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Fungus gnats or WINGED ROOT APHIDS???


New member
Hi DonCarlos,
When I used the imid it was on strains that I had been growing for years and I think that's a big part of the reason I noticed the negative effects. What I'm speaking of was very subtle and subliminal and it took many medicated nights laying in bed to figure out what was happening and to pinpoint the problem. The herb was still very stoney and for the most part the same, just less relaxing in general. It didn't matter if I grew it an extra couple days or more, it would get more couchy, but still the relaxation of the mind and spirit was hindered to an extent. I should mention I'm talking about Socal Master Kush and pre 98 Bubba. I used the imid as preventative for a handful of rounds after the bugs were gone so it was not a one time deal. After I discontinued the use of Merit75 the herb went back to normal. Without a very serious A/B trial, most folks will never consciously know. I should mention that the negative effects on the mind from coming down off of sugar, caffeine, cheeseburgers, etc are very much more noticeable so most will not really understand what is happening. All of these things can effect relaxation of mind, body, and spirit.

This may sound f#cked up or counterintuitive, but If it's just once or twice you may as well use it. I'd say less than 5% of Americans are healthy and truly care about what goes into their body.
Think about this. If I eat a pound of non organic lettuce in a couple days, which to me is 2-3 salads, that's 454 grams of imid tainted product going into my body. I think it would take a long ass time to get that much imid in me from the ganja. Now imagine that I ate the non organic salad every day for 2 months. For smokers, medical or otherwise, I really don't think that it's a moral, or even ethical issue, not in this day and age. The world is toxic and we're all still here thriving. In general if a product is not labeled 'organic' it is expected to contain unnatural, possibly harmful whoknowswhats. I wouldn't use it personally, but I understand that it's not really that bad for most. One thing I've noticed with living a cleaner lifestyle is that now I'm quite a bit more sensitive to things that most people will never experience. Been doing good for years now but I used to be a fatty, so I've seen both sides of the coin :)

StudenTeacher, I have to say that I never really thought about the use of pesticides that way. I've stopped freaking out a little now, but still going to take precautions. I am taking the remainder of the Merit to hazardous waste disposal on my next dump run. Unfortunately, you're right Mr.Stu. Pesticides are the normal protocol for the majority of commercial farming. The majority of the population consumes these chemicals without knowing what they are really putting in their body. People are sick, and their body is screaming at them, but they can't even tell. Look at Vermont, or was it NH, that passed the bill to require all GMOs to be labeled. In CA we are have a good base of knowledge among the majority of the population, which creates a demand for higher quality, less gmo, although it is still out there, lurking in the aisles of your supermarket. Luckily for me I have a garden that I can grow the majority of my food in. Shovels are already in the soil in works for the new season.


aka "Doc"
After contacting Aquabac and Summit Chemical, the discrapencies were resolved. The 7000 ITU/mg number for each product was the concentration of the ingredient used to create Aquabac 200g and Mosquito Bits, both of which are 200 ITU/mg. I fixed the numbers in the sticky FG thread, just not the other one.

Actually we are both wrong...here is how to interpret the BTi and ITU/mg labeling.

Total Product ITU/mg = rate of ITU/mg X active ingredient %
Bits = 200.2 ITU/mg (7000 x 2.86%)
Dunks = 721.7 ITU/mg (7000 x 10.31%)
Difference = 360% (721.7 ÷ 200.2)

In other words, 36 grams of Bits contains the same amount of BTI found in 10 grams of Dunks. It appears not everyone starts with 7000 ITU/mg, evidently some start at 6000, 5000, 1000, etc. Funny how one must do some math before comparing "apples" and "oranges"....even though both are a "fruit".


6 Dunks weigh 77.96 grams, or about 13 grams each...or the equivalent BTi in 47 grams of Bits (13 x 360%)--and when measured by volume, 47 grams of Bits is just a wee over 100 ml.

So...for BTi purposes, we can conclude that 1 Dunk = 100 ml of Bits (more or less). Anyone want to crush up a Dunk and measure the volume in ml? I bet 1 crushed Dunk will measure about 100ml as well.
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I got a dunk how do I measure it. I guess I would need something with ML on it . I better leave this to you scientist:biggrin:
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Search this thread for OGBioWar. There should be a number of messages and references to it. Good luck. -granger

Whats up Granger !

dude was thinking of getting some ogbiowar with my bud but was wondering if its even worth it if im running sm-90 religiously in the REZ.

if i was to use caps as a preventative I would stop running sm-90 for a couple days just to be safe. does that sounds right ?

Anyway granger my man i never asked but how did you land up getting RA's' in the first place did it come in on a bag of soil or have you always been using coco ? did it come from a dirty clone ?

just curious

your the man btw




man i got to page 5 and realized theres like 100 pages in here. has anyone tried og biowar? results? what was used with those who have successfully won against these bugs without chems?

I say throw out your soil MO and switch over to coco not saying that they cant colonize in coco but i seem to see that high quality brands of coco arent really where people are getting these from what ive seen it seems to be common in soil grows though.

Anyway if not I would still cut clones and throw out all the ladies and clean your place up get some screens and find out if there coming from outside or what. Im going to line my screen on my window with pantyhose tonight it keeps out the big stuff but annoying little gnats can sometimes get through the screen if they really wanna come in so the panty hose should stop that. RA's seem fairly big compared to them so a screen should keep em out and some spraying around at openings like the mentioned Cedar (CPO) will only help out even more. I also hang stickys for fliers that try to come in and thinking of getting some sticky traps for crawlies in case. anyways ive been blessed to not encounter these now that im more exp but im sure when i was a rookie years ago i had em since i saw ants just never looked at the plants roots just threw shit out and cleaned cleaned cleaned.

My last pest exp. was with broads which bugged me for a year not because i couldnt get rid of em but because I never knew about them and didnt have KNOWLEDGE regarding this type of mite.

Having good IPM habits come with exp. and fellas we all can say that


anyway to answer your question yes people have had great success with CAPS. i havent seen RA's luckily and hope i dont ever but i also use SM-90 religiously from start to finish with azamax root drenches and ive been safe so far. I do want to start using caps though just waiting to see peoples repsonse about sm-90 with it



Active member
Aw Shucks. Thanks. I really don't know how long the SM-90 will be active. I suggest going to their website or email them to find out. Flushing would be a good thing to do before applying the OGBioWar. Just make sure that the beneficials won't be killed when you apply. And regardless of what the mfgr says, if it controls algae and fungus, it'll harm you beneficials. Maybe not all of them, but I don't want to be guessing about which ones are harmed or retarded. For the OGBW, you'll need to swear off the SM-90. OGBW is not a quick kill app. The beneficials colonize the medium and infect the pests, and need to be replenished with multiple apps at least every 2 weeks.

The first time I saw RA's ["WTF are those?!?!] was in a pot of Ocean Forest Happy Frog with a plant that was on deaths doorstep. I suspect that it's possible to get them from any medium. When I switched to coco, they were still in the room, and they took to coco like a baby to a breast. Thank god I finally got them under control. I don't know if I'm rid of them, even though I haven't seen hide nor hair in about a year. Still using OGBW. Good luck. -granger


Aw Shucks. Thanks. I really don't know how long the SM-90 will be active. I suggest going to their website or email them to find out. Flushing would be a good thing to do before applying the OGBioWar. Just make sure that the beneficials won't be killed when you apply. And regardless of what the mfgr says, if it controls algae and fungus, it'll harm you beneficials. Maybe not all of them, but I don't want to be guessing about which ones are harmed or retarded. For the OGBW, you'll need to swear off the SM-90. OGBW is not a quick kill app. The beneficials colonize the medium and infect the pests, and need to be replenished with multiple apps at least every 2 weeks.

The first time I saw RA's ["WTF are those?!?!] was in a pot of Ocean Forest Happy Frog with a plant that was on deaths doorstep. I suspect that it's possible to get them from any medium. When I switched to coco, they were still in the room, and they took to coco like a baby to a breast. Thank god I finally got them under control. I don't know if I'm rid of them, even though I haven't seen hide nor hair in about a year. Still using OGBW. Good luck. -granger

ahhh i see now !

granger can you clarify when you saw multiple apps every 2 weeks

does this mean every 2 weeks one application of brewed tea of the foliar and root pack will be sufficient ?

i dont get what you mean by multiple apps every 2 weeks like you give them the brewed tea mixed with your nutes for a couple of waterings every 2 weeks ?

im i getting what you mean granger ?

one of my favorite basketball players used to be danny granger

small world




Active member
I first did a 30 minute soak with both Root and Foliar at full strength [4 tsp each/gal]. Then, this was the early days of using OGBW, I watered with it weekly for about a month, then went to every 2 weeks. I don't make tea with it. Nothing against the tea. I just mix it up in RO, and water heavily. Good luck. I suggest area sprays also. There are all kinds of things that work for that. You can use Safer's Insecticide soap, Pyrethrin [no PBO], but what I like is cedar as in Cedarcide PCO Choice or EJ GoGnats. -granger


New member
so, this is my experience in dealing with RA organic way using only biowar foliar pack.
i have failed. the reason behind it is in my grow medium. i use soil. soil needs to be let dry between 2 waterings. this drying out, while good for the roots, and the plant, is not good for entomopatogenic fungus found in foliar pack.
fungus dies, and RA just keep doing what they do.
i stopped using brewed tea with fungus, as it is a lot of work and it didnt produce good results.
i mix about 2 tablespoons of powder in water, every watering. i use about 20l of water every watering. the fungus needs to be constantly present in wet conditions.
im definitely getting rid of soil and starting coco next grow. im going to water feed with fungus every watering and see how it goes, as coco has different drenching properties than soil.
will get back at you.

the gnome

Active member
i transplanted from red solo cups 10 days ago into gal containers,
I had a few whiteflys buzzing around so i sprayed really good with neem and bug soap
scoping the plants to sex out a few stragglers
I ran across a tiny bug barely big nuff to see by eye.
under the scope it it's a root aphid with tailpipes.
I haven't seen anything flying and it didn't have wings i could see.
seemed like a loner...hoping anyways.
btw it was a few 2-3 inches from the top of the plant

scoping again last nite i found another one near the top.
looking inside the new tip growth I saw 4-5...
so much for the loner theory.
sprayed the top with insecticidal soap.
they all seem to be full grown but none flying.

when i transplantedI had a few whiteflys buzzing around so i sprayed really good with neem and bug soap so i probably knocked some down at that time
looking into the drainage holes on the bag I couldn't spot anything moving around.
my Q is, where am I at with these things?
looks like/hoping I caught the lil bastards early,

will spraying take care of things or do I need to be more proactive
and start doing a root drench?
it'll be another 2 weeks before i hit bloom.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
you might of caught them somewhat early, but have you seen the insides of any rootballs? maybe after transplanting, or culling plants?

the flyers usually show up once the population in the soil is crowded and they want to move to another host.

be proactive for sure, these little fuckers don't mess around and neither should you.
root drench, clean the room/pots/ceiling/walls/floor, setup sticky traps, kill as many as you can with your hands. and anything else that you can do.

this is for viticulture but you get the idea.

the gnome

Active member
thanks fo the heads up yourcorpse,
I knew the lil fukers were bad news reading a bit on the coco guys getting infested with em.
Ive had broad mites before and looking at these things I'd take the BMs any day.

trying to figure out where and when they were introduced.
do they, can they live in soil if there are no roots to feed on?


Registered Med User
I don't know if the government is manufacturing these little bugs to be super strong and attack cannabis, or if they are finding cannabis on there own, and discovering it makes them super strong.


Active member
All you have to do is to read these threads and thousands more on other sites, and you can see that the bugs need no help from the gov't. The clone growers and dealers are spreading RAs, BMs, etc. Then the growers use every combination of pesticides, and bad practice to fight pests, creating superbugs.

the gnome, you may have regular above ground aphids. In fact, I would call it best case if you do. They're easy to wipe out. Sounds like you may have already.

I would do the potato test to make sure you don't also have RAs. Good luck and let us know how it turns out. -granger
Day 60 of my micro RA run. Will be lucky to get a lb a gavita, plants are in 10 gal pots quality is decent. Kontos used at flip helped save the crop, will be running a residue test however I bet its clean and am loving the early smoke. Letting them go to 70 days.

All dhn strains, some of the bd and dq have brown leaves everywhere and had to be arvested today. Bud looks fine once brown leaves meticuously trimmed. Purple strains did best and ogs did decent.

the gnome

Active member
All you have to do is to read these threads and thousands more on other sites, and you can see that the bugs need no help from the gov't. The clone growers and dealers are spreading RAs, BMs, etc. Then the growers use every combination of pesticides, and bad practice to fight pests, creating superbugs.

the gnome, you may have regular above ground aphids. In fact, I would call it best case if you do. They're easy to wipe out. Sounds like you may have already.

I would do the potato test to make sure you don't also have RAs. Good luck and let us know how it turns out. -granger

hey granger,
last nite i went through the plants and i couldn't see anything above or thru the drain holes
the plant in Q that had em up top.
looking in the drainage holes i saw 1 RA
like the ones I spotted up top it had tailpipes but it was a yellowish color.
so Kontos is good for a root drench eh?
reading this thread a few years back when i had broad mites
I read the spectracide with azatrol worked.
looks like forbid and avid kills aphids, has anyone used these as a drench?

Q, do RAs live in the soil if there are no roots to feed on?


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I don't believe they live in soil without roots, but they will lay a winter egg in just a bag of soil (or elsewhere) that can hatch in 1-6 months.

I had one bag of promix that was almost done, but open in my room during my RA infestation. After I had spent weeks applying a few different things to my main soil I thought it was all good no aphids after a month.
Well I used that bagged promix for some new seeds in another room and within a week of the seeds popping up I had 3-4 aphids crawling on the rims of the seedlings cups, and one winged RA. That promix was totally untreated.

One Mycotrol O drench did the trick there, and no more RA. It has been another month since that happened.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
It is not just clones that spread RA. I know because i have not taken a clone in over 2 years.
I got my friends used equipment (ballasts, hoods,pots, stakes) and im pretty sure I got them from the bamboo stakes. He gave me a pretty big grip of them, like 40-50. After I told him about the bugs he was like oh yeah I had those too. shittt dude, wish I knew that.

won't make that mistake again, free isn't always free.