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Emerald Cup 2017


what a great show! I really enjoyed myself, and my company did very well. I was super impressed by the competition this year. Everybody seems to be getting a hang of this growing thing.

It's official, SlowN is the best sales man I have ever seen. I think everybody at the show was told to squeeze my nugs and SlowN was reeling in sales like a mad man!

Did I mention my boys at Lassen Farms won first place for Pen Concentrates? Congrats guys, you deserve it. Nobody grows better cannabis than you.


We made it back to Illinois late last night. The concentrates we bought and the free swag made it back in my checked bag. My clothes and bag reek from the terps that were in there. We talked to so many people and learned so much. I hope we can come back to the area another time, so we can visit some local businesses and farms. It was nice to be around others that know what we're talking about. I especially enjoyed meeting other ICmaggers. We definitely felt the love!!


Active member
ICMag Donor
what a great show! I really enjoyed myself, and my company did very well. I was super impressed by the competition this year. Everybody seems to be getting a hang of this growing thing.

It's official, SlowN is the best sales man I have ever seen. I think everybody at the show was told to squeeze my nugs and SlowN was reeling in sales like a mad man!

Did I mention my boys at Lassen Farms won first place for Pen Concentrates? Congrats guys, you deserve it. Nobody grows better cannabis than you.

I tend to excel at things I like to do..... thanks for the kuddos!


Well-known member
Well, I didn't go but I did see that thread in the California forum and wonder why no one has mentioned these winners - "First place in the regular flowers category is Molecular Farms, with their "Lemon Crush." They also took first place in CBD flower with their "Guava Jam.".

Now I have no problem with them winning as they didn't use genetic engineering to achieve their goals and everything was totally 'natural', but they did use highly sophisticated and expensive scientific equipment unavailable to the other contestants.

Totally legal but not a level playing field.

Like Monsanto rapidly scraping/testing the seed coat of thousands of seeds and then choosing the seed that has the genes that they want while poor old Gregor Mendel has to plant/grow those seeds first

Kinda like an athlete who wins 'cause he's on steroids.:tiphat:


New member
any other standouts? how was the overall quality this year?

A big shout out to my dear friends who took 5th in light dep flowers with their beautiful Black Pearl!


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I am unable to make a new thread for the 2018 Emerald Cup.
Who's going this year??
Think it will be different than the past??
I'm going on Saturday


Elite StrainCloneHunter
is someone there this year from ic family .,?
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Who's going this year??
I couldn't make a 2018 thread for some reason.
Would love to link up on Saturday. How about it TJO.
I'll be with Soil King or Mendo Seeds booths.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Mrs and myself will be there both days.... we love to puff with friends new and old :)


Active member
I'm going to check it out. Looking forward to meeting people familiar and new. Super big pothead in my earlier days who kind of got out of it about a decade ago and it's interesting, a little awkward even. I feel like a cannabis connoisseur in my own little space or era although I only set foot in a dispensary about a year ago. For the time I missed it I either couldn't afford a ticket or was focused on other stuff in life. Many of my old cannabis buddies either couldn't get their act together to follow med dispensary rules or didn't see a need or desire to. While I am not a person who suffers anxiety in public crowded spaces the growers and distribution network I may have known or purchased from have kept to themselves or lived "ducking the law" instead of advertise as an industry representative or personality. Feel kind of like an odd man out since I do not have recent ten years experience in black market cannabis, and I am against about 99% of the corporate push. Now it isn't really a fight or an argument but a person who has spent time on the pavement (or on the farm) growing and moving packs might feel a certain type of way if they get a sense of newbie corporate types or new money because of the perceived threat of corporate takeover devaluing human contribution. Way over yonder on the right wing of the capitalist investor cannabis spectrum people are excited to set up mega grows with cheap labor "don't hire growers" and spit in the face of the little guy without thinking twice about it right on this very forum. Meanwhile I feel like a human being who has given part of their blood sweat time and soul to the real world progression of cannabis laws. Some people were fighting the police meaning the street cops by moving cannabis when it was illegal, not fighting meaning violent criminal but bravely pushing the laws forward to where they are now. Such people feel entitled to something more than a financial monetary right. Shares of all these cannabis companies belong to individuals who made the laws change on their backs. The capitalist is proud to announce how much they have claimed as their own while it fits in their lie to ignore and pretend like people before them did not make it happen. Some of the most bold people are the secluded wheeling dealing money handlers, quite boastful of their accomplishments but greasy sleazy immoral human qualities in my eyes often times. In no uncertain terms world experience is every bit as real as money and investment in cannabis stocks or registered LLC. The legal system is the United States isn't set up to demand interest and union rights 20 years backpay for being a cannabis criminal. The label for the cannabis criminal did not change to 20 year veteran freedom fighter. That might be an exaggeration for some of us but the profit doesn't belong to beer and cigarette investors or places or people no matter what the laws or any paperwork say. More black market stuff even though the med dispensaries have long been the go to for reliable quality medicine. Now it's legal so I'm guessing not exactly the same as years passed, looks like fun with opportunity to see some good stuff.
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Active member
Does anyone know if security is going to be hating? Can I bring an ounce of bud and dabs to share? Or will they check everyone's pockets and make you purchase everything inside?


ICMag Donor
You can take an ounce and up to 8 grams of concentrates...if your medical it’s 8 ounces and unlimited concentrates....they don’t check very hard, mostly looking for glass and weapons. They do have a person with one of those metal detectors they wave in front of you but it’s not ever been an issue getting in.
With the new law you can’t give samples away like they used to so not sure how they will deal with that,might have to pay a nominal fee, haven’t seen how they will handle that.
It’s a lot of fun, tons of booths to look at and lots of stoners ...
A lot of icmagers usually hang around the bogs booth but they won’t be there this year....won’t be the same without them there. Have to find another place to meet up at...

*edit* the BOGS will be there I’m so stoked!! So let’s try to meet up at there were ever they are at 4:20 if we all can remember lol
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