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'The Great Freebie Round-Up!'

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'Freebie Round Up!'


As many of you well know I have been sending out 'Freebie' packs of seeds with every and any order for around 7 years now or so. These seeds have been sent gratis on condition that they be shared with another grower other than the one making the order in an all out attempt to get many more people growing their own erb', so helping to get cannabis growing in literally thousands of gardens worldwide....and it has been working very well so far....

...These days we are giving away nearly as many seeds as we are selling and so need to have a constant supply of 'freebies' to keep it all happening....

To keep this policy bouyant and active I am asking for the help of any and every grower out there. You too can help by perhaps making some seeds to share too and sending them in to us for distribution thru the 'freebie program'....

....The 'Freebies' are a great way to help Overgrow the planet and also to establish new/up-and-coming breeders in the market place........Even if you just grow sensimilla (without seed) usually...... you too can help make a big difference by pollinating just one plant and making seed for yourself and others who perhaps don't have the funds and/or security to order bought seeds.......so please help.........and I am sure that between us we can all make a BIG difference by creating and supporting new growers and bring much joy to them once they get involved in our favourite hobby......

......By making seeds and getting them into the eager hands of new growers you are being an activist at a grass-roots level by helping to get cannabis normalized in as many gardens as possible so giving the opportunity to turn a cannabis user into a cannabis grower.......

*If you are interested in joining the 'Freebie Program' P.M. me and I will give you the adress to send to....

.....and.....Thank-You all for your kind indulgence!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
In theory I'm with you Gypsy, although... after cruising the Cannabis websites (Icmag as well as others) for years, it is my distinct impression that people rarely share their freebies with their fellow growers. I'm not saying it is not done, but I see many comments like "I got these freebies when I ordered seeds and I'm germing or thinking about germing them", and very few "I got these freebies from a fellow grower who believed in the good cause of distributing them to me for free." You see a lot of growers complain about their freebies (they didn't germ right, it wasn't the strain they wanted, etc), forgetting about the fact that those seeds were meant for something else.

I don't believe it's only egoism involved. A lot of small-time growers are simply isolated from the community, the only growers they ever encounter is through the internet.

Even though I distributed quite a few free seeds to growers through Overgrow (for which I paid postage and stealth package, sometimes across the globe, and never asked anything in return for), I must admit I still have a few freebie packs lying around, and new ones are added regularly.

I wouldn't mind sharing them, but if they just end up in the garden of another grower that bought seeds from a seedbank and are not actually freebied around, then I'm reluctant.

None of my friends or friends-of's are interested in seeds (only elite clones), which leaves me with the internet as the only way to distribute seeds. But, seed-swaps and deals are taboo in the IC forums.

The subject of seedbank freebies is up for discussion I think. After all, it's competition between vendors that has created a situation in which freebies are standard nowadays, no freebies no buy.

I personally believe that the best solution to the problem would be if seed vendors and breeders all got together and agreed to deal with the freebie craze collectively. Instead of systematically distributing freebies, why not give freebies to promote young breeders trying to establish themselves and their strains, or certain strains that you think are worth it but that nobody buys - for one or another reason?

I like to see more charity acutions for busted breeders and growers, after all they risk their neck to get the goods out there. Freebies could be channeled into such operations. I would contribute.
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We will see what can be found from the next crop for testing/freebies. I know I can find a few crazy mixes to give away. Hmmm Maybe Burmese Skunk! or Burmese Haze!!
Good Karma is not free but can be obtained by giving:) If not I'm screwed.lol
Peace and Seeds


Youre the man MOD, and sorry, my MOD freebie is for ME!
(I give away any skunks thou.. but I dont know any aspiring growers.. they either do, or dont ;-)
One day, ill repay gypsy for the free seeds... possibly sooner than later, but I cannot commit right now. But it may very well be a MODxHTC cross (kali something somthing x Deep Chunk sound nice?)


OGDread said:
Youre the man MOD, and sorry, my MOD freebie is for ME!
(I give away any skunks thou.. but I dont know any aspiring growers.. they either do, or dont ;-)
One day, ill repay gypsy for the free seeds... possibly sooner than later, but I cannot commit right now. But it may very well be a MODxHTC cross (kali something somthing x Deep Chunk sound nice?)

Yes it does! Keep making up the names, it's half the fun:))


Good point there, Rosy. But I have gotten some f2's that were made from freebies. And I have given a way two packs after holding on to them for a while. Don't know what to say without violating the TOU. But I can say this, that people are generous with each other and share the wealth.

Where did the freebies come from before? Did the source dry up?


I just dusted a couple panama red buds with some double dog pollen. they won't be ready til about mid oct and then I'll have to grow it out and see what I've got and if something is there I'll make more than a few seeds. Red Dawg anyone?


:wave: Hi Gypsy,

I have some spare seeds. But first I would like to know what the limits are on the maximum age of the seeds.

_ ° 0 _



The Tri Guy
That's a good point. I have lots of crosses, most I wont get around to growing. But one strain I went back to recently, I had a hell of a job getting them to sprout, whereas when the seeds were newishly harvested, they all popped without a single problem. The seeds are only about 2 years old or so, so there must be some kind of age limit to seeds. Not sure what that limit is though.
Some advice on that would be good.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
There is no particular age limit on Cannabis seeds GMT. The viability of a dicot seed depends on a number of factors that all have to be calculated together, which is close to impossible.
To start with, (different) genetics probably play a role in seed viability, as well as the age of the plant (older plants produce sturdier seeds).
You generally talk about seed coat dormancy, embryo dormancy and chemical inhibitor dormancy.
A tree that has lived through a fire will produce seeds with a higher seed coat dormancy (when the seed coat protects against fire and is impermeable to water and gases). It will be tougher to penetrate, it will be harder to germinate and the embryo within will be better protected and live longer.
Embryo dormancy is due to physiological conditions or germination blocks in the embryo itself. A seed stored in ideal conditions will prolong the embryo dormancy.
Chemical inhibitor dormancy depends on natural chemicals that blocks germination (Many desert plants contain chemical germination inhibitors that are leached out in a soaking rain).
Depending on how the seed has been grown and stored, viability will vary largely. I've heard of Cannabis seeds stored for 20 years that have germed. I also know of a Date tree seed 2000 years old that germinated recently.
I'd have to agree with what some of the other posters have said: With the freebies I've gotten, nobody was willing to use them, not because they are snobs, but because I really don't know anybody who wants to grow. As a result, I did a grow of my own with the Durban PoisonxSkunk#1, much to the delight of my friends: they like smoking the finished product, they just don't want to get off their asses and grow the plant themselves! Not even a micro-grow. Sheesh!

You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink...

After reading Gyspy's latest ordeal in Belgium (I never cared much for Belgium to begin with), I can understand his reluctance to be the one busting his ass to provide us with something we didn't necessarily pay for in the first place.

I, for one, never really expect or feel entitled to the freebies he gives out. As an example, I never think, "Okay, I need about 40 seeds, so I'll order 30 fron GypsyNirvana and he'll send me a freebie, so I don't have to buy another pack". Instead, I'll buy what I need and say, "Holy shit! Free seeds, too. Cool!"

If you don't feel comfortable giving out free seeds, I wouldn't worry about it. IMO, people haven't been giving away the freebies as much as you hoped, anyway.

Besides, you are giving them away for free. You can start or stop the freebie program at your pleasure and nobody has any right to say a damn thing in opposition to your decision.

In any event, I've used you before and your products, service and prices are the industry gold standard. I wish you continued success in your business, hapiness and health!


Great Idea Gypsy...You know it will work...!

The feeling of being gifted something makes you want to give back....So starting this off It will send a huge ripple of kind giving happiness all over...I only hope I can contribute one day...

Again I must say what a Great Idea this is...Thanks Gypsy...Keep up the good work! Keep Spreading the love...Because alot of people need it.

P.S.Maybe I will get a male outta those little guys in back. Then we can get a little-purple-kush-girl and him to go on a date....hehehe

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The Tri Guy
Rosy, so would you advise against keeping them in plastic bags in glass jars in a cupboard then? That's how I keep em. Like I said, originally they were no prob to germ, then the last time I tried them it seemed to take for ages for em to pop.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
For the purpose of enhancing the potential viability for optimum germination ratios with cannabis seeds I have always advised that they be kept in a dry container at around 8 to 10 celcius (kinda cool).......in a refridgerator........You can even freeze cannabis seeds and have them germinate after many years.....

Rosy.....I have used 'freebies' to promote many breeders in the past because most growers seem to buy the tried and tested seeds of established breeders and new up-and-coming breeders usually do'nt sell so well........For instance.......back in about the year 2000 Nirvana seeds did'nt have such a good name due to certain reasons.......what I did was give away a free pack of Nirvana seeds with every single order for over a year and now today we see Nirvana as being the top sellers over all other breeders.......

.....for the last year nearly I have been giving away thousands of 'freebie' seeds from MOD ...to try and get the genetics he is working with grown in many gardens and we are just now seeing some excellent results.........and have recently started to sell his seeds because of it....

....So not only do we get possibly many new people growing who would never grow if they had to buy seeds.......we also get to promote a new breeder or three who are just getting into being able to distribute and see their work in many gardens on the planet....


That story about the 2000-year old date seed is just amazing. I wonder if that's possible with a cannabis seed? I've heard of cannabis seeds being found in archeological excavations, like in burial tombs. Maybe we could germinate some of those and we could be smoking some ancient Egyptian chronic! :chin: Also, I heard that the incient Chinese invented a primitive form of hydroponics - I'll bet they had some dank nugs. :yummy:


It's a revolutionnary idea .
spread the love.
like there are "no brand" drugs (cheaper, affordable by the poor) prescripted by doctors, there now are no brand seeds in everyone's garden, which happen to be anyway good quality .
Well, let's give them, someone will enjoy them.



I think that this is an excellent idea. Just imagine the obscene crosses that will be available to everyone! Even more unique strains and crosses will be grown from all corners of the earth.
Quite incredible and mind boggling really.

So world, Blue and White Cannawinner Seeds coming from the Mediteranean will be
soon available to the masses.

To add that I have been extremely happy with all the freebies that I have gotten. Except that 007 which grew way too big and took too long to flower. But my conclusion there is that I wish I had the space for her.
Also I do give out my freebie seeds as well as the seeds that I have bought to my grower friends all the time.
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