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What happened to the trees?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I ain't talking about those beautiful redwoods, I'm talking some dozha trees.

But seriously, what happened to people running the KFB layout and doing trees? I know Blind Date still runs em in coco, but how come I don't see some big ol' trees with elbows hanging off of them anymore?

What did everyone switch over to SOG's and verts? What ever happened to that good old plant count fear? :muahaha:

Anyone care to enlighten me or link me to some that I don't know about?

O and speaking of vertical, well:


Active member
Hey Mr. Celsius. I am with you - I love me some trees. I grow tree style in my 4x5 closet. I would love to have a 10x10 with high ceilings and do krusty buckets.

I too can not understand why people go SOG with so many plants. It is a major pain in the ass to deal with that many plants and clones. A small mother can provide all the clones necessary for a perpetual tree grow.



Active member
I loves me some trees to but this vertical stuff really has my interest peaked. Thanks for that pic...first time I've seen visual calculations on a vertical. Now I REALLY want to try a vertical grow! Problem with that is my state just passed some really back assward laws regarding plant count so I'm stuck at the moment.
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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Thats what trees are for Ogre, have 4 flowering plants and get 4-6lbs off of them. Look into the Krusty Freedom Bucket layout; otherwise known as KFB. The bucket system is dumb IMHO, but the layout and design on the room is what is important.

This is the larger diagram, you can find the 10'x10' room via the search function.
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I gotta disagree with you on the buckets themselves. He was pulling down 3+ lbs. per plant, so he's gotta know a little something about it. If it weren't for the bucket system, it would just be another vertical grow.

I do however think anyone could get great yields with just DWC in a vertical setup. The thing Krusty stressed was having 5 gallons of media to support such huge plants.

KBS seems like the pinnacle of indoor growing. I have yet to see anyone do it better.


My house is foreclosing and I might end up HAVING to turn these into indoor trees if I have to move into an apartment.

I'll probably end up keeping only one. Hopefully bugs and pests won't be a huge problem after bringing it inside. :nono: :cuss:

*oops. Didn't realize this was teh hydro topic.


Active member
Hey C do you know of anyone that is doing/has done a vertical tree setup? I would love to see it in action. Throw a link my way if you have one. Thanks

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Honestly Ogre, use the search function because there are a bunch of them. Type in Tree, KFB, krusty and you'll find some.

Even, I'm not dissing the system, I just think its very problimatic and that with maybe a 5-10 +/- difference in growth, coco is much more stable. DWC would work as well, except supporting the massive tree...

Jon, that sucks that you're foreclosing, sounds like you need to grow more to keep your house.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
cabana... hmm, a cabin or hut or seaside bathhouse...? Not fully following, sorry.


Active member
He's talking about the cannacabana website.


I didn't find any vertical KFB tree threads but I did find an old 40 page thread that tured into a bickering match between rezdog, krusty and some other guys.
Guess I need to narrow my search and stop hitting this bong :rasta:
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There`s a new thread over at the cabana by Heath Robinson in the hydro section......2 huge ass critical mass plants with 3 vertical 600`s blastin their ass .......I haven`t seen Slip`s thread though...........Mr. C..........Thanx for that illustration on sq. ftg.........Even.....I grew krusty buckets for many yrs. and a more constant maintenance/pain in the ass system never existed......My plants usually went 2 1/4 -2 1/2 lbs. w/3400 watts and extra vegtime.......I dropped em like hot potatoes to grow ebb and flow buckets 4 yrs. ago cuz they run themselves practically maintenance free, practically no vegtime and flip rooms that doubled my productivity, making krusty buckets a dinosaur in my book........I also went the vertical route several months back with Heath Robinson`s vertical racks ......More plant numbers than my ebb and flow buckets but waaaaaay more room for yield increase......64 plants on 4 levels all the way round the rooms w/3-600`s on top of each other in an octagon of sorts with 6x6 inside areas minus the corners so about 33 +/- sq. ft....Ya`ll take care ....Peace......DHF..... :joint: ......
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Active member
Heath is the man and knows his vertical shit up and down. I've seen his threads over at TCC and HG four two zero.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
DHF, man, I missed you... you left a while back, good to see you again... only the trees seem to bring you out the woodwork :D


That Heath Robinson cat has his shit down.

DHF, I feel ya man. I like the idea of hassle-free growing, but I also like the idea of getting 3 pounds off a single plant. I just don't ever wanna go back to mass cuts.


That 3.35 lb. plant ratio is absolutely strain related ES....BC Big Bud....I was around for every run he showed and that was the exception and not the rule....But...Always monsters..........I got lucky with my bagseed plants being the perfect hybrid ......I`ve seen so many folks try to do krusty buckets without having the right strain over the last several yrs and be pissed like somebody lied to em..........Saw a guy do sensi star and it bushed out so bad sideways that even the vertical bulbs could`nt penetrate the interior canopy and the damn things were huge ass bushes and only gave up I think 18 ozs. dried per......Did`nt even pay the powerbill for all the juice it took to veg em that size and then no return on the investment........There`s a fine line between doin it and doin it right on big plants as far as yield goes............Ya`ll take care.........DHF......... :joint: .........


You make a very good point DHF. Big Bud should not be taken for granted.

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