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2017 tester run - KC x Zamaldelica fem


Active member
Interested in watching a mainlining.
Growing in the limited spaces and controlling the growth is something that fascinates me for sure.
Jealous you can start so many
:plant grow:



Well-known member
Interested in watching a mainlining.
Growing in the limited spaces and controlling the growth is something that fascinates me for sure.
Jealous you can start so many
:plant grow:

Hey; Levi, you get a haircut?;) How many can you flower at a time? I was only going to do 4, then I thought i'd killed one so popped another and we know they all lived. That last seedling in the window is a sacrifice to the cat gods. I put a wish on a piece of paper under the pot, so that the day I come back and the plant's been eaten, my wish will come true and my grow will be safe. If peed on and dying a slow death, I know I'll have problems in the grow and I can use the wish as toilet paper. total fabrication, of course, just not to say I popped that last one for absolutely no reason. So five little plant sculptures in a 3x3. Hell, look at syd!

Me, too for the mainlining; I'm wondering what percentage of sativa we have here and how they'll react to defol and general freestyle wrestling. I've learned that stout veg or wide leaves are no good indicators for what could come in flower with Ace' gear. NepJam was good example of very sativa flower though not wispy, very wide leaved, stout start. (Kali China is 75%indica/25% sativa according to website and Zam 100% sat can be jungle wild from what I've seen, so again, who knows?)

1,2,4 topped today, 1 watered pure H2O, she is stretching her internodes more than the others and showing vigorous desire to branch. The others also look like they'll be equally bushy. I'll reup my bet on numbers 1 and 2 as winners in what will be somewhat opposite categories, just a dad's intuition. 5 is also tallish for her age. No pics, but these puppies seem to double every day. Disconcerting.


Active member
I found that I can fit 2 plants in a 2x2 and get as much or more then when I packed in up to 6.
My second box is 2x3 so i have some room for fan and seedlings. Im shooting fir 2 per box.


Well-known member
All set to go

All set to go

I found that I can fit 2 plants in a 2x2 and get as much or more then when I packed in up to 6.
My second box is 2x3 so i have some room for fan and seedlings. Im shooting fir 2 per box.

My first tent was a 2x2 and I did up to 5 plants in it, heavily lst'd, plenty of bud. Always too much;) I upped it to a 3x3, which I'm using now, and thought I'd do the next step and decided on 5x5, but that thing is BIG. A real grow room. I didn't do the math beforehand, which is now very obvious: 9sq ft as opposed to 25sq ft, almost 3x! When I think I can get a pound out of the little tent, the big one scares me shitless.

(someone ate a leaf off of my canary plant in the window. Good sign;))

Welcome aboard, Old Toker;)

I simplified the set up and turned on the HID; 430w of MH, mainly for the heat, lol. It's cold at night and that thing heats the room and they stay between 72 and 80, but mainly still mid 70s with lights on. I know the screw in LEDs are brighter, but it's actually less expensive for me to heat with the light than to add a 1200w electric heater to the mix. Also, I want to build a 30" frame for the LEDs and buy a few more (10) so less guesswork about coverage.

#s 1-4 took the first topping well and are going about it, no worries, 5 is fine untopped and a week behind. Depending on her nature, I will try and onebud her right smack in the middle of the tent. I have pruner's regret looking at the new branching, most of which I know i'll pinch off in a week... sigh.

The plants are not perfectly happy, #4 showing either a little burn from a foliar yesterday or cal deficiency. They're growing well all the same for a day 17. I tend to overwater in soil and underfeed, but I'm not making any drastic moves yet as they're shooting roots into the coco below, which has a lot of goodies in it. Roots look very white, very healthy.

I filled the canvas container with 13 gallons of the two cocos mixed 1/1 and the two 3 gal felt pots I'll need. I've filled and soaked the blumats and cleaned out the 13 gal res and the lines. I don't know exactly when they'll go in the coco, probably in a week or so, so they get a good running start into flower.

Here dey is.


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Well-known member
A good start, I like the "collective bed" idea, looks much like planting in the ground outdoors.

Just wanted to say that I sprouted my little ZMDxKC test plant. She will be following her sisters in your thread DWD :) Oh yes, and she will be showing off in her own thread too ;)



Amazing bro!A pound from a 3x3 ?I have gone 280 g max with my 3,3x3,3...Big noob still!I'll be very happy to get even 350 g this time.I thought about 5x5 but seems enormous and needs new vent...So I'll go for the 4x4 with same vent.There I'll be able to get the pound for each of my 2 annual grows to cover my needs.

Girls look great,the cat gods are in your favour!:tiphat:


Well-known member
In da "ground" at 3 weeks-system set

In da "ground" at 3 weeks-system set

A good start, I like the "collective bed" idea, looks much like planting in the ground outdoors.

Just wanted to say that I sprouted my little ZMDxKC test plant. She will be following her sisters in your thread DWD :) Oh yes, and she will be showing off in her own thread too ;)


True dat. That thing fits half the 3x3 like a glove; one more to fill the tent completely, and it would be a very squat, low maintenance grow, methinks;) Good luck on your girl, not that you'll need it. Robust little puppies.

I didn't like how they were in their Happy Frog, and seeing over the last week how they perked up sitting on the coco, I repotted 'em. One thing led to another and the blumats are in place, coco soaked til runoff twice with many gallons of pH 6.3 RO, even if pHing isn't a big deal with this stuff, and got the lines set. Looks fine so far, res is 5 feet off the floor on top of a dresser, gravity doing its thing;) AT replant they all had better root systems than I would've thought and they got a dusting of Great White going into the coco.

I can't drop the light anymore for the moment so may add an LED on each until they're bigger.

Numbers 1 and 2 have been my picks from the start, number 1 being a very vigorous, less cabbage-like, hopefully Zammy expression of the line, whereas the others seem to follow the squat and fat side of the family so far. 1, 2, 4 are at 23 days since pop, #3 a few days behind and 5, the untopped, is at 16 days looking like a pretty, happy girl who couldn't give a shit about social media. My ideal.

I'm rethinking the mainline strategy as I'm hesitant to put them through a super rigorous stress test on the first go. They're all topped at 3rd node (except number 3 who got FIMmed, clumsily) so have three sets of branches all tightly grouped. I think in the interest of science:biggrin: I should take the bottom two from each for clone in case I find a holy grail and so I'll let them grow out a bit.

We've been talking about defoliation and pruning in other threads, and I remember that it's not good to take leaf matter from a plant that's not in perfect health. These girls need to dig into the coco goodness and bounce back a bit before anymore plucking.

Piclets-The one in the window is doing fine with just a few hours of direct sun in a south facing window. The cactus has a friend growing with it that has a trichome like slick. Neat.


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Well-known member
Nice looking plants DWD. Congratulations on not killing them yet.:biggrin:

Giving it another try, OT;) I'll get 'em yet. Number four is already rethinking the roommate agreement.

And Syd, there's a dude on here, maybe in Ramsthepharoh's thread, that gets 1/2 pound per plant :peacock: x 6 in 3 gal coco in a 3x3 tent. I am diddly with my little gram per watt ambitions and always happy to score at all!


Well-known member
Digging in-day 2 after "repot"

Digging in-day 2 after "repot"

The blumats are a'drippin' and the plants a'growin';) Definitely looks like they are happy with more food and space.

I'm happy to report that it looks like I got what I wanted at the very least; two plants that may be at opposite edges of the phenotype spectrum (#s 1 and 4), while #2 is a perfect balance between these two, and #3 who's fimmed and so with 2 extra tops, 5 going straight up, will provide entertainment and intrigue whatever pheno they turn out to be.

I gave 'em names as we're going to be pretty close over the next months;) The runoff from their drenching the other day was 7.3 or so, so I'll drop the pH of the res to 5.8 from the 6.25 it's at now. Biggest ones at 25 days from seed. Should've started them in the coco.


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Well-known member
March 13 continued

March 13 continued

Here're #4 and 5. Cat gods have taken more leaves from the offering in the window and obviously transferred that energy to my girls in the sacred tent. Shamanism 101, child's play;)


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Old Toker

Well-known member
Your plants are looking good DWD!
Questions for you: After naming your girls do you anticipate having any separation anxiety issues at harvest?
In your second post.....picture on the R.....what's her name? :tiphat:


Well-known member
And away they go

And away they go

Your plants are looking good DWD!
Questions for you: After naming your girls do you anticipate having any separation anxiety issues at harvest?
In your second post.....picture on the R.....what's her name? :tiphat:

Hey, OT, thanks! Nope, these girls treat you right and leave when they're done;) Got your eye on the Straight Lady, eh? Hard to choose, for me. If variety is the spice of life, this tent is hot like a biryani I had in a roadside shed in Pondicherry. Who knew raw onion was an antidote to spice?

A coupla days since last look and they're doing the inch a day thing;) They like their new shoes and are starting to stretch their arms a bit, which I need them to do for height's sake. That rectangular container keeps them so low to start that I'll have to veg a tad more. A few more days of growth like this and I can punch some holes in the "pots" and tie down their tops. Nothing more beautiful than a healthy pot plant and these are finally getting there.

What's nifty is seeing how the plants in the horizontal planter have already sensed they've got more space than the others to spread out. I'm wondering how much container size will play in this coco/hydro setup. Here dey is.

Now, my next folly; my two most coveted lighting setups are a good LED (with flowering power and 5x5 footprint, not easy to afford) and the CMH (either 630 or 2 315s minimum for a 5x5). I found a lighting company in CO that makes a dimmable hybrid DE 630w CMH, 400true watts LED. Draws 1100watts at full power or 300w if lowest setting CMH and LEDs off. Eufloria is the name. Expensive, though not compared to a Black Dog LED, goes about $1.10 a watt. The main concern indoors around here is heat and thus ventilation needs, and these lights require much less than HID, simplifying grows madly. Plus, most efficient PAR and lighting spectrums out there. Ima put a down payment on one within the next coupla months so it's here for summer indoor. For the 3x3, it looks like building a panel of screw-in LEDs would be the cheapest and best "improvement" I could make over the 600w Ushio.

Dats dat.


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Old Toker

Well-known member
Those top down shots of your girls are amazing.

If variety is the spice of life, this tent is hot like a biryani I had in a roadside shed in Pondicherry. Who knew raw onion was an antidote to spice?
During your "misspent" youth? You know brother what doesn't kill us......
What's nifty is seeing how the plants in the horizontal planter have already sensed they've got more space than the others to spread out. I'm wondering how much container size will play in this coco/hydro setup.
I'm curious about that also. I've read lots of posts extolling the virtues (and drawbacks) of larger pots....5 gal.....10 gal....ect. But very little about the possible benefits of horizontal planters. Interesting that the plants seem to "sense" it. Has to be that the roots can somehow tell they have more room to expand.
I found a lighting company in CO that makes a dimmable hybrid DE 630w CMH, 400true watts LED. Draws 1100watts at full power or 300w if lowest setting CMH and LEDs off. Eufloria is the name. Expensive, though not compared to a Black Dog LED, goes about $1.10 a watt. The main concern indoors around here is heat and thus ventilation needs, and these lights require much less than HID, simplifying grows madly. Plus, most efficient PAR and lighting spectrums out there. Ima put a down payment on one within the next coupla months so it's here for summer indoor.
How much is that out the door ready to grow? I briefly (very briefly) considered something like this for my 5x5 tent.....for many of the same reasons as you listed. Had two problems with it:
1. I realized that I had too little knowledge about these products to spend THAT kind of money
2. I didn't have THAT kind of money to spend
Admittedly the latter WAS more important.:)
Try not to kill your plants.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Those top down shots of your girls are amazing.

You with your innuendo;) Between you and tangwena, "with his eye on my bitches", they're gonna need chaperones.

How much is that out the door ready to grow? I briefly (very briefly) considered something like this for my 5x5 tent.....for many of the same reasons as you listed. Had two problems with it:
1. I realized that I had too little knowledge about these products to spend THAT kind of money
2. I didn't have THAT kind of money to spend
Admittedly the latter WAS more important.:)
Try not to kill your plants.:tiphat:

I've got the same two problems, mainly the second one, but I'm sick of baking my plants in the summer w/nighttime temps of 90f and having a jet runway in my bedroom with all the exhausting and whatnot, lol. I ain't exactly ready to jump on, still find some interesting stuff on craigslist colorado that cuts prices waaay down. There's a glut of growing equipment over there, so market's flooded with cool stuff.

Pricewise, eufloria's got two versions, the 630 DE CMH w/400watts LED, for 1250clams, and the 315 CMHw 400w LED at 1100clams US. I'd say for the extra few shellfish, it's the dimmable 630. He's on youtube with a grow or two.

Hey, and if anything kills my plants in the next weeks it's gonna be Zeus himself, direct with a lightning bolt through the skylight or something. Or a cat. Not me in any case, all I do is buy and pH water, fiddle a bit with the blumats and gander quite a bit.


Active member
I went with black dog LED. Very happy with them
A pair of the 240's
They work great, not too much heat. I have exhaust fan on lowest setting. .
All in all it's like running a crappy refrigerator noise wise. At night I have lights off
So it's nearly silent.

Old Toker

Well-known member
I'm sick of baking my plants in the summer w/nighttime temps of 90f..
I hear you. I'm having enough trouble/costs keeping my Florida garage cool enough in March. I still have April/May/June. After this grow.....I'm done until October. Fortunately (or not) I don't have anyone waiting on my harvest except me. If I was making money off of this.....$1100+ dollars might look more attractive. For my current circumstances... $65 Phillips 860w CDM and $100 magnetic ballast seems to be getting the job done. Although....I can't imagine running this setup in July/August. :tiphat:


Active member
I figured An oz a month plus was costing me a shit ton of money. So I sucked it up and got the lights. Everything else is not too expensive other then a seed habit.


Well-known member
All sounds very familiar, problemwise and solutionwise;) OT, that CDM should be pretty great actually and just about perfect for a 5x5.
Levi, those Black Dogs are about the best panels out there, but VERY expensive new. I've seen a couple second-hand, but couldn't afford them at that moment. They are on my lookout list.
I just got the tiniest bit into screw in LEDs a la Terpene and spugg, and from what I'm seeing they can be very efficient and powerful, comparable to much more expensive systems. I just came across what they call LED Corn Lights, 25-35 watt LEDs with no diffuser to pop off and the "bulb" looks like a corncob, each niblet a diode. Pretty wild. 6 of these in a small tent (3x3 or 2x2) would be pretty good coverage. Not super cheap, but primo lighting.

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