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I think I have a Virus


Active member
Fact: Ograskal's been banned here for TOS violations,and whatever comes out of his mouth is likely to be about as accurate as...well,you get it.
(You are funny,ogr,when you're on your bi-polar meds. The rest of the time,you're seriously unstable.)



Active member
G4life said:
Fact: OBS (chemdogs partner) who also breeds with the ChemD clone, sent tissue samples of the ChemD clone to a University for testing and it came back Positive for the Virus!...

Which virus?
Oh,I get it: THE Virus! :D :D
There are SO many you could come up with....
....Take your time,I'll wait.

**A Word to the wise: Post the "University test" .PDF files if you've got them,otherwise stfu,raskal. You're once again wearing out the welcome you never had.

Thank you,drive through.
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spreadin da love
REZDOG said:
Fact: Ograskal's been banned here for TOS violations,and whatever comes out of his mouth is likely to be about as accurate as...well,you get it.
(You are funny,ogr,when you're on your bi-polar meds. The rest of the time,you're seriously unstable.)

and so begins a who has better shit war again.. drop the fucking shit no need for it... not in this thread at least.


Active member
ograskal's (personally) banned in My forum....he's the only one,ever....

....Think I have a Good Reason or Three?


REZDOG said:
Which virus?
Oh,I get it: THE Virus! :D :D
There are SO many you could come up with....
....Take your time,I'll wait.

**A Word to the wise: Post the "University test" .PDF files if you've got them,otherwise stfu,raskal. You're once again wearing out the welcome you never had.

Thank you,drive through.

REZ, It is in fact the TMV virus that the CHemD has tested positive for....This is Fact....I dont know why you are attacking me...I speak the truth...No need to get pissed dude...Chem and OBS arent too happy either becuz they also breed with the cut and passed the cut out and infected other peeps gardens so they feel bad as well...They are trying to fix the problem now....Instead of being in denial why dont you work with them to try to fix the problem...Below is a Post from OBS (Chemdogs Partner)..Himself and Nspecta are trying to fix the Problem doing Tissue cultures and such...Check it!

tis true i had a leaf sample tested at a well known uc known for agriculture and it did indeed come back positive .

i plan on having another sample tested after a few go rounds through tissue culture .

although i have not had success cutting .2mm of the meristem . that is such a small piece about the thickness of sheet of paper . i destroy the tissue everytime i wash it in bleach . i need to make the cut under some sort of scope .

i might be dreaming to rid the tissue of tmv but we are going to try with combination's of meristem culturing and antivirals


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Don't let this good inf go to waste....keep it under control boys!


Grinding extra.
G4life said:
Fact: OBS (chemdogs partner) who also breeds with the ChemD clone, sent tissue samples of the ChemD clone to a University for testing and it came back Positive for the Virus!...

How do you know this?

What proof?!

What University?


ARTofMAKINGfire said:
How do you know this?

What proof?!

What University?

You can ask OBS this if he ever comes around...He is ChemDogs partner from DOGhouse seeds...He also Breeds with the Chem D so why would he lie for???...They are trying to fix the problem not cover it up...Props to them..read below..

tis true i had a leaf sample tested at a well known uc known for agriculture and it did indeed come back positive .

i plan on having another sample tested after a few go rounds through tissue culture .

although i have not had success cutting .2mm of the meristem . that is such a small piece about the thickness of sheet of paper . i destroy the tissue everytime i wash it in bleach . i need to make the cut under some sort of scope .

i might be dreaming to rid the tissue of tmv but we are going to try with combination's of meristem culturing and antivirals


Why are you guys saying its NOT something else? I have some plants that look exactly like the original posters, weird coloring and twisted leaves...I mean exactly, also check out mister postman bx1 grow you will see the half green/yellow leaves and twisting. I found it spread when stressed more than anything else. It is unreasonable to try and say we all have the same deficiency instead of considering another possibility. If not a virus I am open to something else because it IS something. Isn;t it weird to see the same thing in all four separate peoples pictures of the same genetics? I can colllect all the pictures and links when I have time.

That said, I would never chop them down I am around 40 days flowering and my babies are still producing great bud....just like the chem d clone...I can see someone worried about spreading to other plants but honestly at least in my case it isn't bad the worst part is thinking your doing something wrong when your not (even though I did overfeed them). People hear virus and think it is the end of the world...when the subject is really so much less severe than that...99% of the time.
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Well I guess you cant read REZ..Go back and take another Look...Ho Hum...LOL..Its The CHem D clone that has tested positive for the TMV Virus....CAN YOU READ???!!!!!..Why are you still insulting me and Breaking the TOU?...

Edit: disregard since you edited your post now...Please read the posts before you open your mouth and look foolish again..enough of these attacks REZ...PLease this has nothing to do with your ChemIBL project...The TMV Virus in the Chem D was discovered before you even announced your ChemIBL project..This has nothing to do with you...~ogr
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Active member
ICMag Donor
If I ever get a digital camera I'll post some pics of my plants, the one that has had the virus for 20 years and the other plants it has spread to. The virus looks somewhat different on my elite 25 year old cutting than on some I grew from seed, one of the seeds leaned more towards sativa and I believe different genetics are affected in a slightly different way, but its obviously the same virus... The virus on my elite girl looks exactly like the 3 pictures of JeffSpicoli, and the last 6 pictures from Darkstarlive and has for the last 20 years... The way to identify the virus is to see if it affects just one side of leaf and the leaf turns towards that side as it grows. The reason it turns towards that side is the virus slows down the growth on the one side, but the other side keeps growing. Look at the pictures, its a dead giveaway....

bageled j

the D cut does have TMV.it was tested at a well know UC renowned in agriculture-take a giant guess with UC it is-its obvious.i do know that TMV is passed on in progeny through pollen that is infected with the TMV virus.u can clearly see the TMV leaf trait in darkstar's pics.i still have the D and grow it out with great success.i have found if your plants are healthy than u will not see any symptoms of the virus even though its still there.u might see one leaf set the exibits the traits but when healthy it grows so fast the next leaf set is ok.i have seen this in kksc,scream,DJ's BB,white,a bunch of OG phenos and and a cupl others.that means that all of these cuts have TMV.when i first saw these traits about 5 years ago in KKSC i thought it was a cal/mag problem untill i read "Hemp Pest and Diseases".after i read that i just didn't care about it anymore.basicly keep your plants healthy and bug free and these problems won't effect u.


gets some
Wow, this thread sure got out of hand in a hurry. Anyway, here's a pic of a virused leaf from my gallery. It pops up every crop. It's definitely TMV. Fortunately it doesnt affect much other than a few leaves here and there.


ETA: not Chemdog.
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Active member
Good God.

So,we learn from this....what?
A: That shitty gardens get shitty results...Gee,that's a real surprise....

....Truth is,in 20 years,the Chemdog D Clone is some of the best-yielding,finest (strongest) herb I've ever had the pleasure to work with.
Even if it does have some obscure viri,it's really of No Consequence.
This is an attempt to "scare" people away from Chemdog-related hybrids and the like,and it's simply sad,and really,if you think about it,fucking pathetic.

That being said,

Carry On.
i think it is a completely valid pursuit, and i personally have learned some stuff from this thread. I think it is very interesting that viruses can be passed from mother to seed. Looks like an area that should be flushed out as much as possible. I am new to this site and do not know any of this soap opera backstory, and dont care to. I come to this site to learn and i hate when threads get clouded with this melodramatic bullshit. So anyway, lets say you have one of these infected plants, but it is some FIRE so you decide to keep it going....how can you keep it from infecting other plants? would you need a completely isolate veg/flower just for her? Also, for the peeps that are growing some of these infected plants, have you noticed any nutrient or environmental conditions that seem to reduce the symptoms???? thanks for your time.




Grinding extra.
I agree with Rez.

Would any have known this virus existed in this strain if not told?

Were there any detrimental affects from it on Chem D or it's offspring?

Is it not still amazing herb?

What is the point of the argument?

This potentially has the virus...


I do not mind.


So this virus can spread to all your other plants right? Because I first saw it on my BlueBerry(who I chopped a few days ago) and now I'm seeing it on my BerryPurple's and I think it might be on the freshly potted clones from my 2 BerryPurple girls. I'm also seeing it on my Kushberry's and Euphoria now also(who were all right next to the BB that had TMV). I really hope this doesn't spread from touch or being next to other plants because then ALL my girls have it(Kushberry, Euphoria, BerryPurple, Original Haze x Skunk#1, Gonzo#2, Willy's Wonder, and DSD's). If this is the case then it really makes me want to cry :badday:! Here's some pics of the BerryPurple clones I took(I know it looks like some kind of bug got to them, but i've sprayed them with neem oil and they have had the no pest strips RIGHT in the veg tent the clones are in for a few days,so I'm almost positive it is not bugs.):


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