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How much gram per hps 600


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Grow in Coco (or a hydro system.)
It surprised me the first time how well plants grow and yield in coco.

Its very easy to make the switch from soil to coco.
No big investment needed just a bag of good quality coco and some coco nutes.

Try it and compare your results.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Instead of coco 1 gpw is not hard with perlite-vermiculite mix or rockwool which is the most gnat-unfriendly for me, for most strains from seed. Flipping at 2-1/2 to 3' tall with a lot of upright types or a few bush types.
At one month old, from seed until you flip them into flower, your plants are not old or mature enough to give you any kind of substantial yield.

Excuse me, but this is nonsense. Of cause you can have a decent yield when your plants get four weeks veg from seed. Quality of weed will improve a bit when the plant is given more time to mature, but of cause you can flip your plants into flower after four weeks. This is what most people do. Indoor you will run out of space soon if you give your plants more than four weeks veg. If you want to grow plants older than four weeks, keep a motherplant and use clones.


automatic shoes
Instead of coco 1 gpw is not hard with perlite-vermiculite mix or rockwool which is the most gnat-unfriendly for me, for most strains from seed. Flipping at 2-1/2 to 3' tall with a lot of upright types or a few bush types.

Hey now! did you say gnats dont like rockwool? I hate gnats

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Exactly. An established healthy plant dries out the wool quick. The only recurrent problem I've had indoors is gnats, and the results from the 4 on 6 style I've settled on are better than perlite-vermiculite mix or anything else. With a fan, an air cooled 600, going almost bone dry every day - it's not a happy place for gnats, even though the blocks are in a container. I like a lot of runoff though, it may be washing some away or something. I rarely use any Gnatrol now, just a little sometimes.


Active member
Average noob (maybe not forum noob) gets about .3 grams a watt. Like others said, veg longer. 2 months veg is fairly mature. Prune for more bud sites and use a metal halide for veg and the first 2 weeks of 12/12 light schedule (stretch). More bud sites stacked so they all get fairly the same light intensity is key.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
It looks like he said he is getting .5 grams per .6w I know he isn't under a 1000w. I did the conversion for easy math.

If someone is getting .5 grams per .6watts they are getting .83 grams per watt. DO THE MATH!!!!!!!

If he meant he is getting .5g -.6g per watt he should have written it that way. Not .5g/.6g watt. .5g-.6g is .5g to .6g The / is per.

And he still should look at the freakin 1 million threads on how to improve his yield instead of wanting someone to spell it out for him.

I am under a 600w and my yield is low. What should I do? If you can't get the proper yield from a 600w even if you go up to a 750 watt you still will be low yield for that lamp. He needs to read other posts and learn to maximize his grow.

G `day iT

A watt is a watt ...
400 watt , ->1000 . equation of gram per watt doesn`t change .
Doesn`t matter how many watts the lamp puts out . The equation is how many grams of weed in a ratio to 1 watt .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
I think he is thinking .6 kilowatt which a 600w is .6 kilowatt.

A thousand watts is 1 kilowatt.

.6 grams a watt isn't too shabby. More veg time and pruning for effect is the only way to boost yields other than sogging a lot of numbers and/or co2 and hydro. I don't see much for hydro sog units for tents. There isn't much.

Key is also strain. Some just do not yield heavy. Slow vegging strains, small flowers or larf.


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
If u veg a plant for 2 months without headroom u will have problems

1 diff strains veg diff sativa will veg and stretch more than heavy indicas

2 if its ya first time with the plant how would u kno the stretch its usually 2-4x but can be more

3 penetration unless u train these big plants to get light a 600 will not cover as much going down into the bottom why have a 6 foot plant thats only getting 3 feet of light u get alot of bottom larf

If u veg from seed with a 600 for 4 weeks every plant will be atleast 3-4 feet tall

Some strains like hazes require no veg they take so long to flower they veg and mature at the same time .. its advised not to veg sativas long unless u have the space

Telling someome 1 month veg is not enough is extra horse shit


Active member
Not totally true. Veg is not a precise term here. Vegging 1 month under cfl is different than metal halide. Vegging under hps is also different. Wattage matters.

Not all strains will veg or stretch alike. Pruning style also is decisive.

It's a waste of money on a power bill to veg under a large HID at germination. Makes more sense to germ beans under enough light, then after 3 or 4 weeks veg under something more.

A 315 cmh is a good veg light. So are led. Cfl is good for seedlings.

Also matters what you want the plants to grow into. Legal states have limits. So there is a trend to grow bigger plants and less of them. 2 plants in a 4 x 4 foot tent need approx 2 months veg from germination or cut. Rooting times and germination times may vary.

My idea is take cuts when thowing mature plants under flowers. One veg tent, one flower tent. When the flower tent is done, the vegging cuttings are ready to go. 12/12. Both tents always huming along. Always vegging, always flowering. Cost a couple hundred for a dedicated drying tent. Under 20 amps with their own dedicated circuit. More than plenty of personal smoke.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
If u veg a plant for 2 months without headroom u will have problems

1 diff strains veg diff sativa will veg and stretch more than heavy indicas

2 if its ya first time with the plant how would u kno the stretch its usually 2-4x but can be more

3 penetration unless u train these big plants to get light a 600 will not cover as much going down into the bottom why have a 6 foot plant thats only getting 3 feet of light u get alot of bottom larf

If u veg from seed with a 600 for 4 weeks every plant will be atleast 3-4 feet tall

Some strains like hazes require no veg they take so long to flower they veg and mature at the same time .. its advised not to veg sativas long unless u have the space

Telling someome 1 month veg is not enough is extra horse shit

G `day SHF

Yes good general info , but ...
OP says he`s growing Critical + . So the advice of vegging it longer and scrogging is prolly on point . If the OP wants more GPW .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Wouldn't you prefer 2 600's over 3 400's because of the lumens and PAR per watt? It's surely more challenging to get 1 gpw from a 400. To clarify my earlier posts, I've never vegged under a 600, or a 400. A 430 Son Agro 3 x 3 veg tent and a 600 4 x 4 flower tent might make a difference in yield and everything else.

Gnats and algae were a problem in rockwool with the 430 driving a 400 for flower - Gnatrol for this. Plants flowering for seed under a 400 use maybe 25% less water than seedless under a 600. With the lights and fan off in veg, a penlight hanging over sticky cards or flypaper gets some gnats, maybe before they lay eggs. They're sucked in from outside when I unzip while the lights are on? The ports are duct taped now.

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