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Getting through landlord inspections.

St. Phatty

Active member
I don't rent because I enjoy my privacy and independence. What I will state is, if I were a landlord I'd minimize my intrusions into peoples' homes and 'pretend' not to notice if they were growing unless I saw them damaging something. Even then, I'd tell them to correct the damage their indoor 'vegetable garden' is causing or I'd have to bring in an outside inspector.

If I was a landlord, I would help trouble shoot their grow to make sure it's on solid ground.

e.g. a big plastic container holding water - they do break & develop cracks.

A 30 gallon water container should have a 40 gallon concrete mixing tub beneath it. Just to be sure - and to protect the property from water damage.

Of course, if I was a landlord, the building would have GREAT ventilation.


Active member
If I was a landlord, I would help trouble shoot their grow to make sure it's on solid ground.

e.g. a big plastic container holding water - they do break & develop cracks.

A 30 gallon water container should have a 40 gallon concrete mixing tub beneath it. Just to be sure - and to protect the property from water damage.

Of course, if I was a landlord, the building would have GREAT ventilation.

I wouldn't even if I was an accomplished grower. The reason is I would want 'plausible deniability'.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
This is why quality grow tents are popular !

Its been a while since i bought one, but it never helped with a landlord inspection. Do they have magic invisiblity these days? :dunno:

Makes me think of another "Hide your grow shit in an apartment" thread where the guy left both his grow tents out fully set up but was hanging clothes from the top and storing shit on the bottom to make it look like he was using them for additional closet/wardrobe space.


Invertebrata Inebriata
That's not as dumb an idea as it sounds.



Active member
My daughter had one of those wardrobes and there's no way you'd confuse a grow tent for one unless you could legitimately go on my 600lb life and ranted about thin privilege being able to use a normal width wardrobe for your clothing :laughing:
It wouldn't fool the cops, but maybe a Mr. Magoo-type landlord. ;)

I used to have a wooden frame set up which I would hang the lights from.

Leo came here for some reason, I had nothing growing at the time, or if I did it was hidden away, can't remember.

Leo stuck his head in the grow room and said what is that for, and I said I'm building a birdcage.
Not sure if he believed me or not.


Seed Whore
I used to have a wooden frame set up which I would hang the lights from.

Leo came here for some reason, I had nothing growing at the time, or if I did it was hidden away, can't remember.

Leo stuck his head in the grow room and said what is that for, and I said I'm building a birdcage.
Not sure if he believed me or not.

Get a big bag of birdfood and some poultry books for next time.

Ask them if they know if you can own a turkey for a pet and that may fool them. :laughing:


Active member
this is funny, after renting for 10-15 years I've done all this stuff - I used to hang clothes in my old C-13 wardrobe cabinet to fool the landlord and hide the vent holes. I still have a set of special 3-mil, 5-foot tall plastic bags for the flowering plants to go into. I have put plants & freshly cut herb into my car and parked it around the block.

At one point I put a hasp & padlock on an old, unfurnished attic room and just padlocked it when my landlord came to inspect, she never asked me to open it or asked about the fan noise that must have been audible. That's key - if you're able to put a lock on the grow space it gives you an extra layer of protection. It's the only way to protect from visits when you're not home, which are illegal in this state but you know some landlords are nosy.
Well they are not allowed in without making an appointment here.

But I had one landlord once, well she was a woman, and she had a grown up son, and they would just walk in unannounced at anytime, you had to make sure you connected the chain on the door, so you would be lying in bed and you would hear the chain rattle, and you would know it was her or her son trying to come in.

Well I had mirrors attached to the wall alongside the bed, so I could watch myself having sex.

And obviously one day her and her son came in while I was out because the mirrors had been detached from the wall , and some where broken.

Ha ha, obviously they didn't approve of my pervertedness.

But they never said anything about the three pounds of weed drying out on the floor in the spare bedroom, and never called LE.
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Active member
I once had a leak get down to the unit under me. Property management came up asking to look around. Told em that my room mates room was locked, but they could check the bathroom for anything, couldn't find it.

Made a phone call to my 'room mate' and told them he wouldn't be around to let them in for a few days. Cleared out the room, took down tents, made it look lived in.

Thing is, I also went to the hardware store and bought some chains to hook into the walls and the sex store to buy a couple hundred bucks worth of toys. Tossed some well placed whips and handcuffs, paddle, bottle of cowboy lube around the room, and a dildo behind the mattress I moved in there.

When they had to move the mattress they got a big ol pink double sided slapping to the floor. The two inspectors were in there no more than a couple of minutes as I sat calmly in the other room. When they came out, they wouldn't look me in the eyes, told me it looked like some water had spilled, and promptly left, saying 'case closed'.

I presume they will not want to take another look.


Well-known member
yeah,they really believed they were your "roommates"toys.you came up with this elaborate charade just so you had an excuse to buy hundreds of dollars of lube and dildos.at least the neighborhood kids want be bothering you anytime soon.your probably the new neighborhood BOOTYMAN!ah,i mean boogyman!LMAO


New member
Wear a dust mask or hospital mask and cough a lot , they won't stay long . this is how you can speed up the inspection at least . they might even Not want to come in and say they will come back another time .


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Had a home insurance inspection a couple weeks ago since I changed carriers.
The woman who came to do the inspection was quick about it but very observant.
I locked up my grow room and did the usual pinesol floor cleaning for some scent and had policed the area to make sure no little indicators were laying about.
When she got to the padlocked room she looked at me and before she said anything I told her my gun collection was in there in safes as required by state law and "Sorry, Im not opening that for you, nobody goes in there without a warrant". The look on her face told me she thought guns were kind of icky and she wasnt going to push it.
Havent got a cancellation notice yet..

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