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Future Cannabis Project Videos


Active member
This series is great on youtube for learning if you take things with a grain of salt, per 100lbs, kidding. CLackmascoot is a G, he is wrong on a couple things, but right on 100000.

This channel has been teaching me quite a bit. Especially some of the history of old school growing.:bow:
Thanks to the old timers willing to share the knowledge. Ive got a degree in soil science and still learning to this day. The guy with him Adam is smart as hell too.
Thanks to everyone here and I looked to see if this was posted before throwing it up. I like to let them play in the background while working.
5 hours of gold with 30 min of filler


They do many roundtables with the cali guys. The narrarator is odd sometimes but its just because im from the south i guess im a redneck he seems like an informant.


Hahaha i agree with the main guy being a little off, and its decent stuff to just get a basic idea for a lot of random shit. Anything from vermicompost to the business of weed


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ICMag Donor
Something I learned in school, a degree can mean different things. Rather than your soil science degree I mean in my own experience, for example there is no degree in sustainable horticulture that I know of. So in essence a doctor may be a Merck(TM) salesperson. And watch out for that with anything. A group or school or platform may be advertising and people who claim to be experts may be something else entirely. For example a stubborn quote unquote doctor, who is a stingy in other words greedy stranger to me refusing to pay any fair wage or grant any education title. It is like the absolute greatest grower may have a video blog, or it could be a crustacean trap with a phone number asking for your payment information. Buyer beware same with learning and professional societies conferences meetings etc. If I went to a farm school for a health profession and received low grades because I disagree with chemical agriculture, facing the cause of cancer and modern disease, it is a let down to say the least. This sentence is almost off topic there were numerous quaker oats settlement looking people or mormon with more well paying jobs the teachers in other words you go your life hearing not to judge a book by its cover and now it is evident there are superficial or self serving groups people are not there to help in other words more or less greedy only looking out for their own interest, which in that case why are they collecting tuition to educate people? We know chemicals come from mining and weapons manufacturing and so much reliance on chemicals for crop diseases and pests it is like a factory for raising pests and a pesticide addiction similar to pill addiction. Pharma or almost money itself is like a sellout to petrochemical dead presidents green paper very close to crude oil refinery literally.


Active member
Dad was a soil scientist. I grew up smelling dirt as he would drive the backroads always stopping the car when he saw a healthy field. The Western Fertilizer Handbook was always on his desk. Educated in the age of chemicals, the green revolution, it was right after the dust bowl and the emphasis was on conservation. I watched his evolution in his own gardens. Lots of mulch and compost.

School doesn’t taint you. It opens your mind.

Personally I take everything Clackmus says with a grain of salt. Throw shit against the wall and see what sticks method. Admittedly the same method I use. It works Over time, but it doesn’t make you an expert. That takes study. Soil scientists.


The garden tours are nice and i enjoyed watching the jungli boys last night talking hydro, its a great idea and the jodrey vids are top shelf!:thank you:


Active member
I really enjoyed the one debunking compost tea.

Sorry but that guy is such a pseudo scientist (Scott). Sounds good but his arguments just don't hold water in my opinion. His stuff on compost teas are only accurate if you're not making it properly and his stuff on neem is just asinine. He has guys throwing out their soil for using neem. Now he's backed off some of his claims after getting a lot of flack and realizing he can't support it, but he is really just trying to make a name for himself by taking down others rather than on any new or unique research that might actually benefit the community.

The whole soilfoodweb community in general takes it way too far in my opinion. Microbes are super important, don't get me wrong, but we cannot discount the fact that minerals, pH, and the physical properties of soils all play a role in nutrient uptake. It's a myopic perspective to only focus on microbial health or to think that microbes alone will prevent pests, disease or lead to optimal nutrient uptake.

My opinion.....



Sorry but that guy is such a pseudo scientist (Scott). Sounds good but his arguments just don't hold water in my opinion. His stuff on compost teas are only accurate if you're not making it properly and his stuff on neem is just asinine. He revent pests, disease or lead to optimal nutrient uptake.

My opinion.....


not sure I have seen what you are talking about. I just happened to watch the one with the professor from the local university discussing research that had been done on compst tea.

Its far from a well organized show, and the guests are usually just some dude who grows, but it seems they do occasionally get professors or people with degrees in the field.

I think there was one on vermicompost with some research scientists discussing the work they done on it, that was 3 hours of blathering with about 20 minutes of good content.

I haven't watched much else on there, but I did enjoy those episodes.


Active member
not sure I have seen what you are talking about. I just happened to watch the one with the professor from the local university discussing research that had been done on compst tea.

Its far from a well organized show, and the guests are usually just some dude who grows, but it seems they do occasionally get professors or people with degrees in the field.

I think there was one on vermicompost with some research scientists discussing the work they done on it, that was 3 hours of blathering with about 20 minutes of good content.

I haven't watched much else on there, but I did enjoy those episodes.

Must have watched different videos...my bad.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Future Cannabis Project is a very hit and miss podcast. The host has very little actual knowledge of cannabis. He has found a couple of very informative guests.

I'm sorry when they go to the breeders round table discussions. Stand back! The BS piles up quickly with a bunch of stoner logic, disinformation.

Just because you have smoked 50 pounds of pot doesn't mean you know anything about growing quality organic healthy cannabis.

If you think you can flush chemicals out of Cannabis before the harvest???
You have already been duped, and most likely already believe a host of other growing falsehoods.
Peace farmerlion
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