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the dark little island


Jim ll fix it! Bet theres lots of jokes on the rise

During the mid 70's-very early 80's? My friend at primary school Mat**** Ta*** was on his show anyone recall a blonde haired lad who met Gary Newman ?
He drove a little electric car around the studio too.
Cool badge at that age.;)

Harry Lime

Active member
man you funny!

how many brain cells you must have to formulate that!

I'm not sure...prolly about the same number as it takes some angst ridden, paranoid adolescents to cobble together a page full of jibberish they have no proof of from various conspiracy sites and then bang it on a MJ site because they are angry.

Lizard eyed?
Banking blood lines?

Put out the joint, step away from the computer and go for a walk.


Active member
Harry, again that's your opinion, shouldn't tell people their wrong or right in relation to your beliefs...

And for the record I believe that there's huge conspiracys going on and much evidence to prove it, one day eyes will be open for the masses, if they stop watching fcking rot your brains television.


BBC should have their funding stopped ASAP!


Active member
David Icke has entered the building.

lol :)
mate that is the most subjective statement ever ever ever!

its this Jimmy savile thing that has got me going and the lies surrounding it even now its finally come out..

do i want a bloody revolution?

do i want more bloody wars more like, do i want another world war killing millions of people in iran and the middle east probably the asia pacific region as well and north and south korea, israel and palestine etc etc

i dont want those things to happen and they are well planned to occur, couldnt really be anymore obvious until that first nuke hits..

the same people that are forcing these conflicts that caused the other massive wars and monetary depressions/ money debasement of the last 300 years that has caused misery for the masses and monopoly for the banking elite bloodlines..

revolutions come in cycles, i want to tear that whole paradigm apart, the various institutions and concepts that perpetuate the misery and control and blood shedding..

but one thing is for sure unless you either have a very warped notion of rights and freedom and life in general or are just very insular this world is not better than it ever has been.. this modern world is alot of things but none of them would i put in the better category,,

if your saying that faster communication, food availabilty and things like that are better, imo they are hardly worth taking all this bullshit just to have supermarkets spoling us and google spying on my browser information and storing it in databases in israel for military corporations like lackheed martin..


2000 years ago, they would have skinned you alive while roasting you over an open flame, for saying that.

500 years ago, they would have burned you alive for being a potsmoker (herbalist, witch.) (and only would not have tortured you, if you confessed right off the bat.)

100 years ago, they might well have found a reason to hang you publicly for saying what you do.

today,if you managed to get a large audience, they probably will just put you in jail under false accusations.

its progress, not a great progress and damn slow, but its progress.

Lost... Bit of a nihilist over here, so can offer you some solace in that eventually none of this will matter at all... Nothing will be left, the human race will become extinct. In the grand scheme of it all... We will be erased entirely and the universe won't skip a beat.

Putting that aside, what we need is to kill off all the bad people and leave only the good ones. It won't matter in the end, but then again I hold secret pleasure in doing horrible things to cheney/bush... ;-)

i have often thought of that, but the damn truth of it, if i started killing, i would never be able to stop, too many damn assholes.


Active member
there are always conspiracies and are going to be till mankind wakes up.

even your grocery stores are in conspiracies against you. lol


Well-known member
Got to agree..One big fuck off conspiracy going on. Jimmy Savile is just the tip of the iceberg, the start of the story, if it's all allowed to come out and people don't wake up then there is no hope for them. There will be some revelations in the next few weeks. There are rumours tonight on Twitter about a pedophile ring in Parliament.

Babylon system starting to crumble? People should be going out of their way to make sure it topples, time for a change junta. We are being fucked over good style in this country. Time for people to take control of their lives and not have anything to do with government, I don't need governing. We all pay tax at the barrel of a gun, don't believe me? Try not paying tax.

Anyway that's my rant over.

@ Harry...Being paranoid does not make you wrong :O)


Active member
i dont remember, ever, having been paranoid, till i had good fucking reason to be.

weed or not.


Well-known member

One of the Yorkshire Rippers victims was found dead outside Jimmy Savile's Leeds penthouse.


Well-known member
I didn't know Frank Bruno had been in the ring with the Yarksher Ripper? What year was that?

Harry Lime

Active member
Harry, again that's your opinion, shouldn't tell people their wrong or right in relation to your beliefs...

And for the record I believe that there's huge conspiracys going on and much evidence to prove it, one day eyes will be open for the masses, if they stop watching fcking rot your brains television.


BBC should have their funding stopped ASAP!

You're right and I'm very proud of my opinions. They are based on evidence, testable, provable, quantifiable evidence.

So your evidence for this humungous, over arching/lizard people/zionist/paedo conspiricy is...?

Harry Lime

Active member
Pedo ring? More likely to be Broadmoor. I can recall Frank having a breakdown of some kind, couldn't tell you when though.

"his remarkable (and slightly unsettling) picture shows the moment in 1991 when Jimmy Savile introduced boxing legend, Frank Bruno, to notorious serial-killer, Peter Sutcliffe at Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital. Sutcliffe was serving 20 life sentences for the horrific murders of 13 woman and the attempted murders of seven others.
Bruno was there to open a new gym...."


Hello everyone first post for me.

Its great to see that there are individuals that are not walking around with there eyes closed.

The problem is is that the Babylonian brotherhood has been running things since they re-emerged after the great flood with there plan for humanity. We are indeed trapped in this 5 sense reality and will carry on being so until most of mankind have a shift in consciousness and awake from this total utter bullshit.

The reason why vile pieces of work like Savile go un challenged is quit simple......... the are all connected via one thing satanism!

Savile used to procure children for the top satanist elites including the royal family. Now I know some members might be reading this and will be thinking what the fuck is he going on about but everything is in plane sight if you know what you are looking for and where to look. Symbolism is EVERYTHING!

I noticed there was a picture shown in this thread with savile, Bruno & sutcliffe, notice the handshake between the two? that's a masonic handshake. Bruno is a known Mason and for those that didn't know so is sutcliffe.

There is a conspiracy going on and its been running for thousands of years.

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Lost and Harry...you're both making me laugh.

Whether this is intentionally funny or not I'm unsure...but...I don't care!

Carry on.


Active member
well, put it like this about these conspiracies.

ive never seen a politician that wasnt utter crap.

ive never seen a "true high end" businessman (the shadow people. top bankers and whatnot)

that didnt look like someone that might have starred in a low budget film about the antichrist.

the reason i dont bother with conspiracy theories, is because these people actually have horrible lives and always burn themselves in the end.

its just yuck reading about this crap. depressing shit.

the enlightened state of the planet is not high enough to get rid of them anyways.

and we will be rid of them, automatically.

probably not within our lifetime though.

Sat X RB

I was born in Britain and left there white skinned and rosy cheeked for the Colonies when I was 11.

it's taken me a while to understand how the class sytem has everyone fucked over there. like there's SO much politeness on the one hand while one's accent condemns on the other.

I was a member of a UK cannabis site but couldn't stand the followers mentality there. very few members seemed aware their place in society had been taught to them and was being reinforced daily by customary behaviours.

my Dad was a soldier. he was at dunkirk and tobruk AND at fucking monte casino. he saw slaughter, he got shot he came home and had to deal with his ptsd without support from the army.

yet he upheld britain as THE outstanding example of society and democracy until his dying day. sucked in, Dad.

so basically I 'm amazed when I look at the UK ... and not in a nice way!


I am truly proud to be Btitish, in the true sense of the word. I am neither Anglo nor Saxon. I am neither Germanic, Nordic nor Flemish. I am Cymraeg, a Brython whose ancestors ruled this land long, long before the Saxon newcomer. Lloyger, the old Welsh for England means literally, the lost lands. I can trace my family back to the 16th century & it could be argued back much further. So maybe I see things a little differently. However no sane man could disagree with you on the clear downward slide of civilization - in our lifetime!! Climate change - in our lifetime!!
Hey look on the bright side - Nostradamus et al, may well be right! We haven't long to go until 21st Dec 2012 when it all ends!!
There's gonna be some red faces on the morning of the 22nd lol!