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We are not alone.


Well-known member
Trouble is Sandy, when ya stop falling for their distractions, they feel forced to manufacture something real. By the time the conspiracy nuts get called early speculators of truth, the perps from behind the curtain have moved on and its new perps behind the curtain; or programs in the matrix if you prefer.

True, this particular program is called "Project Blue Beam" but I'm certain they have way more hidden ones in their agenda than we'll ever know... Welcome to the Matrix


Boreal Curing
All I can say is WATCH the History Channel on May 31st 2019 at around 7 pm. Check your local times for the airing. The doubters will no doubt see it and not believe it. Make sure you have at least 2 weeks worth of rations. The world as we know it is about to change forever. Stay stoned.


If the government makes a statement, then I'll stock up on survival stuff.

Simple cellular life had to hang around for 3.5 billion years for complex multi-cellular life to appear about 600 million years ago (microbes, insects and stuff). Intelligent life? 6000 years? 10k yrs at most. And at some point soon, intelligent life population (us) will decrease and die off. We're just another of the trillions of ideas that didn't pan out.

The universe is our playground.... ONLY IF we get supper lucky. We're just not evolving technologically fast enough to get off the planet. If by some miracle the global society jumps on a green wagon, we just might have a chance. Crazy, but it would take a single global government to be able to do it.

Sorry to be a buzz kill, but we're in this alone.


Just this guy, ya know?
Shaved apes have been cooking food for over 350,000 years. Before that it was neanderthals. 10k years are you fucking serious? The pyramids were done 4000 years ago. Humanity isn't alone in the universe, not even close. The problem is you are too stupid to leave your own gravity well and too tribal you still kill each other over imaginary sky fairies. The rest of the universe has way better things to do than waste time and energy trying to pull ya'll into the 21st century. Even though we aren't alone, who the hell cares, this entire universe is a holographic simulation. It isn't even "real".


Boreal Curing
Shaved apes have been cooking food for over 350,000 years. Before that it was neanderthals. 10k years are you fucking serious? The pyramids were done 4000 years ago. Humanity isn't alone in the universe, not even close. The problem is you are too stupid to leave your own gravity well and too tribal you still kill each other over imaginary sky fairies. The rest of the universe has way better things to do than waste time and energy trying to pull ya'll into the 21st century. Even though we aren't alone, who the hell cares, this entire universe is a holographic simulation. It isn't even "real".

Apparently you can hack the universe with a DMT tool kit. :D

White Beard

Active member
The last time this happened was when they were supposed to land on the White House lawn in ‘96...I knew someone who left her husband an children, got ordained by some UFO church, and went around guaranteeing that The Real Thing would happen on schedule.

She’s not the same these days...her family wouldn’t have her back, her job wouldn’t have her back....


Boreal Curing
"Something happened to us less than 40 thousand years ago, long after were were anatomically modern."



Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
We are been selling them on the black market here in the EU for atleast 3 years now.
Our Russian comrade friends have thought us how to breed the grey ones. (They made progress in their research in breeding with the 2 other kinds).

Looks like that soon we can ship out to America also.


Well-known member
Apparently you can hack the universe with a DMT tool kit. :D

Dmt always feels like Im in a computer. K has let me communicate with my ancestors (I think?). Tried a line of k before bong hits of dmt. Terrible idea. The two substances hated each other and I purged so hard every time I moved for hours on end.


The Tri Guy
If anyone has any information on the location of the head quarters of the tooth fairy offices, I'd be grateful. Bastards only gave me 10p a tooth, now the dentist wants £700 a tooth to put some back in. They ripped me right off!