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Warning new off gassing product!!!!


wow the work in this testing is very good one could go for months to try it out on our own like you did maybe this could be a sticky thing to warn of others of this issue on in other way try to give this some visibility.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Honestly amazed at your ability to figure this out, mucho grande respect on this! :respect:


U.G.U, you deserve some kind of cannabis cultivation peace prize for uncovering this and bringing it all to everyone's attention, thank you!

what exactly is causing these gasses to be released? is it the lights/heat? or are they constantly being released, regardless of temp and other variables?

PS this should be stickied right away!


Active member

I love people who really make things happen, take the time to do some research and contact people about it, and most of all that you are taking actions,
WELL DONE MAN, hope it will work out for you guys!!!


Active member
I had identical problems in a new space i setup last january... Tried forever to figure it out looked at all the variables... After 3 harvests that barely yielded 25% of what they could have i gave in and moved the room to another area of the house where I had a veg space that was unaffected.. Thankfully it solved my problem cuz i was bleeding money fast and about to have to take a huge loss.

Ill check and c if the tubing i used is the same as yours... I never changed my tubing when i switched rooms tho... Your leaf problem is identical to what we had goin on... We were convinced it was ethylene for awhile. We never actually figured it out...

It also looked like Snoopytimes pics...
Are u sure it was the tubing? I thought I had it figured out a bunch of times only to have it continue. I'll dig up some pics of our damaged leaves.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
question i'd have to ask is - is it gassing, leaching, or both?

considering your plants chow is running thru that tube too, that can't be a good scene.


i suggest going to your local petco/petsmart etc etc, and use the flexible tubing used for aquariums. up to 1/2" tubing there in black. might be some larger, but the 1/2" stuff should be readily available.

thats where i get ALL My hoses, air pumps, water pumps etc. there or my local saltwater shop for more specialized pieces.


Fuck Entropy.
Fuck me.

I've been running that same blue 1/2 tube for the last eight months and I've lost every fucking crop.

I've wasted everything I had trying to diagnose what the hell is going on... The only thing I didn't change out was this crap hose.

Fuck me.

No, wait:

Fuck them.

EDIT: I just went back through my last grow. My roots started to discolor the day I added my auto-top off reservoir. And I connected it to the system using this shit hose.

And the same hose is attached to my system right now.

EDIT: Two hours later, it is no longer in circulation. Thanks for the heads up UGU.

I got rid of all of my oldest pics from the first grow with this tube, but they all had the same shitty yellowing. I thought it was N, then I thought it was mag, then I thought it was lockout, then I thought it was root rot/slime. If I just wasted the last eight months on toxic tube...

On the upside: maybe I'm not such a shite gardener after all....


Thanks for all your encouraging responses. I can't take all the credit without my lab techs, horti's, and my countless test subjects I would have never figured it out myself. I got pretty much no sleep for ten months, packed on about 30lbs sitting in front of my computer for hours on end. And lost every dime I had in the process. Sold off half my stuff just to cover all my bills. I am just glad it is fixed and finally harvest some nug.


What causes them to be released is the fact they are very unstable and outgas regardless, light and heat speed up the process. Both DBP and DIBP have a very small molecular weight. And have both been banned for use in horticultural products in the EU. Tube that is 5 years old has been tested and is still just as toxic as brand new tube. In fact just 3 ft of tube is all that is needed to kill 1 plant at a time for 5 years +.

It's offgassing it enters the leaf through the stoma and causes disruptions in the chlorophyll production.

To anyone considering the hydro farm tube I have not tested it I have a sample I just have not dropped it off at the lab. One thing to consider though is the fact both companies started printing their names on the tube at the same time. And both companies work together on price controls and other ventures it would not be too far off to think they get there supply from the same guy in china. Unless someone is using it with no problems I would get one of the other options. such as styrene, Teflon, polypropylene or nylon tube I posted a link earlier to the stuff that is tried and true 30+ Rooms using it now with great success.


here is a whole bunch of pic they are not all mine some are and some I have collected on other websites that show exactly the same problem.


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Thanks UGU - now you got me trippin lol. I have around 40' of clear 1/4" air hose from home depot, is this shit in like lots of different soft plastic?


St. Elsewhere
Omfg dude. I've been using this tubing and have lost countless harvests. Some of it was aphids, but I'm almost positive this is why my 3kw room experienced spontaneous death.

Good fuckin' work, bro. You deserve a medal. I'm gonna call my local hydroponics store and demand that they stop stocking this shit.