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Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Coding-markers can be detected with simplified genetic analysis because its sequence context is known. If amplification is needed, the sequence to both sides of the encoded particular information can be used to define amplification primers. Analysis can include any form of sequencing, including hybridization-based sequencing. The encoded information can be in the form of the presence of absence of restriction cleavage sites within the amplicon, such that detection is provided by simple tests for these cleavages (such as electrophoresis, or ligation-mediated tests).

Testing for a coding-marker can be done as a follow up to testing for the bio-marker. A small sample can be taken from the putative medical Cannabis for such follow up testing.

Follow up testing can comprise or further comprise testing for whether the THC level/concentration, or THC/CBD ratio exhibited by the plant is appropriate for the plant as identified by the bio-marker(s). Testing analysis can be based on appropriate levels or ratios for the type of plant tissue tested. Analysis can include consultation with a database of levels or ratios for licit Cannabis with the identified bio-marker(s).

Plants with bio-markers and/or coding-markers can be rendered infertile when processed to medical marijuana.

Go ahead and add to the database. Want to smoke OG Kush? Nope, sorry it doesn't have the correct genetic code or biomarker that is legal under you name whatever fucking state you want law. It as simple as using a laser or substrate to check for the protein.

Hurry send all your seeds.


Active member
i have had similar worries about something like this. while it's useful to have a map of weed types from around the world, it's also possible they could start trying to patent strains like those guys in the human genome project trying to patent life. but i have a ton of seeds and i'll like to participate. do you need to know where the seeds come from and have them labeled? or can i just toss a buncha seeds in a bag and send them to you?


i have had similar worries about something like this. while it's useful to have a map of weed types from around the world, it's also possible they could start trying to patent strains like those guys in the human genome project trying to patent life. but i have a ton of seeds and i'll like to participate. do you need to know where the seeds come from and have them labeled? or can i just toss a buncha seeds in a bag and send them to you?

I am only looking for imported seed from land races, no western genes in them. I have little interest in western Hybrids as they will not show the ancient evolution or relationships I wish to reveal, they are interesting to understand modern Cannabis varieties, but that is not my real focus at all. The seeds can be from drug varieties, hemp varieties, or just wild. Every different batch of seeds needs to be separate in a zip with info about them included. I will kill all the seeds, make sure all of them are non-viable so they can be posted to the USA legally. I have a list of questions I can send to anyone that wants to contribute seeds, just ask me.
If you want to register a Cannabis variety under plant protection under UPOV you have to grow it to do so. These seeds sent to the DNA project folks will not grow and will not be grown. All the fears of plants being patented or registered are just fears, as the USA government does not even allow Cannabis to be submitted for UPOV registration as it is not legal to grow for registration in the USA, your fears are based on ignorance of the regulations surrounding plant protection under UPOV. Skinnyleaf is suffering from this, educate yourself before you post, I would suggest.



Coding-markers can be detected with simplified genetic analysis because its sequence context is known. If amplification is needed, the sequence to both sides of the encoded particular information can be used to define amplification primers. Analysis can include any form of sequencing, including hybridization-based sequencing. The encoded information can be in the form of the presence of absence of restriction cleavage sites within the amplicon, such that detection is provided by simple tests for these cleavages (such as electrophoresis, or ligation-mediated tests).

Testing for a coding-marker can be done as a follow up to testing for the bio-marker. A small sample can be taken from the putative medical Cannabis for such follow up testing.

Follow up testing can comprise or further comprise testing for whether the THC level/concentration, or THC/CBD ratio exhibited by the plant is appropriate for the plant as identified by the bio-marker(s). Testing analysis can be based on appropriate levels or ratios for the type of plant tissue tested. Analysis can include consultation with a database of levels or ratios for licit Cannabis with the identified bio-marker(s).

Plants with bio-markers and/or coding-markers can be rendered infertile when processed to medical marijuana.

Go ahead and add to the database. Want to smoke OG Kush? Nope, sorry it doesn't have the correct genetic code or biomarker that is legal under you name whatever fucking state you want law. It as simple as using a laser or substrate to check for the protein.

Hurry send all your seeds.

You have zero idea what we are up to.
Your fears are not real.
People that want to smoke OG Kush have zero to fear from this DNA work, I am not even trying to collect OG's except maybe to find out what they are related to, Afghani, Paki, Kashmiri, Uzbekistani, Turkmenistani, Tajikistani, Kyrgyzstani, or others?

Can you name a single product that is limited to correct genetic codes or bio-markers to make it legal to grow? Not including GMO crops like corn, but as you may know there are many other Non-GMO corns you can grow with zero restrictions, I would not want to grow any GMO corn or GMO anything any way.


Active member
ok out of my thousands of seeds i see you will only want one lol. i have some guerro seeds someone sent me straight from old mehico. i only have 5 so you can only have one. but if i make F2's you can have more.
Howdy Sam,

Why wouldn't you try to grow out some of these older, unhybridized landraces?

It seems like a choice opportunity for interesting genes to come to the surface... but I don't know what you do or have already done....you may have already have collected most landraces.... I just enjoy reading your writings.

I may be naive in asking this, are your seeds available to growers? Are they for sale somewhere? thanks!



New member
Theory about the evolution of cannabis

Theory about the evolution of cannabis


I have attached my theory of how cannabis spread. I have wondered if it could be verified or refuted through dna analysis.

I did this primarily by taste and odor also by picking up what I could from the internet. I would say I have sampled a majority of the strains in the chart at least through hybrids. Also important was seeing how the different lines cross and affect crosses in different ways, this was key for identification.

The dates of everything on the chart vary from last century EG Switzerland up to thousands of years ago potentially hundreds of thousands for the Kushes (Afghani, Paki, North Indian)
Don't quote me but I may remember reading a date of 6000 years for Mazar i Sharif.. likewise I seem to remember hearing 2 or 3 hundred for Jamaica.

Anyway, see what you can make of it...


  • og.dot.jpg
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Active member
Don't forget that IC has all the international forums. You might be able to use Google translate on your initial post and open up more pools of less western centric samples.
Hope to see something from this someday.someyear.


Active member
Also, not sure if this will help but, all the strains I've ever smoked are traceable back to a ziplock baggie and a Walmart parking lot. Whoodathunkit.
It seems like a bit of a stretch to suspect that Robert Clarke, Sam the Skunkman and Rob DeSalle, a professor of evolutionary biology at Columbia University and curator at the American Museum of Natural History, are plotting for control of the cannabis genepool.

If this were the case one would have to wonder why they are openly asking for public participation rather than secretly scurrying into every dispensary in every medical state and gathering up samples of countless elite drug cultivars.

These researchers face interesting challenges in working with a group of people (meaning us) who have had to spend their entire lives in the closet and being suspicious of everyone and everything. It seems natural for people to be a bit suspicious of what the end game might be for this project.

That said, I'm failing to see any valid concerns. Someone want to explain like I'm 5?

They are collecting dead plant tissue, and even if they had live tissue to culture I fail to see how they would somehow gain control over specific varieties. If anything, individual cultivars that they map would in a sense then be 'registered' as having been in the possession of the person providing the sample on the date of the sample submission. (This relates more to current hybrids rather than landraces.)

I think that this project is absolutely fascinating and I can't wait to see the results start to fill in the tree branches. The key positions on the tree will really be all of the landraces; these will provide context for everything else. I also am very curious about the originations of specific phenotypical variations.
Also: think about it. This could ultimately mean that the ffing name-change game will finally end. As a collector of elite cultivars and a breeder since the '90s nothing bothers me more than misnamed and poorly-bred genetics and the endless spreading thereof. I'm tired of having to compost 1/3 of what I test grow due to embellishments and re-named and inauthentic clone-onlys.

Serious professional breeders and venders will now be able to certify their seeds/clones are exactly what they claim. That is one hell of a valuable service, one that will take quality up several notches IMO.

Nobody will be able to take a fantastic cultivar and then claim it as their own under another name. Nobody will be able to falsely claim that they used certain parents because a quick test will show the true lineage. Professional breeders will eventually be able to provide an authenticity stamp with their seeds or clones, and buyers will be able to view that certification before buying.

Sounds pretty sweet to me.

purple clouds

Well-known member
I have old landrace seeds but would rather take a chance to save the strains. So my question is are seeds ok to send in after I try to sprout them and they don't pop?


I have old landrace seeds but would rather take a chance to save the strains. So my question is are seeds ok to send in after I try to sprout them and they don't pop?

If they are not moldy we can try and get good DNA from them. What are they? Be sure and dry them well after failing to sprout them.


Hi Sam will this work be able to pinpoint the geographical origin of cannabis and tell us what sort of plant it was (nld, wld etc)
and map how other types spread and evolved from this original type?


That is one of our hopes.

Hi Sam will this work be able to pinpoint the geographical origin of cannabis and tell us what sort of plant it was (nld, wld etc)
and map how other types spread and evolved from this original type?
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