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Schedule 1 Classification being Directly Challenged!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Funny thing about Marinol is that DEA moved grass to schedule 2 til they got the synthetics worked out.

Then it went back to 1.



It's all a corporate takeover scheme. Prohibition in its entirety was a corporate takeover scheme. They ve had all this time to get their ducks in a row. 10 years from now, no one will be legally growing weed at home. Just like no one is making Valium at home. "But Valium legal?" Exactly. Legal to buy from corporations. Not legal to produce and possess without permission.

I hated needing permission as a little kid. And I hate it as an overgrown kid even more.

I grow "Valium" in its natural form, Valerian. 90% of all anti-depressants are based on Valerian. It's what the Pied Piper of Hamelin used to lure away the rats. Not that anyone would want you to know this non-hangover, non-habit forming plant does well against anxiety and insomnia. Doesn't need to be synthesized and patented like its substitutes on the market.

Tend to agree Cannabis should be un-scheduled and the only regulation should be similar to any product, if you sell it contaminated with pesticide or something like that, you'd be liable.

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