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quick stanley blower question


It seems like everyone has this stanley blower, whether its the 655702 model (old) or the 4900 model (new). Can someone please tell me which model is more quiet (on the lowest setting)? I will be using it in a stealth setup and I can't decide which one to buy.

...is it even quiet? Would you be able to sleep in a room with it while its running? Thank you!
well its not silent but you will be able to sleep with it in your room!!!super powerful!!!!!even on low setting!!it is not stealth though all fans hummm this one actually moves the air got to the hard ware store and plug it in!!!from what i understand there is a attachment for it to hook to duct work sold seperatly of coarse!!!!!if there is peaple in the same room as your tent they will hear it!!hope this helps it is the strongest fan for the$$$$$$$$$$$$


natural medicator
1)people will hear it if its in your room. I used to keep a setup in my large closet, and with the door shut, the noise was pretty muffled. You can do things like build an insulated box around the fan to quiet it down more, but the biggest noise from the fan is the air it pushes and not so much the vibration IME.
2) even on the low setting, if there's too much negative pressure (fan has to work harder to pull) it will automatically boost its speed to maintain cfm. So even if its on 'low' it will run 'high' if there's too much negative pressure or back pressure.
3) they move a lot of air. Its nice, cheap, effective, and reliable.
4) not that hard to hook up with ducting. 6" flex duct stretches over the outlet and fits the side inlets perfectly with a little aluminum tape to hold it on.