realise this is an old thread but a good question.
Perhaps there are more male growers because there are more men who indulge in this than women.
Women are more inclined to bow down to social pressures than men are, whether that is considered being more ballsy or not, women are generally more pressured by family and their peers to keep up a good appearance. Most men don't really care about this aspect as much so are willing to take more risks.
I don't think its that women are afraid so much of getting caught and the legal aspects as much as what their family and friends would 'think' of them. Generally speaking, we fall prey to social conditioning more readily than you guys do.
Its unfortunate because I think the women who do get into this do better than most men only because we have a natural nurturing ability but many men compensate this from the need to be competitive at whatever they do. Not to say both genders don't have some of each of these characteristics. The ones who do, regardless of gender do well.(and of course I'm bias...lol;))
Women for the most part are expected to be more social creatures since we are the ones who tend and care for the children and family gatherings so keeping THIS a secret is much more difficult for us. We are expected to show people around the house etc., etc., etc., and are not expected to be 'secretive' whereas for you dudes, its a given. No offence intended. Its just a big difference between the genders.:ying:

Just my 2 cents worth but an interesting topic none the less.:tiphat:


Active member
Hello! Me and my boyfriend doing this togheter and i love it as much as he do,even more! I cant wait to get some new strains every year! Sometimes we drinking beer in front of our little garden in our sleeping room. It is really cool:) we have verry sweet 3 years old child to! The only problem is that this is ilegal here in Bulgaria and i'm a criminal hahahaha i can't believe it! Sorry for the indian english i speak:)


Living with the soil
I have to say that my partner has more of an interest than I previously thought. She has been pretty involved in a lot of the processes that make this work over the last few months.
I think the limited space issue combined with my long term experience and my unintentional reluctance to make room for the time to give "on the job training" has been somewhat of a factor.
Anyway,I'm glad to see her there with me cloning,labeling,trimming,holding this and that,etc. It's nice to have a partner that shares my passion with this plant.
We are sailing the seas in a world where cannabis holds promise for many,this garden is like a ship. I think it's important to have all hands on deck....female and male.