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Adjust A-wing super spreader...


we need a side by side grow report for these things.

The jury still seems to be out on how effective they really are.

Some people love em , some people hate em cause they thinks its marketing BS.

My ASSumption is that the real benefit isn't just the ability to lower the lamp closer to the plants but the ability to extend the light further and thus add more plants under one light.

dunno for sure though ... its cheap enough the i dont see it being that difficult to setup a side by side.

here's another thread where they're brought up:

and another


I have used the AAW with and without the super spreaders with 400w and 600w lamps. ( have not used it with 1k, so i make no guesses about that.) Super spreaders clip on to your mogul base and BLOCK a whole lot of light. Your garden will grow into the shape of a V. Plants will not grow in what used to be the "sweet spot" because the sweet spot is now being obstructed. I found time and again that super spreaders would create a "hole" in the middle of my garden where no plants wanted to grow, they would grow into the area without the super spreader. So I dropped $60 bucks on 2 of them and they just collect dust now. Maybe they work well for 1k's but your wasting your money on them for 400w and 600w setups. I hope this helps someone save a bit of money.


Just helped me CC

BIG thanks for that info :)

My assumption would be if they're trash for the 4 and 6's they probably are for the 1k's. Although the 1k is considerably brighter so MAYbe they actually work ... but i'd guess no.

good drown

wow, what a crock of shit.
how can you say it lowers temps by 9 degrees if there is not the same amount.
thanks cc


I have 2 avenger adjust a wings. One I have the spreader and it works great. I don't have any issues with weird growth. The other one is a new addition. I did not purchase the spreader with it. I read this thread and though, wow, I guess I don't need it. WRONG!
I have 6 one gallon Dog Kushes growing under my light and the 2 in the very center are seriously light bleaches while the ones on the outside are a deep green.
I wil be dropping the additional change to get the light spreader, it might cut the light a bit and for a damn good reason.