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vta said:
Whenever it was time to change out the res, I would just refill with R/O and a little Clearex and run that for a day...then back to FN.

i also give them a flush when ever i refill my tank. but i only flush for 10 or 15 minutes and then i add nutes to the tank and let it go back to automatic watering. but either way, one dilutes the salts and can give more fresh nutes.


Active member
Hey GroNut, good to see ya too Bro! Been real busy getting the new rooms all pimped out. I was checking out your gorw....very nice :joint: I had switched back to organic soil but I am also experimenting with buckets now.

gaiusmarius said:
i also give them a flush when ever i refill my tank. but i only flush for 10 or 15 minutes and then i add nutes to the tank and let it go back to automatic watering. but either way, one dilutes the salts and can give more fresh nutes.

I'm not sure why but I had to flush for two cycles to get my levels down. But than again at one time I had those babies pushing 1800PPM :yoinks: and they just loved it.

Now they guy at the hydo shop says they discontinued the slabs. Looks like I'll have to get em online if I can. I was going to try using one slab to keep a few mothers on to save a little space. We shall see.
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water conditioning and such...

water conditioning and such...

Alrighty, first of all, my epsom salts amendments seem to be working out well with the Flora Nova nutes. I've been adding 1/8tsp per gallon and no longer see any light spots on my leaves. A tsp/gallon of molasses is also thrown in there for good measure.

Secondly, I've got a couple more basic questions about feeding. My tap water is steady at about 7.0 pH level. I normally add my nutrients and then adjust the pH to 6.0 for both the vegging and flowering plants. Is that correct? Or, am I supposed to adjust the level down to 6.0 and then add the nutes and just accept what ever pH I get? What I'm doing now makes more sense to me intuitively. However, I've seen guidance that suggests the contrary.

Also, if my plants are in the coco for only 6 weeks in a 15 liter container (after transplanting from 1 liter pots), do I need to worry about run off? My cramped space makes it very inconvenient for to drain off the 20% or so after hand watering. I have tested run off pH after chucking some males, btw, and got about a 7.0. However, that was after continuously watering at 6.5. I have no idea about ppm or EC since I don't have a tester. For the record, the plants all look healthy (no more burnt tips, etc.) and don't seem to be suffering any other stress. Maybe I can get away with watering as necessary, always keeping the coco moist, and doing a flush every 3 weeks or so? Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks guys. :bandit:


You can get away with no rtw....I just find it's a good practice. When I first started using coco, I was growing 2 plants per 10G bin...no drain holes. From veg to harvest in the same container. No ill effects at all that I could see except the plants got too big to be beside each other so close.

If good goes in...then they will be fine for a few months no problem.

Okay... weeks have past since I last updated this thread. Since the last flurry of posts, I've finished up my first truly successful grow. We trimmed up a pile of deliciously dank buds from my two "Christmas Trees" last night. The grow technique has changed significantly since they were first germinated and I really feel that I've dialed the system in. That's with regards to the feeding, LST, lighting, grow medium, containers, and environment.

Anyway, the new 1 gallon coco formulas go like this:

2.5tsp FloraNova Grow
Cal Mag: 1tsp
Floralicious Plus: 1/5th tsp
Molasses: 1tsp
~1800ppm (hand-watered 2x/day every other day)
plain water (hand-watered 2x/day every other day)
pH: 5.8

2tsp FloraNova Bloom
1tsp FloraNova Grow
Cal Mag: 1tsp
Floralicious Plus: 1/5th tsp
Molasses: 1tsp
~1400ppm per watering (hand-watered 5 nights/week)
plain water (hand-watered 2 nights/week
pH: 5.8

There are no longer any nute deficiencies in these bagseed-grown plants and clones of same. Dropped lower leaves and burnt tips are now fully in the past. The plants are happy and so am I! By the way, this is all tuned for a single 400W HPS which resides next to a single MH lights. Those are on 18/6 and 12/12 for veg and flowering respectively. Humidity is about 40% in the veg box and way low at just 10 - 20% in the flowering area. Temperatures are consistently about 75% day/night in both zones.

The next evolutionary step is to add an automatic drip system. Then, I'll wire up a 250W light to expand the number of plants that I can veg at a time. The 320W worth of T12 4' fluorescents work great for starting seedlings, but the vegging plants just don't grow fast enough to be ready to flower when I need them. Oh yeah, this is getting FUN! :pimp3:



congrats on the harvest pray4pistills, it's good to see the coco working out for you. it's cool to see how many ways there are to get the coco to harvest. :yes:


Active member
Congrats on your harvest pray4pistils!! Awesome job!

These were run in coco with FloraNova Bloom at 2.5 ml per gallon, hand watered every 3 days in 5 gl pots. I never used the grow formula. The bloom bottle follows the "lucas formula" on it's own, and that's all you need for grass to grow. :smile:



Does anybody use any additives with their FloraNova? Live Floralicious or an enzyme?


When I used FloraNova I tried the floraliscious, koolbloom, and hygrozyme. Of the 3 I'd say the hygrozyme showed good results while the ohters may have been helpful but not sure. The hz is for sure a good one to use for root health...I use it on every grow.


BlueBear said:
A fellow on CB . com uses the GH 3 part in coco and throws his plants in flower as soon as roots poke threw the RW and gets a zip per plant like clock work. I picked up the 3 part tonight to folow some of his techs. I would think about a coco nute, but if the 3 part works for me I wil stick with it since my local store caries it.

Missed this post, very good to know! Are you still with us BlueBear? Can you share some of your friend's techniques with GH Flora 3-part?


Active member
hygrozyme is spendy but I wouldn't grow without it.

Floranova has been working very well for me in coco/hydroton mix as well.


Shmokin- What do you use now?

For my current run I decided to try the canna coco nuts. Everything started out fine but I ran into what appeard to be mag probs around day 25-30. I tried dif things to get the mag levels up- started by bumping up the overall ec, then added sweet in various amounts with no luck. Turns out that it was mainly ca that's been the prob so after adding some cal-mag things are looking better.....not the results I thought I'd get by spending a lot more cash on canna nutes though.

I've been runnin purple urkle using FN for 5 or more runs in a row now so I think the diff in nutes is easy to tell. I'm sure that I can get the canna dialed and working well now that I've used em for a bit but there is no reason to spend the extra cash and run a 2 part fert that needs additives when the FN works great as is. The canna nuts are watered down as well... takes 3 times as much to match the strenght of the FN.

I'll stop there and run before the canna guys show up :bat:
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So to the floranova users- Do you use the veg formula in veg and bloom formula in bloom? I have read people only using bloom all the way through and also people using veg/bloom in bloom.


Active member
hey all here my floranova sweetie in her 4th week i am feeding it once a day with 240 ppm and 5.8 ph of floranova grow you guy think i need to uop the ppm now and would i be better off just using the bloom instead of the grow

week 4 Mexican bag seed


Active member
It depends on lighting intensity

It depends on lighting intensity

i am feeding it once a day with 240 ppm and 5.8 ph of floranova grow you guy think i need to uop the ppm now

What is your light wattage? It is a misconception that plants need tiny amounts of food because they are young.

Although they may need tiny amounts of food because they have tiny amounts of lights.

If you are running HID lights, then go ahead and bump it up to 1400 ppm (@.7 conversion)

If you are running low intensity floros, bump it up to 1000 ppm.

If you are running T5s, I don't know.
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Crummy veg pics of Cubans under T5 HO bulbs

Crummy veg pics of Cubans under T5 HO bulbs

These Cubans won't get out of bed unless 2000 ppm going into flower (no pics, sorry). In veg they'll only wake up with 1500 ppm. So far it's impossible to over-fert these plants...I've tried haha.
Using PBPV & PBPB-soil with a touch of CalMag+ and Liquid Karma as needed. Guano/EWC tea with 10 ml Maxicrop all the way thru veg every other water/feeding but this regimen may not work for everyone. My coco seems to need lots of Mg and Ca. No complaints so far with Botanicare products...

We just ordered some FloraNova Grow & Bloom and BioNova PK 13-14. Hope it works as well as for you guys. Any advice from the Flora folks is welcome.

We're using local (Thai) coco -- EWC, micorrize and Azomite added to the coco after flushing the salt out--3000-5000 ppm pre-flush -- eeewwweee yuck--it's nasty shit but totally inert and workable after the rinse.

Different strokes (strains) for different folks... whatever works...

Cubans...Lazy, good-for-nothing, illegal immigrants. Castro had the right idea...

SEND 'EM ALL TO MIAMI ...just kidding, folks...I'm talking 'bout these plants...

Don't get the wrong idea, some of my best friends (and relatives) are Marielitas...
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