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Halloween 2015 contest !.!.!...

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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
when I was a kid in the UK Halloween wasnt such a big deal... as kids we'd get dressed up with old sheets for ghosts, crap plastic zombie masks from woolies and hollow out swedes for Jack O Lanterns (the vegetable, not the nation of peoples) as we didnt see pumpkins often if at all in Wales..

We would wait til it was dark (not that late really about 6pm I think) and then we'd go "trick or treating" - the thing where you knock peoples doors and ask for candy and if they dont give you any, you put dog poop through the letter box or throw bricks at the windows (yeah, it was a rough spot I grew up in lol).. and that was it pretty much for Halloween... maybe we'd do something in school like reading of ghost stories or old fashion activities like apple bobbing (thats where you attempt to drown school children under the guise of a game of trying to retrieve floating apples from a bucket of water)..but on the whole it was kinda low key... for the grown ups, the BBC might have shown The Omen at midnight and ITV The Shining at 10:30 ...so liberal over at ITV ..pfft lol

Not these days... these days in the UK the shops have cottoned on to the fact that theres money to be made, now it's full on madness much like in the US.. adults all getting dressed up, Halloween parties in all the nightclubs etc... loadsamoney mate :D

Anyways, I'm off to hollow out a carrot and drown some kids... have a good one folks :D


Kiss My Ring
i'm reminded of the short time left by the progress made.

here is my entry. sorry but uploading picture was re-justified, tilt head left....

....then i forgot to get up and take more pics of my progress...'cause i was entranced by the experience.

that scar across the front was where i started carving and found a large ugly bruise beneath. so i had to alter the design i had in mind...which worked out well....or you can judge.


Kiss My Ring
so much for my computer wizardry.

as i was saying, the design was pretty much complete when i broke for smoke...

the bruise became a black eye. then wifey says it creeps her out looking like the grandfather clock from Kaptain Kangaroo, so i dabbed some ideas of finishing, sat back and had some loud pale ale (inversion, 6.8 al. by volume), and began dreaming of Seahawks winning another super bowl...aha! football....


again...tilt head left!

was going to paint helmet colors, but didn't want to insult the family member who rides a Bronco...

Bring yours guys....i have one or two more pics after paint and this thread is in need.


Kiss My Ring
thank you Jamie.:smoker:
i'd like to see the other talents on this site display their artistic abilities. i know they're lurking here somewhere...:dunno:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Damn, I went back for pumpkins and they are all gone, weeping children in the aisles begging for more, sad storekeeper shaking his head and cursing the drought...

Guess I have to break down and go to Safeway the corporate behemoth for an overpriced oversprayed dipped in chemicals pumpkin.

Normally I like to make the carved out parts into soup, or something else tasty... but only if organic, sorry.

Will report back Halloween Eve (hopefully) with progress...

Trichrider. That is ridiculous. That 3d carving technique u use is way out of my league! Last time I carved a pumpkin all my friends made fun of me...said it looked "happy"

...needless to say, I was the butt of a lot of "happy halloween" jokes that year.

Maybe ill give carving another try. Sounds like a fun way to sample the malawi I harvested last month! If that won't inspire me, then I don't know what will! Lol
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Organic Dank Land
Ehh, our pumpkins didn't turn out that great this year, but I will be more ready next time :)

Love the 3d/sculpt one up there.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Happy Halloween everyone! Im no good at carving pumpkins so i used a fake lol.


To Have More ... Desire Less
gr8t work folks ... keep 'EM coming sum superb work so far ... superb~indeed ...
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