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Is this a Virus problem ? Please help


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
maybe this could be it ?

maybe this could be it ?

just had to try and answer on this one...this is my :2cents:..so be cilvil....

i believe its a virus callled TMV...tobacco mozaik virus...
i did find a bit of info about it a long time ago...this thema needs a proper topic imho!
Nway read this and it might explain some things...or not...the pics are gone though ..I had a few cases..But they left the building....you know what i mean
thoughts, comments and ideas ..??



Take Five...
Hi Core we were discussing TMV, but again, the chances 5 separate seeds are infected are way low.....this is a real mystery.....

Yes, 11oz from cloned plant (LST'd), but it doesn't matter. If I grew from seed I would still veg it out to a large size, not necessarily "3 weeks" but what it took to get to ideal size (and I would be able to sex by preflowers and cull them well before I needed to start 12/12), LST it, and still get those big yields. My theory is more plants/pots = more work.

l33t, I hear you and respect you on keeping to your sick plants. I don't want to try to change your ways, especially if you are comfy and all works for you. I will go check out the link you posted. :D

Good luck and hopefully we all here can help you get this fixed quick. :wave:
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Active member
Hi Core ,

Thanx for the reply man, yes just like HeadyPete said we were discussing about tobacco virus but it seems that it may not be the case.


I agree with everything you say Pete about vegging plants. Like I said it depends on the strain for me. If its an indica or ind dominant I veg a month or so if its a sat dom or pure sat I usually grow em straight under 12/12. Flowering from seed is a way of growing that needs a bit more work as the plant numbers increase so I agree on this with you. The great thing about it, is that you harvest the plants the quickest possible which allows me to grow/try out as many different strains as possible within a certain timeframe say every year. Plus sativas that take 10-14+ weeks to ripen dont really need veg unless you grow only a plant or two under a single light source indoors as they become huge even if you lst and/or top multiple times.They keep growing and growing even in late flowering. And if you grow with only on or two lights and grow from F1 seed then I think its good to be able to sample more phenos as possible within the same timeframe especially if you are trying a new strain.

Anyway like you said , everyone is free to grow the way he wants ..and if the results please him then all is ok :rasta:

I really appreciate your help and all input so far regarding the problem I am experiencing . :) Lets hope its a ph or another problem that can be solved , cause I really wouldn't like to kill the 3 affected females. But if I have to I will without giving it a second thought . I just wanna make sure what the exact problems is.

I wouldnt want to risk having healthy plants get affected due to being 'greedy' so as soon as I find out I will decide on what I need to do.
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Dr. Doolittle
This is a very interesting case, but let us up on some updates after you do what ever remedy you choose, would like to see them soon :)

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I won't take a stab at what this is, but I have come across similar symptomes.

I got this while wegging a Blueberry, looks similar? I've tried to figure out what happened here and I still don't know, but my best guess is that kelp added to the coco caused this, perhaps sodium levels or something similar. I rule out ph, since it's rarely a problem with organic nutes, unless you're way off the ph 6 zone, or have bad water quality.

I also get something similar sometimes when rooting clones under the dome without using fungicides, so in that case it's clearly some type of fungi attack. That usually wears off as soon as they get out of the dome, so lower air humidity solves that problem.

Sorry I can't set you straight, but perhaps I added something to the overall picture.


Dr. Doolittle
Rosey, what are the temps of your plants, normally when the purpling from newer growth happens due to the temps being cold around the area, from the looks of it, the way the leaves are crisped up it looked like that part of the leaves got too close to a lighting or something, some form of dry heat.

The purpling is defiantly phosphorus, it's the same color cannabis shows when it's being locked out in flowering, hence the pretty colors we see in color changing strains.
Temps are not the only cause for the coloring though, there are other factors, some show it naturally, but nutrient related can cause it as well.

pH in organics may or may not be a problem, if you have more peat based soil with added organics it can cause the pH to rise depending on what you have in there.......
Or if you have anything acidic added to peat,humas and other acidic mediums you will have a problem.


Special Member
ICMag Donor
Hi guys, put up this 3D because I have a problem to resolve, and it is also enough urgent!!
I'm growing a G13 Skunk that it seems to have a problem similar to that of l33t.
I would exclude previously the tobacco mozaik virus, to me it seems anymore a deficiency, probably zinc or iron.
The leaves of this plant have never been of a healthy green,she has slightly shown clear leaves with darker veins since the birth, and gradually is worsening more and more......thinking to a deficiency of microelements I have irrigated 2 times with Bio Essential of the GHE......on the label it says that it contains all the necessary microelements, among which also include 0,1% of zinc but the results as you can see have been scarce.

Here is a small description of the setup:

Secret Jardin inch 40x40xH79 with HPS 400 W Philps Son T-Plus
Pots of 6,5 liters / 1,43 gallon
Soil plagron light mix + royalty mix (50%- 50%)
Humidity at the present moment 20/60%
Temperature at the present moment 64/77 F°
Hours of light 12/12
Date of birth: 08/26/09
24 days to 12/12
1 liter of water every 3/4 days with ph between 6 and 7 checked with reacting strips
I noticed that the plants don't have a great thirst, and the soil stays too wet in my opinion......Bio Essential aside, I have always given only water, only the last irrigation I have given Alga Bloom of Plagron to 1/4 of the recommended dose. (I know that the phosphorus can block the zinc).
Last note from don't underestimate.... the temperatures have dropped more than 10 C in an only night, creating additional stress in all the plants.

I put some pics to understand better....









Here is the link where you can find all the information of the cycle from the beginning until now


Do you have some suggestion?? I hope that the more experts come to my rescue ....

Ciao and Thanks to all.



Active member
Hi there

I ve read about another grower whos running the g13sk and he is having a plant that looks similar to mine in this thread.

Like shanti says it seems like virus/bacteria but plants usually dont show any other probs really apart the wierd looking leaf growth