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Iolite Portable Vaporizer


Active member
How long does a bowl take to smoke for you guys?

I find it pretty easy to 'o.d.' on a single bowl of higher grade weed, so I tend to do half dozen draws off it and shut it off after about the 4th or 5th draw.. they do a couple heat cycles while cooling down and I still get effective draws off those.. I let that have a while to settle before I decide on if I should fire it back up.. if I do, I usually get another 5 or 6 draws off it before it 'toasts' out.

mgk :tiphat:


It sounds about the same as what I get (10 min. or so)
the first 2 or 3 pulls have flavor,then the rest are sort of toasty hot air
I do still get occasional vapor on exhaling for the rest of my session but it is sort of elusive, thought perhaps I was using it wrong.



New member
The cheapest ive seen was $180 at Wild Side Smoke shop in Thousand Oaks, CA. I heard you can bargain them down to $150 or at least 180 no tax.


Active member
I found the new model on ebay for $148 and lower shipped. That's good enough for me.

I don't smoke a lot in one sitting. I like to take a couple good rips and if the smoke is good, that's enough. But I consumer that much 3-5 times daily.

So here's what I need to know to decide if an Iolite will work for me:

1) Can I put only a couple hits in the iolite chamber and it work effectively or do I have to fill the bowl up with what is more than a single dose for me.

2) If I fill the bowl to half or more, which is more than a single dose for me, can I cycle it up, take a couple hits, turn it off, and recycle it later when I need some more?

Someone told me you are pretty much committed to the entire bowl once you cycle it up.

Ultimately, I want to be able to take as much as a full chamber with me when I'm mobile and cycle it up for a couple hits then come back to it later until it's "spent". That would make sense to me. If I can't recycle or have to reload the bowl every couple hits it changes my perception of how useful the Iolite would be for me.


Hey VH.

I'd say 'committed to the bowl' goes for most vaporizers. The iolite is no different. It works best to pack bowls on the light side with them too.

I have the iolite and the vapor genie, and I almost never use the iolite. It works as described, but it is tough to get the vapings ALL the way spent, which is not a problem with the lighter-powered vapor genie. The more stealthy and user-controllable vaporizer that has my eye lately is the Vapir 2, I think it is called. Digital, rechargeable, portable. It looks to be the iolite minus the butane hassle, plus temp control.



Active member
Hey VH.

I'd say 'committed to the bowl' goes for most vaporizers. The iolite is no different. It works best to pack bowls on the light side with them too.

I have the iolite and the vapor genie, and I almost never use the iolite. It works as described, but it is tough to get the vapings ALL the way spent, which is not a problem with the lighter-powered vapor genie. The more stealthy and user-controllable vaporizer that has my eye lately is the Vapir 2, I think it is called. Digital, rechargeable, portable. It looks to be the iolite minus the butane hassle, plus temp control.


Got my iolite.

I'm hearing you can start a bowl with iolite, use a little, re-vape later. I imagine that is true but you have to use it a while to know how to time it so you vape enough for one dose, but leave enough for the next.

I looked at and considered the Vapor Genie but read enough complaints to suspect it was no better overall than the iolite. Portability and stealth were super important next to medicating effectively. It seems like the VJ is just harder to use... no? So far, the iolite has worked really well and is simple, although I do think it takes a learning curve to get all the meds. I tried smoking some of the leftovers and got a decent little buzz. Maybe I'm not using it correctly or it just doesn't vape all the weed, but it wasn't much of a buzz from the leftovers so I'm not disappointed.

However, I'm getting really well medicated(stoned) with the iolite which is the #1 goal and hope to refine my technique to get all the medication. Even when I don't get much visible vape I'm still getting pretty darned baked. Right now I let it run 5 heat cycles then shut it off where it cycles 2-3x more. Anyone feel I need to go longer than that?

So far I am very happy with the iolite and what it will do for me health wise and stealth-wise. It's really great that there is little or no smell... a quick burst of spray kills any of the faint smell in the room. Good purchase($148 shipped) as an entry into vaping.

I've also looked at the Vapir 2, was recommended where I got the Iolite but at the same time, it's new and there are some complaints out there. I think vaping is so good that if I find one as portable and stealth as the Iolite that works significantly better I would get it. So, keeping an eye on the Vapir 2 also.

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