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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Active member
Oh look someone's done some actual scientific research! Your answer "More rubbish"
Absolute 🤡 like the rest of them who think they know more about climate than scientists! 🤪
At least I supply the scientific evidence to back up my claims, not my fault if you don't read or understand it, probably because it conflicts with your belief that we are all doomed because of "man made" Co2.

How about some evidence that "man made" Co2 is the cause of all the supposed warming since 1850, not your "could, might's or maybe's but real irrefutable evidence

Answer this Porky
If Australia was depopulated tomorrow or reached "net zero" Co2 emissions how much would the global temperature drop ??. while you're at it how much would global temps drop if the world reached "net zero" Co2 emissions


In my empire of dirt
At least I supply the scientific evidence to back up my claims, not my fault if you don't read or understand it, probably because it conflicts with your belief that we are all doomed because of "man made" Co2.

How about some evidence that "man made" Co2 is the cause of all the supposed warming since 1850, not your "could, might's or maybe's but real irrefutable evidence

Answer this Porky
If Australia was depopulated tomorrow or reached "net zero" Co2 emissions how much would the global temperature drop ??. while you're at it how much would global temps drop if the world reached "net zero" Co2 emissions
Oh look someone's done some actual scientific research! Your answer "More rubbish"
Absolute 🤡 like the rest of them who think they know more about climate than scientists! 🤪
porky is just spewing the pap fed thats been fed to him by the enviro nazis, but he puts his money where is arse is! right
/dont let me down here mate
he sits alone in his dark scrub shelter and takes cold showers, but allows himself a few luxuries here and there
things like a computer, hot food and a soft bed, you know the stuff all the world craves
like arsekick said you could go carbon zero tomorrow and its just like pissing into the ocean
the real polluters are the up and coming nations, (aka the third world and china/india)
but who am i to judge and who ami to deny them nice things?

and dont rely too much on these scientists*, they often have as much an agenda as the bankster; often more

*logical fallacy: appeal to authority
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