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Khan takes on Great White Shark, GrapeFruit and Jacky White....


Well the lady's are getting big and very heavy. I am having to bust out the hooks to keep them upright, not like thats a bad thing! I had a little problems with my nutz and got a little mag taco leaf curling but have gotten the lady's back on the right track. They are starting to change color and are now getting more red hairs on them. The room smells great, I get hungry every time I go in there. I will start them on gravity next week and then Cha-Ching after that for 3 days then I will flush for the last 2-3 weeks. So enough of my talking heres some updated flowering lady's.

GF in change.

GF group shot.

JW close up and group

That is all for now be back in a while with some more of this fight to the death!!!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Grendelkhan, awesome looking grow. Really like the looks of the GF, buds look so dense and dripping in resin. Great job man.



New member
hey yeah dont worry bout the not posting cause im lurking like hell on your thread :lurk: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:

i wanna smoke some of those awesome nugs


Active member
Great thread! I'll be getting the white shark soon so i'm particularly interested in yours as they finish. So far they look like a large producer.


Active member
and anyone whos knows anything know that takes WORK and DEDICATION
amazing job Khan
so many pics of so many nice big weed plants!
more pics please!


nice thread dewd!:yes: i have just ordered some jacky white and am glad to see they look great!

any updates on yield, flowering time & taste.... they looked pretty fat for 4-5 weeks bloom in the last set of pics or was that a typo?


i forgot to ask if you have any dry budshots and what the smell ended up like.
Last edited:


Well I am back from the Burning Man this year and have managed to lose my camera out in the desert. However I was able to use my buddies camera to take a couple of shots of the ladies when they were drying. Let me give you the final stats before the pictures. I was able to pull 6.25 lbs from both trays dry weight. The biggest producer was the GWS at 2.5 lbs from the 18 plants, the JW gave me close to 2 lbs, the GF with about 1.5 lbs and The LS at .5 lbs with only 4 plants.
Overall a good grow with only a couple of problems along the way. The only problem that I had at the end was a bit of grey mold on the biggest and thickest buds. I was at 40% humidity but I think that I need to have a fan moving air on both trays because the one tray that had the fan on it mostly didn't get any mold. So i will make sure to get the fans setup up correctly on this next grow.
As far as smoke on these lady's. The GWS is the more pine like with some skunk bit at the end. Its got the most indica like high to it. The JW was grapefruit like in smell and taste but not as much as the GF, it also had more of a body high than the GF did. The GF is very tastie! I am curing some of my personal stash of all of them and the GF just keeps on getting tastier and tastier with every passing week. The GF has more of a sativa leaning than all the others. All of these lady's were good producers. The GF and the JW are easy to scrog but can be trimmed into a sog. I almost forgot the LS! I have to say that the LS is the stuff that I am keeping all it for myself! Tastie lemon with a killer body high. I am looking forward to seeing what the LS can do with its own tray because the 4 plants gave me .5 lbs of some very nice sticky lemon buds.The GWS I was honestly thinking was going to be a weak or so-so plant but I have found that the taste and amount that that plant produces are pretty dammed good. However I don't think of it as a head shash plant but heavy producer for sure.
I have had many people try out this round of plants and it think that any plant grown well with love is going to give you a good final product!
Enough of my talking heres some pictures.
Sorry again about not having more to show, perhaps the next show I can get a new camera and do some better shots!

Ill try and get some shots of some of the others as well.


damn!! khan:yes: looks like all those strains done pretty well by you playa... the jacky nugs look extremely dense. thanks for a good thread real informative and pretty much tells me all i need to know about jacky white & the others.

cola sized nugs rawk:D grow on mang!


Active member
Truly spectacular Grendel!!!! :woohoo:

Thanks so much for giving us a peek at your amazing grow.....sorry it took so long for me to finally drop in here, but believe me i will be watching you from here on out!!!

Finally, someone has run one of the new Paradise Seeds strains.....that Jacky White looks amazing and that Shark is truly immense.......

Keep up the good works indeed!!!! :smoke:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


damn grendelkhan, thats a nice haul homie:yes: i was pretty interested in that lemon stinky too..... seems like a killer cross! will you be doing another thread with the ls? did u find any keepers from the jacky whites?

great thread bro:joint: keep fightin the good fight:yes:



I would like to thank everyone for stopping by to check out my show. Things went really well this time around and I have yet again learned a little bit more. I would also like to thank you all for getting me into the Bud of the month contest I am flattered to be in such fine company! I will be starting a new show much like this last one and will be growing out GF, GWS and the new seeds I have started for this up coming round are Rez Diesel Kush and RM Diesel Kush. I am pretty excited to see how the new Kush are going to turn out. Again thanks for all the support.


Well I am back with some more shot of the lastest show. This time its the Grapefruit and the Great White Shark only. I have to say i have been reading alot about GF and it seems alot of people like it alot and I can see why. Its got a ton of crystals on it and smells awesome. In fact I will be keeping my GF and letting go of the GWS. I have found 2 really nice mothers of my 6 mothers that I kept from the last round. I will be running the 6 mothers from the Jacky White next time to see what the best mother is from that crew. Enough talking time for some porn!

That will do for now be back when they are done.


Well they are all done and dryed. These lovely ladies are now stored in their curing jars. I have really enjoyed growing these lovely ladies and now I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I will update this post when I get ready to do my next run.
Heres the finished GF.

and the GWS



Things are movning along. Half way thru week 5. Thought you all might enjoy some of the porn thats in the room.



and some of the new member of the club
Green Crack (not the GH back cloned stuff)



Well its been a while and I figured I would show a little bit of what I got going on lately. Nothing much has changed in the room but I have started using airpots instead of regular mesh bottomed buckets. I think once the indoor peoples see what these airpots can do we'll starting seeing them alot more. I can say that the root mass from one of these pots is really something to see. Didn't keep any from the last time ill try and take some pictures at the end of the next run.
I am running Alaskan Thunder Fuck (or something of that name from a club) which i am loving, great melon like flavor imo, the super popular GreenKrack which gets silly covered in white, tastes lemony and finish fairly earlier and some bubba kush this ones from a homie suppost to be pre-98 but hell you know how that can go. All these ladies are on day 31 so I got about a month left so hopefully they will all fill out a bit.
So enough of my updates time to bring on the pictures!

Heres a group shot of some of the Bubba's on there second trim at week 3.

Here's some ATF I like this lady.

and some GK....

Ill try and throw some more pictures up as the get closer to finishing.
Hope you all enjoy.