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White Flies Are a Thing Of the Past For Me Now


Active member
I might try this on those damned cabbage aphids. I bet it can be combined with insecticidal soap and essential oils.

I got rid of the last white flie 2day-and with insectsoap with sprit into..cant the UK word for sprit..make my own always--google says-sprit-alcohol-a kind of

i have PM into my plants and have used H2O2 for many times,those dosent help me of with mites-but,the soulotion could had been 2 weak for could kille those bastards...
also have those cacth plates-those yellow one who catching flying insetcs-always around plants.


You sure 1 tablespoon is enough? I thought it was 3 parts water to 1 part peroxide. So if you use 3 cups you'd need 1 cup of peroxide if that's the case.

White flies are mainly attracted to the warm, bright light but lay eggs on the underside of leaves. The yellow sticky traps only seem to work when you have tons of white flies.


could this be used in late flower?
if you avoid the buds
I'm in week 8 of a 10week strain and these fuckers keep sucking my leaves


got azalea bushes outside full of white fly, shake the bush, fukers come out in droves, wife is heading of to get some, never had the buggers inside yet. ps, had outside plants growing next to these azalea plants but hardly any fly on m. plants, maybe azalea plants are more yummy for fly,lol. leaves get very sticky on azalea, when w, fly on them.
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they love shrubs and hot climates.. the sticky stuff they leave behind is the honeydew. Can lead to mold and other insects.

A clean environment and prevention is the best thing. Every 7 days i spray my plants with a mix of neem oil and insecticidal soap in veg and the first 2 weeks of flower. Make sure you get top/bottom leaves and the stems.


Have some of those bastards flyng around my baby...

I tought to Pyretrin but might try this method as well...


New member
i'm giving it a try, after the first application (3 days ago) it really knocked them back. there are some adults still hanging out in there though, i'm thinking to re-apply earlier than the recommended week...? i wouldn't consider it a infestation in the first place as they didn't really have a stronghold yet.
oh yea, seems to of had the same effect on the gnats, still a couple but most are toast.
i'll let yall know how it worked for me...


got azaleas in garden loaded every year with white fly, will give this a go, sticky bastards are about to get a death drench.


Active member
I fought the white devils for months!
Tried everything in the book and nothing worked 100% until i was recommended Kontos from rosemania.

it wasn't cheap but with in 4 days the population went from thousand to 0!

Kontos for the win!

Grass Lands

Nearly forgot. Lonestar used to advocate using it for a soil drench for fungus gnats but I can't remember the rates he used for that.
Found it-Use 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water. Fungus gnat die on contact with hydrogen peroxide. Let the top 2 inches of medium dry out, where larve reside, and then apply.

Be careful if you have a living soil...hydrogen peroxide will kill the beneficials as well.


Well-known member
Thank you bro, definitely trying this. I don't have any on my herb (yet) but I got a few on the outdoor plants, flowers, cooking herbs and such.


Well-known member
just wanted to bump this thread...............tis the season in my area for outdoor pest to migrate to better / warmer indoor gardens and white fly's are a pita........just behind flying RA's.



Active member

Never had problems with whiteflies but now I know a clean and safe method to get rid of them. Thank You!

Keep it Clean! :D



Flying satan indeed. Gonna give this a shot tomorrow. So sick of these little fuckers.


Active member
110% verified this WORKS. You have to do the 3 applications IMO as stated in the OP. I admit I really didn't have any faith that this would work but I am white fly free. your treatment should start in the veg room. I did not attempt to cure flowering plants. I let them finish then waited the few weeks to treat the moms and clones in the veg space for the 3 applications. The 3 weeks in the flowering room with no plants was enough for the flies to starve themselves IMO and then you only deal with veg state plants in another area which was so easy. First application was making the mix and using it as a dip to take care of the nymphs (I think that's what they're called, the scale looking "shell" thing that will be on the underside of the leaves). The next application was spraying. After the second attempt I didn't see anything but did a third anyways after putting the cycle into the flowering room. Zero white flys. Zero. Zip. Nada. Not in the flowering room not in the veg room. Gone. No need for fancy chemicals. I know this thread is old but I had to bump it to update for anyone that is struggling with them plus they carry other pests so knock them out asap. It's been 4 months with no white flys so yea. Works to say the least. Old thread or not this stuff should be seen by all. Thanks resinryder :)

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