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GrapePunch and Skunk outdoor grow

Hey whats going on people,,i went to the mailbox friday and found my package from seedsdirect,,i wasnt sure what i had gotten because i thought they may have ran out of grapepunch, but they didnt so i got them and the freebie skunk #1.i germed 6 or 7 i dont remember and i'm not looking at them at the moment to count, and also 5 or 6 of the skunk.but i'v read the other post about how GP wouldnt germ right,,but i germed mine in a cup of water, and the ones that were germed already in the pack i had to throw one or 2 out because they germed but the tails were smashed in the packet. so i got them germed in 24 hours and put them in cups,soil mix is perlite, topsoil, and some compost that i made before last winter, so i'll let you all know if they sprout, i'm hoping they do as i dont have any more $$$ for seeds and grapepunch sounds like some killer smoke, also i have 2 males of BOG's lsd#4's that he sent me,,the females were cut and smoked,,it was awsome smoke, but i have the 2 males left so i may cross them to a nice grapepunch female or 2 and also to the skunks, wouldnt leave them out,,pics to come Thanks...................Herb


What region of the us are you in.

I'm in So Cal and doing a large outdoor run. once I get the in the ground I'll be sure to post my results. I'm very curious to see how Grape punch & Skunk does outdoors.

Keep us updated and let us see some pics once it gets going


Sharp_Pain-i'm down in FL and i'v grown skunk outdoors before so i know what that'll turn out to be,, some good skunk buds but the plants get big i had a female reach five and a half feet,,but i cant wait for the grapepunch i hope they come up a few got root rot so i threw them out and started a few more and i didnt drench them like i did before.so i'll let you know how they do,,,,Thanks...................Herb


Thanks baccas125- two of the 7 grapepunch came up and the others never did,i germed the others and put them in the cups after i tossed the ones that never came up,none of the ones that were the newest batch have come up yet,i'm really starting to get worried i dont understand why all but two didnt come up the skunks are doing great they are all up, i didnt pay $55.00 for two seedlings!!Bog if you read this do you think you could possibly help me out?...............................Herb:(:(


aka.... yeah, give BOG a PM, he and GP are aware that the GP are having some issues... i just PM'ed him after mine didn't germ, and he is in the proccess of making things right... I am more than pleased with their customer service so far, i just look forward to actually growing some of his genetics...
BobDull--yeah i didnt know that but i'll pm him Thanks..yeah his genetics are great i'v grown lifesaver and bogglegum,,they are both real good andi have two lsd#4 males that are really vigerous Thanks again..................Herb


Captain Expando
BOG is a great customer service rep... i mean developer, i mean manager, i mean president, i mean owner. thanks for making things MORE than right for the GP BOG ~


2 grape punch seedlings @ 6 inches tall

2 grape punch seedlings @ 6 inches tall

ill post pics up tomorrow... im gonna be ordering thseeds bubblegum and spice of lifes block head next....damn i love seedsdirect!

i wish to god i could get home grown fantaseeds blue haze
or dj shorts FLO :( (no one sells his beans no more)

id pay anything for a few beans of that flo or blueberry


New member
Re: 2 grape punch seedlings @ 6 inches tall

Re: 2 grape punch seedlings @ 6 inches tall

crunks said:

i wish to god i could get home grown fantaseeds blue haze
or dj shorts FLO :( (no one sells his beans no more)

id pay anything for a few beans of that flo or blueberry

The fellas at HGF still sell Blue Haze why dont you just order it from them?


Send them an e-mail regarding the Flo or BB maybe they have a few beans lying around.

They have been great to work with for me. I have been growing HGF Mellinium for a bit now and could not find anyone who had grown it before. They answered my e-mail questions and shed quite a bit of light on my current project. (day 17 of flower today)

I need to get my Mellinium thread from OG so I can post it here but the site is down, I always wipe the photos (pgp) and the only copies I have are on there.

Oooops that was off subject, bottom line you want the beans go to the source. I got my HGF from SD, but if your desperate.......try the breeder. :cool:
hye everyone,,BOG sent me some bogglegum seeds to make up for the grapepunch,,but i still have one or two GP's now,i have pics if some can tell me how to add them to the post,,the link on the reply page doesnt load completely for me so can ya help me out and i'll post a few pics Thanks..............................Herb


two of my grape punch came germinated also....from seeds direct...but i didnt complain/....one of them actually germinated fully and is in my garden now....i wish bog would hoook me up with some bogglegum sheeet!!!