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Why are my babies drooping/curling? 2 1/2 weeks from seed


Active member
the drooping is overwatering. are you letting the soil dry out between waterings? also, as mentioned, if you are using FFOF you really don't need to nute for the first few weeks -- especially at the size they are now.
I was letting the soil dry out to the point where it was DRY about 1/3 of the way down. They got dunk/flush last night and have not been watered since, but they have been re-potted into soil dryer than what was already in the rootball, so I figure the moisture should distribute itself and it should be fairly dry by tomorrow morning.

I REALLY just want to get that one plant healthy again, then I can wait this out I think.
OK they've stopped getting worse, it seems. I just moved them to their new homes because the new cups dont fit in the old computer. But the new cab doesnt have it's ventilation done, so I'm just leaving the door open and blowing a big fan on it. Should have the ventilation taken car of tomorrow though. After that all I have to do is make my carbon filter, and then I'm ready to flower! Oh whoops I also have to wait for my plants to grow.
I doubt anyone is still reading this, but the girls are returning to good health! The brown/black spots have stopped spreading and everything else has reversed itself - the leaves no longer feel crispy, and they are starting to un-curl.
I'm gonna be honest and say that when I woke up and checked on them to see the good results... It was probably the happiest I have been in a long time. They should prescribe GROWING marijuana as an antidepressant!


Hi AT,
I'm still reading. As a matter-of-fact, I breathed a sigh of relief last night after your post, but was too tired and stoned to reply. lol

Growing the weed is therapy for me...no question about it. Especially to get me through a long cold midwest winter. I wouldn't make it without my garden.

Here are some little ones. Took that shot just yesterday. Most are home-made crosses but the low ones with long leaves are Marocxskunk seeds I bought. They have an interesting look about them.

Hope the rest of your grow goes smoothly.


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    little plants.JPG
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Spongegirlz, why do you think it was good for indoor but not outdoor? Was your indoor garden clones and outdoor was seed?

really not sure of the scientific reasons why but thinking it's because of the richy richness of the soil and it having way too much mojo for babies :smoke: yes, you are correct, the indoor were clones and the outdoor plants are from seed