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Smurfs turf; When life gives you lemons....


Nil Illegitimus Carburundum
ICMag Donor
Stunning grow with gorgeous, healthy plants.
Kudos fella, super looking turn out.
Regards :tiphat:


Registered Cannabis User
Can a Mod move this thread to the grow diaries section? I dont know why i have it here. Thanks.


Registered Cannabis User
Getting close on room 1. Ive knocked to ec down to 1.2. I bet they turn yellow and purple overnight! This plant must like to eat a lot, because it has a history to be the first strain to yellow before anything else.
At about 14 days out (day 63) from harvest ill feed with 0.8ec for a week, and then ill run 0.4-0.5 ec until the chop.

Room 2 is still chuggin along fine. I put a trellis on one half of it. I want to see what the results are from with vs. without. It seems like when you use a trellis or pack plants too close to each other, they end up relying on these things to support them. The stems dont seem to grow very sturdy as a result. Some strains are naturally weak like that, but this one is borderline so im testing it. Ive never run it without a net before.

Room 1 Day 60

Room 2 Day 35


Registered Cannabis User
@Chefy- Thats just 1" styrofoam basement insulate that i cut into squares. I tried the pink stuff in the past, but its was only 1/4" thick at most. I am using it in room 1, but i have it doubled, and tripled up. Winter is a rough beech, that 1" padding keeps em nice and toasty when its -20F. Basement floor temps are ridiculously cold in the winter. There is a definite noticeable difference between using nothing at all, vs. using the pink stuff, vs. the 1" thick foam. Time tested, yield approved;)


Gotcha... They runoff into a floor drain or something? I have a hydronic heated slab :) so in some cases my ladies are just sitting on the ground.


Yeah, just went for it. If you ever decide to do it, I learned a lot by trial and error and would be happy to share some info.


Registered Cannabis User
Room 1 is getting closer. I bumped the night temps up, as well as the feed from 1.23ec up to 1.54. It definitely stalled the senescence, and greened them up just slightly. Flower production increased for a few days, and now its time for the drawdown. I fed them with 1.0ec yesterday, and sure enough they looked halfway flushed by the next day! It still amazes me after all these years. This strain yellows up/colors up so fast its ridiculous. I bet you could achieve a full flush in 3-5 days if you really wanted to. Im talking no green fans at all. Personally, i like drawing them down slowly. A completely nutrient deficient plant is very susceptible to disease (botrytis comes to mind; bud rot). I wont let them color out completely until about 3 days out from from the chop.

Heres a question.... I understand the science behind harvesting in the dark. I figure it cant hurt, so why not? I have been doing it for a while, and to be honest, its a pain the D! Trying to cut through a string trellis that is interwoven into a jungle of plants is no easy task. I use a headlamp, but its still no fun. I honestly cannot tell a difference between chopping in lights on or off. Can anyone else see a difference? I feel like one light can be on for a half hour while i take the plants out... Doesnt it take plants like 45min to reach full metabolism under direct light?

Just got the power bill.....Ugh! Sometimes you just have to laugh. Oh well, its worth it.


Active member
Good question. I've been chopping in dark for years. Recently changed my work situation where it takes hours to chop. Hence, started doing it during lights on. Can t tell a difference. It's only been a month or so since my changing this. But I can't tell. Honestly I sampled some that seemed even stoneir!


Honestly can't say that it's an obvious difference in quality ime... Try for the dark when I can, but it doesn't always work. I do shut off the lights directly above the plants to be harvested but leave other lights in the room on.


Registered Cannabis User
Thanks for the input fellas. I just got back from staking them up. The buds are very full and i could see a couple bowling pins out of place each day. Ill admit, I made a misjudgemnent, and set the trellis too low. I havent grown this strain (or anything really) in a while. I lost my touch a bit. I think i redeemed myself with room 2 though.

Anyways, I had to lizard crawl underneath, and pop up in the middle of all this chaos to fix em. A couple stakes and a few zipties later and everything looks better, but not perfect. Theres only so much you can do without damaging the other plants you are working around. I always worry about mold, even though i have never had it indoors. I have great airflow both above, and below the canopy. Lights off humidity is about 45%rh. I would like to be lower, but i dont have the means at the moment. Its still pretty impressive for a single cheapo dehumidifier in a 6 light room with big plants like this.

You never really know what your going to yield until you get in there in the midst of it, and get a good look. Well, i got a GOOD look!! Impressed me thats for sure. I cant begin to tell you how many fat colas i found hiding in the bosom of all the other standing ones. One donkey after the next. Some of these buds are only 5-6" apart, theres nowhere for them to go because theres so much damn weed! I guess thats a good problem!

All the pics ive posted are from the same angles. Before harvest, I will get a variety of up close and personal shots with florescent lighting over the crop. You should be able to see what im talking about. A lot of it is hiding in the back.

One more thing. Room 1 is the first crop i have ever tested the Canna Boost product on. :bow: Just wow...! If you use it, you know what im talking about.


Registered Cannabis User
Room 1, Day 70 Lemon G (coloring out)
This canopy is getting sloppy. Definitely setting the trellis higher next time.

Room 2, Day 45 (Filling in nicely!)
I really think i hit this one square on the head. The spacing came out perfect. I have found that it is easier to keep an even canopy using more #'s of smaller plants vs. low #'s and bigger plants. At least thats what works for me. I usually dont do big plants like the ones in room1.

The little blip in the left side of pic2 is just some weed i have hanging off to the side of the lights. Over time the light degrades all of the chlorophyll. In the end, the bud looks yellow, and smokes like flavored air. Some potentcy could be lost, but most the flavor is retained from my experience. Just in case anyone was wondering.