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ICMag Still Alive After All These Years!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Icmag always has been and always will be my homebase. I have learned so much from this site and have tried to contribute as much good content and advice that I can. That being said I too have noticed the decline in activity, content, and dedicated users that goes beyond just seasonal speculation like Gypsy mentioned. To be brutally honest I feel like the writing has been on the wall here for awhile now. The decline has been slow but steady. With the social media explosion going on I would say that that has been the biggest culprit for stealing people away and I'm every bit as guilty. I've all but stopped posting updates and pictures on here as it is tedious and takes too much time. I wouldn't blame Trump or Sessions either as this site was booming back during the Bush era.

This site is funded by extremely outdated seed vendor sister sites that are all but irrelevant these days with all the domestic seed vendor options that are based in the US that also ship internationally. This is another facet of legalization that has eroded the base away from icmag. I can't imagine vendors here are contributing any money to advertise here anymore either. One last thing is the deletion of old content and threads like people have mentioned as well as the behind the scenes drama and underhanded ban hammer action.

Nobody take this as a slight against Gypsy, Pink, and any of the other mods or the site itself. My gripe lies with the times itself and the shift of things. I feel like icmag has run its course and only has a finite amount of time left and this saddens me. I'll continue to drive as much traffic to this site as I can in the mean time though.



peri alypias
ICmag is alive but the german subforum is a ghost town. Sometimes I feel like



Active member
Glad to see this thread after not being very active myself but I'm back . Feels good to see you guys logged in and keeping things moving . The Mag is alive and well and I'm glad to be a part of it .


I cough up honey oil
I think a good percentage of the "followers" on IG suffer from google brain syndrome or some other form of attention span learning disability.

Some are looking to get thier knob polished.

Some like polishing knobs.

Some are in it to win it and might actually have a shot.

Some are in it to win it and don't have a fkn clue.

I'm sure there are some that just like to share and don't care who they share with. I guess?

The place is a madhouse imho. I don't see anybody learning anything other than witnessing the battles between the different camps and personalities. I'll admit that that the asshole in me has enjoyed the few posts I stumbled onto that got heated. Im also thankful that shit don't fly here.

It's good for clone drops and menu updates.

I personally got too fkn much to say about things I'm gonna bother posting about!haha I cant say shit with an emoticon and a few words. I eat words up though. I kill textbooks in hours! I can read faster than I can think so reading isn't a chore for me. taking time to stop and digest what I've read is an issue but I've gotten around that by just rereading until I do!haha it's faster that way!

To be honest... I ain't really into the new dab/millennial smokers culture. Nothing against dabs really it's just a different deal than what I always imagined it would be when I was a kid knowing the world was changing. I imagined people acting like we did way back when minus the bust. I was too young to realize that it was the bust that kept everybody acting cool.

IG has no soul. It lacks integrity. That's the "legal" world we live in i guess.

The only honerable people I've known other than my mother were or still are criminals.

The only people in my life that know how to fkn act, other than my mother are either criminals or were and conduct themselves as though they still are.

"There's no honor among thieves" my ass!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

And as long as people love it, truly love it, it won't be going anywhere.

The best way to kill Tinkerbell is not to believe.


Icmag always has been and always will be my homebase. I have learned so much from this site and have tried to contribute as much good content and advice that I can. That being said I too have noticed the decline in activity, content, and dedicated users that goes beyond just seasonal speculation like Gypsy mentioned. To be brutally honest I feel like the writing has been on the wall here for awhile now. The decline has been slow but steady. With the social media explosion going on I would say that that has been the biggest culprit for stealing people away and I'm every bit as guilty. I've all but stopped posting updates and pictures on here as it is tedious and takes too much time. I wouldn't blame Trump or Sessions either as this site was booming back during the Bush era.

This site is funded by extremely outdated seed vendor sister sites that are all but irrelevant these days with all the domestic seed vendor options that are based in the US that also ship internationally. This is another facet of legalization that has eroded the base away from icmag. I can't imagine vendors here are contributing any money to advertise here anymore either. One last thing is the deletion of old content and threads like people have mentioned as well as the behind the scenes drama and underhanded ban hammer action.

Nobody take this as a slight against Gypsy, Pink, and any of the other mods or the site itself. My gripe lies with the times itself and the shift of things. I feel like icmag has run its course and only has a finite amount of time left and this saddens me. I'll continue to drive as much traffic to this site as I can in the mean time though.


I think if they banned a few less people (showed more discretion) ran their funding sites better and looked for ways to bring people in they would increase membership.

My first forum exp was with trollitup in 2013. At the time they were paying Google so any weed question automatically brought them up first. So I joined them. It was a terrible site but smart way to lure people in.

The biggest thing is seedbay though. People been complaining about cash and beans getting ripped off for ages. Fix that shit, get some new good stock and people would be buying like crazy.

Also... this is not meant as a insult but the seedbay website is fucked in the head. That needs to be updated so it's easy to understand and use. Seed boutique is formatted so nicely and is simply but the bay, I can't figure that shit out if I could I would order there.

I don't blame it on the mods but people leaving over issues (personal shit) with mods is a ongoing thing forever. It's anywhere people are in positions of authority but every person you ban is 1 less customer. Bad for business

There's lots of ways to improve, just a few little things would go a long way.

These are not my complaints. This is what I here and see. Well the complaint about seedbay is mine but that is just because I don't get it


I cough up honey oil
Most of the cats that have been banned were the biggest shit talkers on the site. I'm not saying they didn't have good reasons(at least in their minds) for doing it, I'm saying that's usually what I saw them doing!lol

I've noticed only one, that I don't understand the reasoning for their banning, but I don't have access to everybody's pm so how could I understand. Who knows what goes on between people?

It's not for me to know.

It's none of my business really.

And if IG has anything to do with it then how much does the "ban hammer" really have to do with it?

They can ban for any reason and they do. Dudes with 45,000 knob gobblers on thier jock! GONE! Zero shits given!haha

I think 3 or 4 guys could shut the whole fkn thing down in like 5 hours!hahaha

I told somebody the other day that I checked out IG and the first thing they asked me was who it was I follow?

For a fraction of a second I thought about asking them WHO THE FUCK they thought they were talking to?

It pissed me off!haha

follow? FOLLOW??

I was almost like....I don't FKN follow anybody you little bitch!

But my little niece is only like 12yrs old so she don't KNOW.... SHE JUST DONT KNOW!!


I cough up honey oil
I've been on here a while.

I've been an asshole on more than one occasion. Only once or twice have I been "spoken too" or warned.

Once I was told as if by a good friend to be careful. I said fuck that I'm pissed. Again they pmed me and begged me to delete my post because there was no doubt I would be banned by the next mod that spots it! I thanked them after I deleted it.haha I had gone back and read it and yeah...... I was OUT Of MY MIND!lol

I might have been threatening somebody with cannibalism! I can be quite passionate!lol

My point is that I was warned and even if I wasn't.... I broke the rules. So I couldn't have complained if they did decide to ban me.

I'm not sure how a site like this can exist without banning certain undesirables. Too many trolls out there who will be more than happy to make it their life's work to mess with a member they ain't into.

I swear to god... I remember President Obamas first time using twitter. I forget the tweet but the first response was.... Welcome to twitter N*gg*r! Can you imagine?!?!?

We can't have that shit here! hahaha who's gonna post anything meaningful if that shit was allowed?lol

Not me!

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I think a lot has to do with Trump being elected. I have noticed the same. We used to have great sense of community, and talked a lot. I am more worried about what I post.

This has definitely been a factor for me and I'm very happy that it isn't an issue at all for so many other folks. Y'all are my canaries in the hash mine. I was starting to get over some of the paranoia of the bad old days when skinny gay boss hogg was made top LEO.
Nevertheless I continue to post here & on IG even though I agree with the other who say that IG is a shitty platform for exchanging information. My main aim in using IG is to get more people to come to the monthly gardening club meetings (First Thursday of every month at the NW Cannabis Club on Powell Boulevard in beautiful, exciting inner SE Portland Oregon!) and pick up some free seeds. I generally get much better feedback on the photos I post here and just as importantly on the text that I post here.
Upvotes, likes, followers, reblogs and other forms of internet points can't be exchanged for cash or drugs yet so I just can't seem to get too excited by them and I have trouble understanding how others can, but IG, Twitter, etc. reach a much wider audience. Plus they let you get the latest bullshit from your favorite weed celebrities (some of whom used to post here, but no longer do). I saw Skunk_VA's cactus picture today on IG!
Schrews still posts his hot body and his impressively large female genitals on both sites though, so all is not lost.


I cough up honey oil
I was able to get in contact with some people I wouldn't have been able to on ICMag without asking for some serious favors from some connected ICMag members that don't really know me and I'm not the type to do that, So basically it would have been impossible.

IG is good for seeing videos of people getting knocked the fk out too!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Sites like this depend on attracting and keeping good members. For far to long, that was not the objective of mods here. Indiscriminate banning, deletions, censorship...THAT IS WHAT DROVE FOLKS AWAY. When Clarence left seedbay, it went to shit, now people won't order from there because of credibility issues. I've met some very nice people in the community here, and fir that I'm thankful..otherwise I don't care if I ever post here. People build sites, and people destroy them. It all comes full circle. YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE....Mods my ass! Ban that! And see who gives a shit. Tipz.....sorry for the rant...Sad but TRUE

What was your old handle?


I cough up honey oil
You have a right to your opinion and I guess it's just as valid as anybody's . I say "guess it's just as valid" only because of when you joined(with this nic of course).

I assume you are a long time member who at some point in the past, deleted their account for one reason or another and returned a few days ago with this new handle.

Although you could be someone who's was banned in the past? Perhaps u feel wronged? Perhaps your upset?

i don't have a clue, but I'll give you the benifit of the doubt and trust that you are here giving your undiased opinion.

Like I said though... I dissagree.

I can only think of 1 single person who I wish was still posting that I believe was banned.

There's a few who weren't banned yet don't post or deleted their accounts but those members are not around for a bunch of different personal reasons. It's certainly not the fault of any mods on this site.

Other than the one I mentioned earlier I can't think of anybody that's been banned that I miss?

You may be able to remind me of a few but off the top of my head..... I got nothing.(I do smoke some killer dope though)

I can't think of any posts that worth a damn that have been deleted?

I noticed a deleted thread the other day but it had been closed for a month and it was completely against the TOU from the start BUT special concideration was requested and given by Gypsy and the mods, something I very much appreciate btw.

It was jumpin off for a while until it got down right rediculous and was closed. They could have let it go till we started eating each other's young but aye..... the party's gotta end at some point.

What threads that were worth anything have been deleted?

You seem to remember them well.

Maybe you wouldn't mind naming a few deleted threads and perhaps the valuable info they contained?

On a side note.... how's the weed your smoking? Smoking more, more often or possibly finding better weed would help your memory. Allowing you to forget more of the little things, leaving you able to only think of things that matter most.

Namaste, chakras and the force be with you. PEACE!


Active member
I think the biggest issue for volume is the spread of legalization. Less on the supply side than the demand side. All of the people who previously didn't like growing but grew as the only reliable / safe means of supply and now live in legal places have other options. Losing them may reduce total forum activity but should improve quality.

Still a great place for me. For the people unhappy about the forum/sub-forum organization - lower total volume may make a reorganization possible. Some of the things you don't like may have been implemented to handle rapid growth. Suggest alternatives!


ICMag Donor
I think the biggest issue for volume is the spread of legalization. Less on the supply side than the demand side. All of the people who previously didn't like growing but grew as the only reliable / safe means of supply and now live in legal places have other options. Losing them may reduce total forum activity but should improve quality.

Still a great place for me. For the people unhappy about the forum/sub-forum organization - lower total volume may make a reorganization possible. Some of the things you don't like may have been implemented to handle rapid growth. Suggest alternatives!

And....many, nany other choices where to get genetics from seed sites, stores in the USA.