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Good coco grow guide, anyone?... anyone?


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i also have a Q...
if you grow in coco do you need 2 feed them every time while watering... or is it just like in soil ?


you can mix it up to make it like soil by adding stuff, but the coco is inert and compares to a hydroponic medium. so you need to feed regularly. although replacing a single watering with a nute less flush once in a while is good. but you mainly do that when you notice your plants are too dark green or your return ec is getting too much higher then what's going in.


Man that info is spot on. It is nice to see that this info is all in one document. I have had to learn much of this info through trial and error.

Thanks schmo.....:0)



Possibly a sticky on this???? I'm sure a noob would benefit from having this introduction to coco.

ICM is tops as a coco growing info source. I used to be on many forums and now I am only living here. I could not find anywhere else as dedicated to coco.

Peace out -Cali


Caligrown said:
Possibly a sticky on this???? I'm sure a noob would benefit from having this introduction to coco.

ICM is tops as a coco growing info source. I used to be on many forums and now I am only living here. I could not find anywhere else as dedicated to coco.

Peace out -Cali

Glad to see the thread not only lives, but now it's all sticky and everything, hehe. I agree Cali, it's not worth going anywhere else for information and just plain fun talking with other growers. People like gm, you, aizen (although I haven't heard shit from the little pecker in a while), and all the others that have chipped in and helped baby-sit me during my first grow make this place unbeatable. Thanks Gypsy.

Here's the latest pictures of my plants. Everyone who's had input on the grow should be proud of em. Couldn't have done it alone, at least not at this level. And isn't it great that there are enough people willing to help a noob like me do a grow that is so far, way beyond what I expected I could do. Thanks everyone.

Day 4 of flower 12/12. Srouts put into coco cups on 1/23 if memory serves.

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yeah i thought it was a good idea to make this thread a sticky. great to see your plants prospering mojo, you will see things only get better from here on out, lol. the flowering is the highlight imo. keep this up and you will be a very happy dude come harvest day.

are you still creeping up with the nute use?


gaiusmarius said:
yeah i thought it was a good idea to make this thread a sticky. great to see your plants prospering mojo, you will see things only get better from here on out, lol. the flowering is the highlight imo. keep this up and you will be a very happy dude come harvest day.

are you still creeping up with the nute use?

Posted the following in my seedling thread plus a little more.

mojo said:
Thanks for the info gm, never would have thunk it, hehe. I'll start using a 50/50 mix. After the salt prob, I sort of made up my mind I was going to leave everything out and feed RO with nutes. Didn't really stop to think about the effect not having trace elements in the h2o would have on the plants. Good save, dude.

Question... the tap water/RO water mix is going to have an ec of let's say 0.2 or so before the nutes are even added. If I'm feeding at an ec of 1.6 with RO water that has an ec of 0.0 and the present ec is made up entirely of N-P-K from the A+B, will the fact that the plants will not be getting as much N-P-K in their water (if I stick with an ec of 1.6)have a negative effect on them???

I'm up to 1.6 ec or at least I was. I saw your above post in my seedlings thread about using 50/50 tap water and had just prepared 10 gals of water at 1.6 & pH of 5.4 using ro. So I emptied half of one into an empty container and filled it back up with tap water, added 10mL of each A+B which brought it up to 1.6 ec. The problem was I was at pH of 6.4 after the mixing of the water even with the nutes in it. I added pH down and kept adding and adding and finally got it back down to 5.8 and now the ec is 1.73.

I realize that the extra ec came from the pH down I added and shouldn't hurt the plants - I don't think - but I was still wondering about the diff between the starting ec of tap water and the ending ec of 1.6. Seems like the plants are actually gonna get less nutes because the ec of the mix is partially made up of trace elements like salt and calcium, etc.

I'm gonna go ahead and feed them the mix of ro and tap with the ec at 1.73 and see what happens.

Peace bro


like i posted in your grow thread, the 0.2 is not lost. the coco is perfect for the beneficials to turn left overs into goodness. so the plants shouldn't notice much difference, but you will notice quickly if you should go up a bit more.

your ph minus must be week if you needed lots to get it down to 5.8 from 6.4, i normally have to push my ph from 7.0 to 5.8 but with my 60% phosphoric acid, it drops quickly.

you might want to think about allowing the Auroras to have 1.8 ec, and stick to 1.6 or 1.7 with the WW. it depends if the plants also tell the same story, but normally speaking the auroras should be hungrier then the WW.


heres a good one... :joint: http://swfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/veghort/pubs/sta_rpts/967.pdf

The use of coconut fiber as a growing media for tomato has been investigated. Teo and Tan (1993) found that a mixture of
coconut fiber and charcoal dust (2:1; v:v) produced the greatest
plant height, number of fruit, total fruit weight per plant and the
largest mean weight and fruit diameter. The purpose of this study
was to investigate the use of Scotts coconut coir media as an
alternative to peat for both tomato and pepper transplants and to
follow the growth and development of those transplants in the field
through harvest.
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Does someone know how to treat the coco coir to use to grow?

I mean where i live there ain't no shop selling coco coir but thousands of coco tree but I don't know how to transform it.
I've tried to make a search on google but didn't find any good informations .


I wouldn't even bother trying to convert natural coconut fiber to coco coir to use as a growing medium. You'll never be able to treat it like the coco companies do to get the salt out. Sorry dude.

Yes, it seems to be a lot of work for a small amount of fiber , only way would be to buy it from a company who is working with coco fibers , but i don't think we have that type of factory in french guina, maybe i could find from Suriname wich is very close or in Brasil.

Concerning the salt , i think it's a problem occuring wit coco trees which are planted near te sea, where the water and ground have salt.

I can find some coco from area without any salt, and anyway the process request to leave the coco hush in a pit full of water for ten month, to soften it.
But i don't know the whole process and it seems to be too much work for the benefit.


Sodium occurs naturally in soil. While it is true the salt concentrations in coco trees that are near salt water is higher, salt still shows up in the coconut hulls and fibers of those trees located farther inland. The coco tree is unique in that all salt it needs to rid itself of is sent to the hull and fibers of the fruit.

You're right. It won't be worth your time and effort to try to make do with what you've got growing around you.

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I finally found a cocopeat supplier from a coconut fiber factory in Suriname, but i will have to test it to see if it's good for growing mj . Will make a test with a bagseed from local strains before i go for the precious seeds.

For those who are intrested in producing their own cocopeat ,i've found this cocopeat machine supplier : http://www.toboc.com/3/4795/Exporter.aspx

The machines are expansive and it's for an industrial purpose or if you need tons of cocopeat !

Kenny Lingus

Active member
Complete Coco Guide

Complete Coco Guide

This link is to a dutch growshop, that offer growguides for download in PDF-format.

I like their coco guides (both for slabs and pots) and there are several good tips on how to maintain stable pH/EC throughout the bloom period and such...

Dutch, english and french versions available for coco growing.



What instrument or chemical could be used to test the salt content of coco fiber? I have been soaking about 12 cu ft (200 lbs) of local coco - $ 4.00 LOL -
for 10 days and am interested in seeing if any sodium remains before I use some in a test batch.