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Potassium deficient


ICMag Donor
Go back to bottled water.

I'm guessing that your tap water is super hard and is throwing your soil pH off target.

I've experienced much the same symptoms in past grows and it was because of the tap water. Once I went to RO water things improved.

What is the pH of your tap water? Your runoff water?
Can you get a water quality report from your water supplier and if so can you post the results?

I'm guessing that you're soil pH has gone up around and possibly above 8 which will make numerous elements unavailable for uptake.


I researched a little bit more about the waters I used in the past. It looks like they were all way to hard with to much minerals. Can this cause the deficiencies?
Thinking about to mix some bottled water with demineralised water. What do you think?

Hi aimone,
Ya high minerals in your water can mess things up. Too much of any one nutrient can lock out another. In your case too much Ca++ was probably locking out a different anipn. So that's why it looks like a deficiency even though you're giving enough.

The dilution thing will work to soften your water. Just speculatively if you had one gallon at 400 ppm and you mixed that with one gallon RO or distilled. Then you would have two gallons at 200 ppm each.
Good luck,


Thanks guys,

I guess for the future I should also think about a ro system. But right now I need to work with mixing the water.
Ph is between 7-7,5 but I always thought the impact on organic (biologic) soil isn’t that big. Can’t measure the ec up to now.

I guess drdee has the point and it’s what I was thinking more or less. Still not sure. Next grow I’m gonna do a comparison grow with one plant I only water from the tab.
Up to now I don’t have any further information from our water supplier besides it’s hard. But I asked for it. Let’s see.

The bottled water I mixed right now has the following minerals:

Hco3: 514
So4: 15
F: 0,22

All in mg/l

I mixed it 2 pt. bottled water/ 1 pt. dilutened water. Will that work out? And other question. Should I add nutrients? Do i need to flush first? Sorry for all the questions guys


250 ppm is the top of the range you should use for plants...I use 200ppm tap.

If you freeze hard water it makes milky ice cubes. RO water ice cubes are clear. Just as a quick and dirty guage of what you're dealing with.


250 ppm is the top of the range you should use for plants...I use 200ppm tap.

If you freeze hard water it makes milky ice cubes. RO water ice cubes are clear. Just as a quick and dirty guage of what you're dealing with.

Ah ok. Than I should be fine with my mix. Just did the math. Should be around 200. But nutes or no nutes?


Ah ok. Than I should be fine with my mix. Just did the math. Should be around 200. But nutes or no nutes?

That's your base water level. As you add nutrients...then it goes up from there...but starting at 200ppm.

That 200 in minerals should have enough Ca+++and Mg+ so you most likely won't need any CalMag.


That's your base water level. As you add nutrients...then it goes up from there...but starting at 200ppm.

That 200 in minerals should have enough Ca+++and Mg+ so you most likely won't need any CalMag.

Sure. I was talking about n-p-k


Active member
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys,

I guess for the future I should also think about a ro system. But right now I need to work with mixing the water.
Ph is between 7-7,5 but I always thought the impact on organic (biologic) soil isn’t that big. Can’t measure the ec up to now.

I guess drdee has the point and it’s what I was thinking more or less. Still not sure. Next grow I’m gonna do a comparison grow with one plant I only water from the tab.
Up to now I don’t have any further information from our water supplier besides it’s hard. But I asked for it. Let’s see.

The bottled water I mixed right now has the following minerals:

Hco3: 514
So4: 15
F: 0,22

All in mg/l

I mixed it 2 pt. bottled water/ 1 pt. dilutened water. Will that work out? And other question. Should I add nutrients? Do i need to flush first? Sorry for all the questions guys

Any more than 300 ppm bicarbonates (HCO3) will screw up everything. Blocks all of your calcium by making calcium carbonate.

If you had high ppms in your tap water, chances are it was doing the same thing. This means a lack of Ca not an excess.

It also drives the pH up.

You can acidify your water with some P acid and let it sit a bit, that will burn up some of those bicarbonates.

Much better if you can find some clean water. Can't believe they sell water like that. That water could probably cause stones in the body!


I know in the US bottled water comes under pretty tight regulation. How it's labeled. Water called "spring" water can be sold direct with no further processing (once approved). But water that has gone through reverse osmosis for purification is called "drinking water" and then there's "distilled water".

If you already have high tap chemicals...you only want to add RO ("drinking water) or distilled. Forget the spring water. Sounds like a small RO unit would really help.


Hey guys,
What can I say.
Sadly the problem didn’t disappear. I finally got the analyses of our tap water but couldn’t find anything extreme besides a higher ppm of hco3. So I decided to flush the soil with a mix of the water from the sink and distilled water 2:1 and ph‘ed to 6.5. after I gave a smooth nutrient Solution with 20% of the suggested dose of hesi bloom. Also ph lowered to 6.5.
it got worst and worst. And since I watered one of them yesterday again with the same mix it feels like it gets worst directly after the watering. First the leaves look like washed out and then they start to dry. Almost looks like they burned. On the other hand there are lower which have a perfect colour. Think on the next run I’ll do a test with different waters.


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I aimed my last post about water to Slownickel...got confused over who the OP was.

It's obvious now. Those plants are just burned to shit from too much of everything. Get your water squared away. Seriously...water should be your first consideration. You're nutes need to be tailored to the water...and I'm talking calcium and magnesium. But your water didn't do that...you fed them too much.


I aimed my last post about water to Slownickel...got confused over who the OP was.

It's obvious now. Those plants are just burned to shit from too much of everything. Get your water squared away. Seriously...water should be your first consideration. You're nutes need to be tailored to the water...and I'm talking calcium and magnesium. But your water didn't do that...you fed them too much.

Hey dee. Thx for your time man. What would you do on my situation?


Hey dee. Thx for your time man. What would you do on my situation?

Man I'm not totally sure. My gut says chop them and move on. I doubt that you'll get any palatable smoke...way harsh. Concentrate or edibles perhaps?

Maybe somebody else may have better ideas. Sometimes a plant will just decide to die...and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that plant dies no matter what you do.


Man I'm not totally sure. My gut says chop them and move on. I doubt that you'll get any palatable smoke...way harsh. Concentrate or edibles perhaps?

Maybe somebody else may have better ideas. Sometimes a plant will just decide to die...and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that plant dies no matter what you do.

Damn dude. You think? No flushing, no nothing? I mean the common way after overfeeding is tonflush right? Maybe just don’t want to see them die. Funny thing is the flowering is not so bad. The question is can I keep them alive for 5 more weeks.

I would have restarted already. The thing is I’m out of the country for 3 weeks in mid December.


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And what would you suggest for my water issue for the future? Still not sure which water to use.

Is it not possible To mix a „perfect“ water with distilled water and just adding all the micros and macros? Is there like something to just mix up?


Well-known member
rain water

rain water

Just use rain water its basically RO and its free! Fresh rain has only about 7 ppms. Got to add a little Ca-mag! I have a friend that cuts rain with tap water to bring the ppms up to 70 to 120. His regular tap is 500 ppm! Rain will give false ph readings untell you bring the ppms up to at least 100.


Well-known member
U can save them

U can save them

Just give them plain rain water without anything in it for the next five weeks and you will see them perk up! The leaf damage is done! Dont add ca-mag, just rain water! The only time you use cal-mag., is if it is soil-less mix. Rain water has no ph! So don't use any acid! That looks like to me part of your problem anyway! In about 3 weeks they will perk up and give you some pretty good buds. You will have a small harvest but you will at least save something! I've seen this happen many times and the rain water fixed it! I've been using rain for years, indoor and out, and I the only time i use RO over rain is when I can't get any rain due to drought. Try it you will see! Good luck!