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ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
How'd she go about informing the cops then? By email? I dono if i'd be too worried about it. Like i said before, the cops are too busy to check every lead. And if u ever tried to talk english with a fin-cop, well, they aren't the most fluent mofos with that on the planet. I'm sure there are exceptions, but not too many..


AR: Removing every hint of growing is a safety measure -say you grew pumpkins they´ll ask to see some pumpkins etc. Give them nothing and they have nothing to go on. Then you can just say your ex was vindictive -that they´ll accept.


New member
They need to proof my guilt, and as long as they have only legal parts like lightning without illegal plants, they cannot proof me anything. I have lots of flowers at home, so I can just tell them that I grow my flowers there.


Active member
They need to proof my guilt, and as long as they have only legal parts like lightning without illegal plants, they cannot proof me anything. I have lots of flowers at home, so I can just tell them that I grow my flowers there.

I wouldn't push my luck if I were u mate. The one and only time I've got busted was when 3 coppers in civilian uniforms stopped me at the streets without giving me anykind of good reason for search. I was carrying a single T5 fluoro with me because I had a busted light in my toilet. Took about 5minutes of interrogating in the middle of streets why I had it and eventually without my consent they searched me and found about 2grams worth of bud.. That was the reason for them to use "coercion law" and come search my apartment right away. Without going to too much to details, the fuckers didn't even give me the right to film the incident nor appoint an eyewitness which is still constitutional in Finland and they did found one plant in the balcony and were jolly as hell for catching a major crook.

Well.. I wen't to the interrogation and the examiner was cool as hell with it and pretty much just laughed at the guys that caught me. Once I gave him the full story he was agitated as fuck to the narcs for breaking the law way more than I did and said I should be in contact with the parliaments justice handler if I ever got any penalty from this incident. Heck, he even said to support my cause so it would never go further the prosecutors desk, and that was 2 years a go so I guess I'm home free and didn't even get a ticket and still have a clean register up to date. :biggrin:

What I'm trying to say is.. There's a lot of stupid-ass sheriffs roaming the streets and most of them working at the narcotics section and they don't really care about the means but just the results (even if it means breaking the law for them.) Still there's always the good guys too so remember to respect the PoPo no matter what! Don't be hardass and try to shit these guys, they're stupid but not that stupid.. If you don't have chilis or some other exotic plants they won't buy it if you tell them you are growing dandelions with a goddamn high pressure sodium. :)

Stay safe brothers/sisters!


New member
I don't use HPS, and the box and the whole stuff is disassembled. So far law says that they need to proof me my guilt, and assumption isn't an evidence.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
North Korea is actually pretty cool with weed mang. U could buy it offa dem roadside shops and thing.. I've never been there, but i saw it on one them Vice docs on youtube :) Don't knock on North Korea like that :)


New member
Not sure if ppl know what they're talking about...

Not sure if ppl know what they're talking about...

Gotta wonder if ppl commenting have had any actual contact with the police, at least during this millenia. Offcourse you have to be cautious with them, because they could do those dirty little deeds IF they got some reason to eg. you screaming ACAB whole ride to station. Usually not even then. Me personally and all my friends (who have had an accident) have had quite "professional" treatment. If you plead guilty to everything (obvious, but nothing more offc), you usually get out straight away. And if feeling like arguing with them, few nights in the "inn" isn't so bad, if you shouldn't go to work or such.

It's basicly 25 grams per seedling-plant and I think under 100 grams goes with just fines. Maybe lose some-all of your equipment. Doesn't affect your career at all, if you don't want to be pig yourself some day. :)

It's half-truth that if you had not anything at all, it would be better. I think the search would be over a bit faster, but as you said you're not going to get any punishment with just the equipment and legal plants.

Anycase, I think they're not coming anymore, but some ppl say better safe than sorry. If you wait a week or two before growing, I think you'll be safe. Wait for the spring and you'll see finnish ppl go crazy after long dark winter. :)