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Arjans Haze #2 - V-Scrog tryout!


Active member
Hello everybody.

This is my first grow thread on icmag and must say that Im very happy to be here. Im pretty noob on the growing thing, having only 1 grow on my back.

Now I proudly presents my second grow.

- Bought 10 fem. Arjans Haze #2, but decided to go with 5 seeds at a time. Think they will fill out fine, as I planned vegging for 3-4 weeks.
- 1,7x1,1+1,5x0,5m = 2,6 m2 of scrogging net.
- 5 x round 5 l pots
- 5 x round 20 l pots
- 2 x 600 watt digital
- 2 x 600 watt mh bulb (50000 lumens)
- 2 x 600 watt hps (sunmaster deluxe -95000 lumens)
- 8 x 168 leds grow lamps (13 watt each)
- 10 x 120 mm cpu fans (adjustable)
- 10 l tank at top with water, sugar and xxx? (dunno english name) but = little CO2
- BioBizz Light Mix
- Leca stones
- 80 l resouir with pump

Canna Terra Vega
Canna Terra Flores
Big Bud
Hammerhead pk 9/18
ph -
ph +

Im also thinking about going for lst, the first 4 weeks? anybody who can say a GO for it? (like the idea of not topping the plants)

Well now I will stop talkning, and post a couple of pics of the setup and the newborn ladies.









Good grow luck out there... any comments are more than welcome.
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Interesting setup!

Good luck with your grow! I'll be keeping my eye on this thread. Sorry i can't help with the SCROG tho...never used this method.



My god! Its begging to be filled with green!!! :D
Scroog takes more time... germ the other 5, ang go soggy LST with it!!!
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9Lives said:
Interesting setup!

Very. I always like seeing how a grow utilizing LED's turns out. Keep waiting for the grow that finally convinces me to give them a try. But yeah. I'll be keeping tabs on this one.


Active member
Getcha' some clear vinyl saucers from Wal-Mart and put them under the pots to catch the run off when you water. If you do it right you'll be able to judge how much water to supply each plant to water it with just the slightest run-off that will be absorbed back. Quart bottles are ideal for this. If for example it takes a quart and a third to get run-off you can use that as a guage for how much to supply to your next hungry, thirsty container. Works very well for me handling multiple plants.



Looking good :)
Will definately be bookmarked !
Hmm, just wondering, why not put it in growdiaries ?
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Active member
Hi again

Thanks for the comments...

_frankenstein_ - I have just finished my first grow SOG. (should be a link in my signature now) and was super satisfied with the result. But I like the Idea of scrogging the plants to a level, and then when they get the green light to grow without training, I think it will make the buds in the same level (distance) to the light. So the lumens will be hitting the plants more equal.

Randymarsh - Also the reason why I bought the bulbs, wanted to find out if they are up to any good. My idea is to be targeting the beams at the buds I want to give lights (leds only spread 20%, so should be good to aim with). The lamps are flexilble, so the light can be pointed in all directions.

gladysvjubb - I have bought big saucers for each 20 l pot. Think they can contain 4-5 l. I like to do as in my first grow with watering: Look at the plantes and weigh the pots. Heavy = not thirsty and light = thirsty.
I now have a 80 l tank for the nutrients with a pump and a feeding line, and a handle that allows me to shower the pots until water runs throug.
Hope I will be fine this way?

Minipurz - Hi m8, nice to see you here!!
Can I change the thread placement? Im new here so thought this was the spot. (havent got enough posts yet, to pm admin to move it.

Last question will be, nobody that can give me a hint on the lst technic will be good for adding extra buds to my scrog?

Thanks again
Have a nice weekend, with loz of heavy highs!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Man, this is one ridiculously crazy grow, I am definately going to be hanging around this one, to see what the led is doin. I have been looking into changing light spectrums, want to see what you got going on. Do you have red leds for flowering?


Active member
Hi Dr Dog.

I bought the led bulbs on fleabay. and only have the 8 you see on pictures (so far). But in each bulb there is 130 red leds and 38 blue leds.
Blue - 465 nm
Red - 650 nm
These informations was given by seller, so I am also very interested in finding out about, if they are any good.

My plan is, when this mh/hps/led grow finishes. I will try running 1 hole grow on pure leds and at this time I would like to have 200-300 watts of led power for the grow, so the search for leds continues



tagged for sure im pulling up a chair for this one. I fem when i dont want to top and then i wait 3-4 days and bend that lady over for LST and they blow up. its probly a good idea to try that. on my BB i fimmed and then LST and got 15+ shoots. GL

LST tech for my BB

just starting to train after Fimmed and styarting to lst. as you can see by the pipe cleaners how im trying to keep the base straight but tring to keep the plant as flat as possible.
this is 5 days later

when you start to lst your undergrowth will start to take over as mail cola at this point you need to try and tie them down as well.
after 6 more days 1-2-08

4 more days 1-6-08 i untied her for flower and stretch and then ill tie back up

I hope this helped
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nice lookin setup you got there how much did you pay for the led's?
mr. p dont you jus love that lst i get great results

on that last pic i waited for the plant to be like 12-14 in.the i only tied the main shoot down and still got four main tops that plant is a monster now too!


Active member
Well that settels it then... I will also go for lst.

Thank you - Mrpiston38 and YwouldntI - for the information and the pictures, looks just as exciting as I expected... cant wait.

All 5 plants are now up and eating the lumens. About 5 cm tall each at the moment... So gues its too soon starting the training program - hehe.

At what age / height should I start the training? please write in cm if you have answers... I always #¤%& it up when I recalculate from Inches to cm.

- YwouldntI - the leds I have found on ebay.com under hydroponics. I payed 144 dollars for 8, and about 50 dollar in shipping to Denmark.
Linky to the auction I won

Happy led hunting and growing


Active member
Hello folks

Its a little early for an update, as not much happens this ealy. But I really think the girls grows a lot faster than my first grow? dunno, maybe im just too stoned right now.

Anyway heres a little from the photoshop

Heres 4/1

And heres from today 8/1 (4 days later)

All 5 popped from the soil, 2 plants with 2 days delay :rasta:

Pic of the leds in action

Picture taken directly in the led beam - looks pretty nice for 13 watts

Anyone knew when to start lst'ing? and are the fim topping a must? or just a nice move? I would like the most; not to top the girls at all...

Happy growing
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why dont you wanna top? also i dont think topping is required if you are LST'ing. Really interesting grow. I want to know how much those 8 led lights cost! Good luck man thats a lot of wattage going at those plants!
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it depends how much headroom you have you can start when they are young like 6inches or you can wait till about 10-12 inches you definetly want to start before they get too thick and breaky if that mkes sense tie down ur main shoot then when any others try to get taller then the rest tie it down too you'll be very pleased with the results...i was and its that easy too just make sure to readjust your ties check them every few days and if you need to adjust,cause the plant will grow right into the tie like on a fence...hope this helps peace-Y-


Active member
Hi crownedsparrow

Hmm... I am a noob, so I just wanna do whats best for the plants. I will lst the plants, so if I can completely avoid to top the plants this way - thats what ill do. But I will listen to what you people advices me to and what I feel is right, so if topping is better, then I will top... hehe - pretty f..... up explanation. sry.

the auction I won

144,50 dollar

If they show to work, I will definetly be hunting for some more...



Active member
Hi YwoudntI

Thanks for the answer... Looking forward, grow plants grow!!!

1 inch is 2,5 cm? (from top pot to scrog i plan to go 30-40 cm? but also negotiable?)

and now im on it, how much is 1 oz and 1 lb in gram / kilograms?

If I understand you all right, I will also "later on" have to tie the side shots down? -> kepping the hole plant as flat as possible (in a gently way)

Thanks again
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Active member
greenisgold said:
Is this your first time using led's.

Yup - its the first time... Thought I would give them a try, I really think that leds is the future... Maybe the spectrums are not good ernough yet... but Im planning to try it out myself, and make my own oppinion.



Sharing Is Caring!
Great grow smeden. Im definatly pulling up the chair for this one. This guy´s got some green thumbs you guys... and some balls of steel too boot.

have a nice one


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