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water cure?



I copied this in Notepad on 11/24/05 and I'm damn glad I did.



Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Barad-dur, Mordor
Posts: 479

Now we're talking about matters where I might be able to lend a bit of a hand.

If you aren't water curing your harvest, I would like to suggest to you that you are potentially missing the boat!

I know it sounds wacky and even dangerous, but the reality is that water curing gives you the opportunity to really max out yields, while cutting the entire drying and curing time down to seven stinking days. That's right, pilgrims - 7 days.

Some background would be appropriate to help you gain perspective on what I'm talking about.

Our goals in growing our favorite medicine are:

1. Potency. We want the smoke with most. Period the end. Everything else is just a distant second.

2. Yield. On Fantasy Island Tatoo was a dwarf. He got to be a dwarf by smoking tons of great bud because on Fantasy Island all the plants are enormous yielders. In the real world, yield is frequently an issue. You find that perfectly potent nightmare strain, but you can't wring out the yield despite your best efforts. Yield becomes its own little hobgoblin in our world and yield is important.

3. Stealth. Detection results in jail time, so the stealthier our grow operations become, the better off we are. We sleep better because the neighbors aren't wondering if our pets got into it with a big ol' nasty skunk every time we harvest and dry 'em out.

4. Time. We all have a finite amount of it, but what that amount actually is, we don't know, so we don't want to spend any more time in getting our products grown, cured, and ready for consumption than we have to because time is money.

Water curing addresses these issues in a way that is wholly superior to what we can do with air curing. Here are the cold, hard facts of the matter:

1. Water curing is fast. It takes 7 days to cure a harvest. Once the cure is done, you dry the plants (I use a dehydrator) and they are ready for immediate consumption, no jars or additional bullshitting around required.

2. Water curing maximizes production yield. Instead of flushing your plants for the last two weeks to get the crud out of them, you keep pumping energy into the beasts right up to the moment you chop them. This allows you to maximize the growth potential each and every plant has to offer you, all the while you are sitting happy because the water cure gets rid of all the crud better than any flushing program ever will.

3. Stealth. Water curing has about 10% of the odor that air curing has. Period the end. You don't have a bunch of plants hanging about, just a beer cooler in the garage with the lid open. Nobody knows and nobody will ever care about skunks in your yard again. Go ahead, you can now sleep at night again around harvest time.

4. Potency. I saved the best for last. Water curing effectively doubles the potency over air curing. It's not even close. Here's why:

4.1. When you water cure, the THC remains suspended in the plant oil that is not water soluable, so it breaks down at an incredibly slow rate compared to air curing where the THC starts breaking down at a rate that is almost as quick as the breakdown of the less desirable plant matter you are trying to get rid of. Your curing loss potential is eliminated.

4.2. When you water cure, more of the crap gets literally washed out with the curing process, so you end up with less weight, but bigger bags that really impress people on two levels:

4.2.1. The bag is big. Nobody whines about getting cut short. Everyone likes a big bag of really premium grade budz.

4.2.2. The math is extremely favorable. You lose about 70% of harvest weight, but since the THC is not soluable, you lost none of it, so its proportion to the total remaining plant mass is greatly increased. This results in 4 toke weed becoming 2 toke weed, 2 toke weed becomes 1 toke weed, and 1 toke weed becomes a health management issue for the inexperienced among us.

So now you have the background, I'll tell you how easy it really is to do. You'll be shocked. It's a simple recipe that does not require any deviation of any kind to yield great results.

You need a beer cooler with a bottom drain. Trim your harvest as usual and place the trimmed plant matter in the beer cooler. When the cooler is 3/4's full of plant material, start filling another container.

Fill the container with cold tap water. You don't need RO water, or distilled water, or flavored water, or anything else. Just cold tap water will work fine. Fill it with water until the buds are all floating off the bottom by a good two or three inches.

Put the cooler somewhere out of direct sunlight and leave the lid open at all times. Place weights on the buds so they stay submerged. They will float on the surface and begin to rot if you don't, so for the first three days you will need to weigh them down. I use plates or blocks of wood.

Change the water once a day for 6 days. On the 7th day, draing it off, wash off the buds and hang them to dry (or run the product thru a dehydrator like I do). that's it. Don't agitate the mix, don't screw with it. Just drain the water one (1) time a day and refill it and the magic will happen for you.

This can also be done outside in any freshwater body of water that is not totally stagnant. I've cured harvests in my swimming pool in the winter when there was no chlorine in the pool, only leaves and crap that made the water look like black jello. After 6 days, I hosed off the buds, dried them out and they were a total delight.

If you want to see what others have done with this method, please check out the water cure thread over on OG. With over a 100,000 views, it seems to have attracted alot of interest. Read the whole thread and then judge for yourself.

May all your grows be schticky...

end Quote
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thanks slyfoxberg. I got probably 100 different documents like that copied on different topics by many CW members. I started cause I failed to bookmark threads I had a hard time tracking threads and not having that info at hand. whew, what a lucky decision on my part. lol.


that's the 2nd time I double posted. machine is messin with me. instead of just saying this was a double post, I'll add that I have the "Growing LUI w/ the 3LB - From seed to weed!" up till March 30, 2004 when the damn camera and tripod fell over and broke their trusty Nikon. I edited out all but the pertanent commentary from others but kept all of the birds words. got the pictures 001 through 306. they are nice to look at once in awhile. I planned to update what was copied but never did. damn!

sorry to go off topic. I'm gonna go lookin in the forums for some info to save. I'm sure there's a wealth of savable info here as well. gotta feed the head.
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Active member
good thing for people like you THC who copied and saved threads like this. I hope there are many others that did the same.

Not many people here at IC use or have even heard of water curing. So its great to see this info on IC now.


Water cure is the only way to go for personal smoko.
Its the next best thing to hash IMO

Say your plants flower for 60 days and you flush for 2 weeks.

14/60 x 100 = 23.33

Thats 23.33% of your flowering time that your plants are going hungry.

Thats no small number.

I water cure all my stash :wave:


Water curing is fast, and a lot of my friends prefer it to the airt cure of the same item. I personally prefer my air cure. More flavor to it. The water cure is very much like smoking hash, but since I have about make around 15-20 grams of hash with each harvest I just smoke that instead. I prefer the bud to be more flavorful.

One point should be made though, my water cure stays in mason jars after they are dryed. They become MUCH better with time when stored properly for additional curing. Dark, cool and airtight. After 1 month in jars the water cure is more flavorful and consisitant.

It's WAY to smooth for me with my C99, I will be trying it with some of my other strains as they are ready, White Widow is my next one due. Of course, you can't beat the timeline, and I do smoke my watercure until my air/jar cure is ready.


Active member
So the only negative I'm getting from this is that the taste is sometimes lost in the process? Has anyone tried water curing after a 2 week flush? Would it taste better, or worse since its being essentially flushed twice? I'm stoned, and trying to figure out whether this is for me or not...it sounds like it would


The taste is the same no mater if the plant is flushed or not. very soft/smooth smoke with very little flavor. I think water curing is likely best for the harsh skunky stuff (which I have little xp with growing and curing), but stuff like C99 (my most recent harvest) it is just not flavorful enough.

Also, water cured buds look different. My air cured C99 is bright green, my water cured ones are fugly brown.


Well-known member
Frost breaks plant waterkeeping system. After that watercure looks more effective. Isn't it?


found this here http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=29587&page=1&pp=15
After trimming, place a Rubbermaid bin in your bathtub. Gently place the bud in the bin and put something on the bud to keep them from floating. I found a little metal shelf that slid right in and kept even the smallest buds from floating up. Then slowly fill the bin with warm (NOT HOT) water. Make sure the bud stays completely under water or it will mold in a heartbeat. Then I position the Rubbermaid under the faucet and let a very small amount of hot water dribble in. The water will overflow the Rubbermaid and carry the unwanted crap away with it. The water takes away unwanted stuff like mold and plant matter other than THC. Because THC is not water soluble, it is not effected by the water. Slightly warm water will make the water cure go faster because it softens the cell walls making for better diffusion of built up nutrients.
After 7days like this, I put the buds on the shelves of my Excalibur 9600 dehydrator. By putting the dehydrator in my grow-cabinet, I can use my carbon filter to take up any stink. I plug the unit into a timer and set the timer for a few hours. Put your dehydrator on the lowest heat setting possible. The Excalibur will go down to 85deg but most will only go to 95. Then check them…keep doing that till they are dry. Once you think their dry, keep them on the racks for another day and check them again. You may need to dehydrate for additional time. Once done, smoke away!
You will notice the buds loose a lot of weight. I would say they loose 35% of their weight due to the water cure process."

or if you are like me you will just let it dry on your free as hell coat hanger or whatever you got


kurlyq2g said:
or if you are like me you will just let it dry on your free as hell coat hanger or whatever you got

Probably not the best way to dry water cured buds... They would mold very badly by just hanging em up like that. They have to be fast dryed.

If you had some way to heat the air and remove the humidity in the room, as well as good air flow, it would be ok to use the hangers...of course, you would also have to worry about rust from the hangers if you used the metal ones.

anyway, just my :2cents:


I don't have a dehydrator either. I always water cure a few buds for my Mom. She lives in an assisted living place for seniors and I water cure her some buds so they won't reek of weed when she smokes them.

What I do is, after letting them soak for a week or so, carefully and gently changing the water daily. I let them drip dry on a hanger (dripping into the bin I cured them in) for a day ot two. Then I'll put them in the oven at the lowest setting, door slightly open for a few hours - sometimes takes all day. This is obviously something you must mind. Take them out now and then, turn them - making sure they aren't getting too hot. Once they are no longer "damp" - I put them back to hang dry like normal drying.

To further enhance them, I mason jar cure them when they are dry and add a tiny drop of watermelon extract on a piece of paper and put in the bottom of the curing jar. After a couple weeks - the buds smell and taste like watermelon bubblegum. She smokes them and her place smells like watermelon candy - not weed.

Stealth, mellow weed for Old Mom.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I tried the water cure method on a few buds. I think it's a quick way to see how your high is going to be, but it kills the taste. The high was great but the taste was not there. Plus it turns the buds brownish.

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