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Two heads 2011


Active member
Voted also, Im not sure but wasnt there a 2H pic in last months or the month befores poll 2? i feel like i have voted on one before.... :S

two heads

Active member
Thanks everybody. After a great grow season we are almost overwhelmed by the variety and quality of great herbs to sample and my regular work life has been very busy. I'll be back soon with a harvest round-up.

two heads

Active member
Indeed I do budelight! So without further ado...

2011 was our best year yet. 8 lbs from two sites which means we both have enough for the whole next year (always the intention) but also enough for another year if necessary. As much as Stephen Harper's intolerant and ignorant omnibus crime bill pisses me off, I realize I'm lucky to have enough herb to back off for a year while I see how it shakes out. Truth is I love growing too much and can't imagine skipping a year. In any event, there's no way we intend to have more than 5 plants on a site come August 1 when they start looking.

Better news than the quantity is the quality - it's all good, really quite good. However, some plants are better than others. We'll be careful to select seed only from our favourites. I've managed to try every plant now. I'd keep two or three varieties on the go and every few days one would get 'voted off the island'. One kept surviving - B2, a Baby's Breath from the swamp. Here are some pics of the dry bud I took tonight after opening a fresh jar:






Fortunately, this plant was our second biggest yielder at 7.7 oz so we each have lots (for now...) We only got 1.9 oz from our second favourite - a solid Orange Bud clone from our medical friend, so I'm rationing it out:



Another bonus for the holidays is an nice batch of Bubba Kush bubble hash we made before Christmas. We used the dense mini-bud undergrowth that was too much trouble to manicure:




OK, that's the lovely pictorial round-up. I'll also post some details about how we shut down the sites.

Here's to a year of opening new jars!



Discovery Requires Experimentation
salutations to you 2H, great job this year!!!

What did you cross the B2 with to get your seeds? (Baby Breath x SCT) Edit: Looks like it was Sugar Cane Train. from post #122

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two heads

Active member
Re. post #122: That was our early magenta Baby's Breath in the cedars. The late seed from her is from the SCT dad.

The B2 seed is Baby's Breath x Baby's Breath from the swamp. The swamp only had Baby's Breath and clones so any male was BB.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Ahhhhh that makes much more sense!

How did the magenta bug smoke?? I don't think you shared any photos of the dried herb

Always keeping us on the edge of our seats ;)

two heads

Active member
I did post a pic of the dried super-early magenta but she's not shy - here she is again!



As I recall she was very nice - our favourite of the early samples. We've separated the early seed from her - which had an early Baby's Breath dad - from the late over-ripe harvest seed which had a Sugar Cane Train dad. She was a beautiful plant and the quality warrants growing her seed next summer, especially to keep early genetics.

There were lots of magenta plants - I just chose her as a convenient weekly model to compare progress over the season. Right now I'm enjoying a nice magenta plant from the swamp labeled A2. Very nice. A bit more of the sour milk smell and an airier bud than B2 but a similar great high. That's her in the jar at the end of my season round-up.

two heads

Active member
Preparing for winter's sleep

Preparing for winter's sleep

Finally, I wanted to post about shutting down the sites. We were very successful starting with new ProMix this year and know from our diminishing returns of years past, that we need to lime and remove as much rootball as possible each fall to keep these totes/pails viable. I considered this part of my job because we agreed I'd handle harvest and dealing with our drying location and he'd handle manicuring - which was a huge job this year. But I got busy and ran out of steam for swamp trekking and the other head, bless his soul, went out in that cold water one November day and weeded, removed roots, added lime and put the lids on the totes. Thanks buddy. Here's before and after:



I dragged my ass too long on the cedar site too. We both wandered out on a nice December day to find our well hidden pails frozen solid. I added lime anyway and we found a great swamp site about a km away down a hiking trail. Next spring we'll move three pails there in the night so we'll have two swamp sites and one cedar site next year. 5 plants each.

two heads is a two person partnership that has worked very well for over a decade. We've been friends for a few decades. I understand why most growers prefer to work alone and don't doubt there are lots of friends who've betrayed friends out there but for two heads, it just works.


Active member
Thats what makes a real true grower... someone who, even when growing gorilla comes back and takes care of the land. someone who does more than just put seeds and the ground and then chop them and forget... this is why i am proud to be apart of this site.. keep up the good work 2H and i cant wait for years adventure!


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Bravo! Bravo!

This has been not-unlike a wonderful story, with a happy, happy, ending.

we Cheers to you two heads.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Im super impressed that you two heads can grow such dank looking herbs in a swamp. Ive always heard the term swamp weed thrown around, especially when I was a kid. Man, thats what we used to talk about when we were 15 years old or 16b and driving around by ourselves for the first time. To be honest I have kinda written that off as hyperbole as I have never seen this actually done in many years since. I know lots of weed growers, mostly people who throw a few plants in a far off location. Often times the only harvest is a plethora of tall tales of pests, rippers, cops, or blown covers... no stories of actual swamp weed developed. Its funny, because the best spot near my gorilla area is in a swamp, and I've often wondered if its possible. I've been through here(thread) once before, but you should lay out a quick bullet list of 1,2,3 notes on growing in a swamp if you ever want to share.

Congrats on the haulkin haul heads.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Dang. Those killer buds from the TwoHeads cellars got me drooling fer sure.

No place like the swamp for uninterrupted grows. I'm definitely inspired by these tales and unreal pictures, to go and do some machette clearing on my own jungle river island, to get those old swamp tubes ready for another season after a 2-year hiatus.
Great work Two Heads. It's funny because I was planning on using some of those rubber bins for my own outdoor this year and then I stumbled across this thread and saw that you guys had already done it.

I have a couple of questions:

1. How much weight do you get on average from each of the rubber bins?

2. Do you just plant the seedlings directly into the rubber bins outside after germinating, or do you start them in smaller pots first and then transport to the bins after?

3. Did you add additional perlite to the Pro-Mix? If so, what ratio did you use?

4. Which Pro-Mix do you use? Is it Pro-Mix BX?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanx! :tiphat:

two heads

Active member
Hi Hollow, here's your answers:
1. This year, 10 oz per container, whether garbage can or Rubbermaid tote. Over the years, it comes in at about 0.5 - 1.0 oz. per gallon of soil.
2. We've tried both. For scarce seed, they get germinated first. The rest is planted on-site. Either way, covering the container with chicken wire is important for protecting the tender seedlings from curious animals.
3. No.
4. Pro-Mix BX.

Good luck next year!

That helps a lot. Especially the part in #1 about the chicken wire. I didn't realize that's what you used that for.

I guess I have a couple more questions:

1. Did you use any additional nutrients throughout the process other than what was already mixed in with the Pro-mix? If so, were they nutrients mixed into a solution that you watered the plants with? Or, were they dry powdered nutrients that you top-fed with and let nature water them with rain?

2. Are there any strains that you can recommend getting over the internet that you know have performed well outdoors? Vice versa. Any strains that have performed badly for you outdoors? I'm going to be getting seeds over the net and any advice on strain selection would be appreciated.

Thanks again. :tiphat:

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