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Help mold on soil


Woke up this morning and hit the lights and noticed gray mold is taking over my peat moss and terracotta pots. Any ideas how to get rid of this? PLEASE HELP.

i have a feeling this was cause by high moisture and spraying Dr doom to kill the Spider mites


I was told by a friend to use a very diluted hydrogen peroxide mix on the areas. so i dunno whats ur takes on this.


thanks im just glad i have big enough pots that its not near my girls yet. its bad enough there 3 months old and still just reaching the foot and a half mark.


thought i would fill this out to get more help

Soil/perlite/peat moss:

What STRAIN are you growing?- Blueberry and a Afghan
What was the establishing technique? Clones
What is the age of your plants? around 3 months ( still trying to remember)
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?- Veg
What Technique are you using? LST training in a 3'5'8' closet
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)-
What is the Nutrient temperature?- N/a
What Nutrient's are you using?- going to buy some today :p so just water
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
What is the pH of the "Tank"? -unknown
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?- minimal equpiment
When was your last watering?- 9 hours ago
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)- just water so far
What size bulb are you using?- lovely grow lights from walmart. Cfl's 2 ft
What is the distance to the canopy? 6 inches due to LST
What is your RH Factor?
What is the canopy temperature?- 77ish
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)- 73-80 degrees f
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)- stagnate
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?- no fan just yet
Is your water HARD or SOFT?- definitely hard water
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched- nope
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?- Dr doom spry for spidermites
Are plant's infected with pest's- hahaha i got those batards


getting some airflow and exchange in your cab will help keep the mold from developing. Im sure with the stagnant air the humidity in the room has to be pretty high.


thanks for the tip chuck. And i just remembered that yeah i changed the humidity in the back room just yesterday. think you just nailed the cause of why this started. ( no more showering with the door open >.<


Seems im gonna be at war with this mold. well i did get the numbers downs. Its still there >.< so today im gonna rip up my closet and sterilize and re plant my girls . Cant let this stuff get on the new bubblegum clones coming in.

Any ideas on how to get the mold out of deep in my terracotta pots?


What kind of soil is this? What brand?

I advise not using terracotta, it holds onto moisture more than you need. Use plastic if possible. Remove the surface layer of the soil and replace with fresh soil. Ensure that is fan is blowing across the plants which will help keep the soil dry.

Advise not to use H202 as this kills the good and the bad, dish soap can also contain salts and cause problems with your soil. We want fungus and bacteria in soil, but in balance. Excessive mold growth could be caused by an unbalanced soil. Try repotting with some good organic soil and disposing of the loose, moldy stuff at the surface.


Its a canadian gold peat moss and perilite blend with some all grow soil they came in. and its to late for a transplant. But im gonna remove the soil asap and get some good stuff in there. problem is the molds dead in the soil mostly just keeps popping up on the outside of the pots. If the weren't so big i would just re-plant sadly i think im stuck with these 2. but the clones from them are going into good old plastic. ty for the advice
Gray mold doesn't sound bad and honestly green isn't either! The spores have taken hold, don't give peroxide~

I gave 3% and fried plants that are deeply in regret recovering...suggested time table of dry out! Two weeks, yet as the rains have it some cloud is brewing!

I have wanted some of that moss to grow on plants but can't find those in seed form or know how they do reproduce and honestly! These fuckers don't transplant!

Just the best thing to have on the top of a pot! They look so good for my bum, that shouldn't bleed