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Pipedream"s 150w Tiny Bubbler System


nice read. I never experenced OG and only started thinking about cultivation right after OG went down.

Everyone reminses about OG, but i never knew.


Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Thanks PD, this is an awesome thread and I do believe it would help a lot of folks, so I’m going to put it were most growers can find it ….at the TOP!!



allways loved this thread (at OG) and everytime i see it i still agree with my previous thought lol if that makes sense. well justified Big Toke :yes:

great work as usualy Pipedream :respect:

keep it green


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Big Toke, et al,

Thanks for all the kind words and placement of my thread at the top. While I'm not sure that it is warranted, I am truely honored. I look forward to answering any posts/questions that may arise as a result.

Warm regards to all & Grow Safe!



Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

Because these buckets are so small, the plants basically use up all the nutes evey week or so. As a result, I seldom if ever do a full change out. If there is more than a quart of liquid in the bottom of a bucket when I think its time to raise the PPM ratio, I'll dump it out and start fresh. Also, if I do a change over from veg to flower nutes, I'll scrub out the bucket at that time.


very professonal cab
my question is why do you filter the rainwater?
what could be in it that would hurt your girls?
can you see suspended particles in your rainwater?
also do your plants stretch a lot due to the lower wattage light
being fixed so high above the plants?
keep up the good work


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Thanks for stopping by.........

My rainwater is collected right from the downspout on the side of my home. As a result, anything that was laying on the roof or brewing in the gutters winds up in it. This includes dust, seeds, insect larve, and a host of other things. No, I don't really think any of them would effect the plants, however, a warm highly oxygenated hydro tub is the perfect breeding environment for many of these things, especially mosquitoes. Additionally, If I carefully filter it, before I seal a five gallon jug, I've found that I can store it right thru the winter with no ill effects. This gives me access to a supply of rain year-round.

As far a stretching goes, I do get a bit but have found several methods to keep in in check. First off I raise the tubs on newly introduced plants by placing another inverted pot under them. This gets them much closer to the light source until they are well established. I also keep my light and dark period temps within just a few degrees. This helps to keep the internodal lengths as tight as possible. And lastly, when changing a plant over from 24/0 to 12/12, I do it in three or four steps each a few days apart. This too will help to reduce stretch.
Hey Pipedream, sorry do hear you lost your lastname. I believed that Overgrow and CannabisWorld would be around forever. I didn't care for that shocker. (I don't care for change.) Lost some good friends to that one but hopefully I'll find them again. Maybe under a different name.

Glad to see your still up to your usual amazing tricks. You didn't tell them that you cut off fan leaves as flowering progresses. Atleast that is what you used to do. That flowering pic has lots of leaves, so tell us if you still practice that.

Regarding your airfilter link, it has changed:

Oh, and didn't you say that you would post some photos of your newly revised carbon airfilter box? :dueling:
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New member
very nice :)

my friend and I are going to use your sexy little system in a month or so, i hope you can possibly help us if we run into snags :p we need a change, and this looks solid, lubin

glad i found a new home , ahem.. og refugee


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Thanks to everyone for stopping by my thread and for all the kind words with respect to my Tiny Bubbler System. This will be my last post for a while as I'm off to the hospital tomorrow for surgery and then a short stay at a Phys-Rehab place. Please feel free to post away and continue to send the PM's. I promise to answer them all once I'm back and able.

Regards to all & GROW SAFE !

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Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Howdy from ****** Institute for Rehabilitive Sciences. Typing slow and trying to get my mind and eyes to focus. Using the PC in the open lounge area. Allowed 10 minutes a day total, and they tell us our communications are monitored. I feel like a kid in school instead of an old-timer in rehab! It's really not bad and the legal drugs are fantastic, till they wear off and the pain comes back.

keefyreefy, yes, seeds work perfect!!! Just start them in moist paper towels, then transfer them to a small rockwool cube. If you need assistance, just ask.


Active member
Wishing you a quick, minimum discomfort, recovery.
Love your Tiny bubbler setup.
Take care.

Success w/ya grow.
Stay safe,


Watch em grow!!! :canabis:


Active member
good luck with the recovery! excellent lookin grow you have here and will be following something very close to your design, just slightly smaller. can only hope to get near the results you have, keep it up!


New member
Hope Ur recovery is goin good. Haven't talked to U since b4 og went down. Good to see ur still at it, growin, inspiring newbies, and taking the time to answer questions. Like U did for me a while back. I'm now running 4 small systems, 2 single site, 1 four site, and 1 five site. All recirculating dwc, with a prepetual grow going. I harvest a plant about every 15 days. No longer do I have to "pay" for it, or take the risks of finding and transporting it.

Thanx again man!
Nice grow Pipedream, i have a few questions

What nutrients do you use?

How many cfm is your fan?

Ever considered doing a scrog?

What strains do you grow?

I want to do a grow like yours with a 150watt hps with 2 plants so this is my list from www.hydroempire.com i havn't ordered from them yet but i will be sometime this week.

2xwaterfarm complete - 75$ - am i being ripped off? should i build my own system like urs? I really like the idea of dwc and drip being powered by the air pump. I also like that it already comes with a 3 part nutrient kit all for just 35 bucks each.

1xDigital weather anylizer 21.95$ Thermometer and Hygrometer

1xGeneral Hydroponics pH Test Kit 6.00$

2xheavy duty grounded timer 20.00$

1xMylar 1 mil 4x25' 20.00$

1x maximizer reflector 50$ -Body is a "gull-wing" style in which sides can contract or expand in or out to adjust the beam spread of light

1x 4"X4"X2.5" rockwool 6.00

Total price $200 (free shipping over 150$)

And i also plan to buy a 150watt hps from e-conolight and remote ballast it and use the reflector that i have from hydroempire

I guess what im asking is Do you think this will give me the results im looking for which is about 2-4 ounces every grow?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Dude, thanks for your interest. A number of your questions have been answered along the way in the thread, but I'll do a quick recap of the biggies for you here....

Nutes - Technaflora Grow/Bloom/Boost three part liquid mix.

Fan - Who knows, came from a dumpster. Just a large computer fan.

Scrogs don't work well for my staggered type harvest with individual tubs.

Strain - Pure Jamican Sativas about 90-95% of the time. 5% any gifted strain.

I'm a huge fan of building your own system. Then when something goes wrong you are intimately familiar with it. And, its a great learning process and tons-of-fun.

The list you have put together looks like its fairly complete. With careful planning, you could easily make 2oz per grow or even a little more. 4 might be a stretch untill you really have everything dialed in.

Of course, you never mentioned what type of enclosure everything will be in. Start a thread when you get going. Document everything you do for others to see, comment on, and learn from. Send me a link when you do.

Good Luck and GROW SAFE !