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Root Rot?


What Would Stop Root Rot & How To Prevent It? What Additives Would Be Used To Kicks Its Ass!? Are There Home Remedies That Work?
Any & All Info Would Be Appreciated!

Thank You

puffin fresh

Active member
ICMag Donor
Hi Longhair,

I am currently fighting some root rot bought on by a fungus gnat infestation. After getting rid of the gnats with nematodes, I cleaned out my system with a 1% peroxide solution. I am now adding b1, enzymes and beneficial bacteria, to break down the dead root matter and start to repair damage. I am also unfortunately changing my tanks out every couple of days until its over.

Hope this helps, good luck with it all! :)


I am also dealing with root rot on my moms in buckets. Research I have done suggests using the H202 like stated. But everything I have seen suggests 3% h202 at 1 ounce per gallon in the res, or 1.5 oz per gallon for soaking/dunking the plant in.

I have also been using hygrozyme, and SM90. It has been suggested to me to use Physan to kill the root rot, and to use B1 to help the roots recover.

The H202, Sm90 and hygrozyme seems to be helping my issue. I am getting new root growth which is nice and white, compared to the brown roots I have.


stone fool
I have been doing a simple root rinse at each transplant for three years, and it has eliminated most of my rrot issues. The secret? Tap water, with the chlorine still in it. I take the plant, and a bucket of water, dip the root up to the net pot three times, then I gently massage the root under water with my clean hands, till any brown is gone, and to remove any piecs of root or leaf. That is it, simple, cheap and tested effective.

Take a look at Freezerboy's grow diary, over 80 degree dwc, I think he gets his result due to tap water use also.


I Want To Thank You All. Your Info Was What I've Been Trying To Get & The Speed Of Your Answers Was Fantastic!
One More Question, Can Root Rot Be Transfered From One Plant To Another?

Thank You
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Active member
What Would Stop Root Rot & How To Prevent It?
Set up the correct environment and you won't have root rot.

For any setup that has roots hanging in the nutrient solution, the solution needs to be kept below 70F. Enough oxygen needs to be added to the system to maintain the roots usage of it. If you can't set up something like that where you're at, switch to E&F or Drip through hydroton and get back to focusing on growing. :D

If those methods don't get rid of your root issues, you have a problem with contamination from either your site, water, equipment or nutes. There may be something to help with it you can buy on a shelf but your best bet is to find the source and eliminate it.

Stay Safe! :D


I have been doing a simple root rinse at each transplant for three years, and it has eliminated most of my rrot issues. The secret? Tap water, with the chlorine still in it. I take the plant, and a bucket of water, dip the root up to the net pot three times, then I gently massage the root under water with my clean hands, till any brown is gone, and to remove any piecs of root or leaf. That is it, simple, cheap and tested effective.

Take a look at Freezerboy's grow diary, over 80 degree dwc, I think he gets his result due to tap water use also.

Hello Haps,
Thank You Again!

When You: then I gently massage the root under water with my clean hands, till any brown is gone, and to remove any piecs of root or leaf.
Is That Tap Water Also? How Long Was Each Dip 30secs 1min Etc.?

I Need Your Opinion On This.
Of These Things That I Have What Should I Add To Fresh PHed RO After The Dip & How Much?:
Dyna Gro Bloom 3-12-6
Cal Mag + 2-0-0
Sweet 0-0-0
Some Old Miracle Grow Found Under The Sink

1-White Widow 31 Days In Blooming
10 Gal. Tub
1-400 Watt Metal Halide
3-1in. Air Stones

Thank You Very Much


stone fool
When I do it, I do it as a blessing, so bless it in the name of the Father, dip, and the Son, dip, and the Holy Spirit of God, dip, Then I look, and dip and massage the roots, check, do again if needed, and you are done. Put them into whatever nutes they need for their stage. With healthy plants there is no shock that I have noticed as long as I am gentle. And yes, all with the fresh tap water. Good luck.

edit, I would not use the last four items on the list, although superthrive is magic in soil.
root rot you say? first off i would like to give a shout out to hydro-soil, if you cant maintain atleast 72F in your rez then hydro is gonna break your heart, if you already have a slimy root system and sewege water, you can pull your plant, make a mix of 3% h202 at 20-30 ml/gal (bare minimum) spray down your roots with the solution and try to get anything slimey and thick off, if pulling the plants is not an option, a good system flush and sterilization of all tubing, pumps whatever, after this initial cleansing i strongly suggest using Hygrozyme ( i have had 3 terrible cases of root rot/pythium and defeated it everytime). as directed on the bottle, add hygrozyme with plain water, no h202, many people say it doesnt work and it makes the problem worse and they curse the stuff, what happens is h'zyme are the end result of the enzymes produced from beneficial bacterias, it attacks bad bacteria and breaks down dead/dying organic matter in the root zone, so at first use you will see that fresh water you added start to turn nasty and ugly, depending on how bad your pythium is , it may get worse than original root rot, this is where the naysayers will tell you not to waste your money, this is good this is the hygrozyme going after the pythium, you will start to see your infected roots turn into brown slime at an accelerated rate(this is good!) this means any roots infected are gettng dissolved, heres is the part where you kick pythium's ass, you MUST CHANGE REZ DAILY FOR 5 DAYS IN A ROW!. this is essential if your running any type of recirculating system, you dont want your roots getting a bath in that nasty sludge water do you? by 5-7 days of this you will see most if not all your root system that was infected completly gone, the next stage is the agressive growth of fresh new roots. i dont recommend using h202 with hygrozyme but the bottle says in small amounts its ok, i just let the h'zyme do its thing unimpeded. look this is not easy, this is work. i almost forgot when you do the daily rez change, spray the rez and everything you can with more h202 solution, try to sanitize between the rez change, this is all a moot point if , like hydro-soil said you cant control water temps, reason for this is water holds maximum dissolved oxygen at 65-68F, IMO anything over 72F is asking for trouble and at 75F i can almost gaurentee you heartbreak. without the presence of high oxygen levels in water your plants will not be strong enough to fend of disease and this is the perfect environment for pyhtium and algea to take hold, these bacterias and diseases dont kill your roots, they compete with the roots for water and other nutrients in effect choking out those bone white roots. on some forums hygrozyme is almost a controsersial topic, if you dont take my word for it theres many other products like cannazyme, hydrogaurd and aquashield, whatever it is get an enzymatic product, tossing in beneficails not is not good as they will need some time to establish, and with all that going on in your rez it just wont work, preventative maintenance is key here, cant keep temps down, forget ice bottles, no hydro for you! you got a few bucs to spend? get a chiller. good luck to you and your grow and if theres anything else i can help with just holler


Well-known member
Try using aquashield along side the hygrozyme. Ive used it in summer months battling high 70s to low 80s and it works. You will see new root growth in about 2 days. Just keep taking them out and washing off the roots to get the slime out of them you'll be fine. Get a chiller small investment to have healthy roots every time.


root rot you say? first off i would like to give a shout out to hydro-soil, if you cant maintain atleast 72F in your rez then hydro is gonna break your heart, maximum dissolved oxygen at 65-68F, IMO anything over 72F is asking for trouble and at 75F i can almost gaurentee you heartbreak. without the presence of high oxygen levels in water your plants will not be strong enough to fend of disease and this is the perfect environment for pyhtium and algea to take hold, these bacterias and diseases dont kill your roots, they compete with the roots for water and other nutrients in effect choking out those bone white roots. on some forums hygrozyme is almost a controsersial topic, if you dont take my word for it theres many other products like cannazyme, hydrogaurd and aquashield, whatever it is get an enzymatic product, tossing in beneficails not is not good as they will need some time to establish, and with all that going on in your rez it just wont work, preventative maintenance is key here, cant keep temps down, forget ice bottles, no hydro for you! you got a few bucs to spend? get a chiller. good luck to you and your grow and if theres anything else i can help with just holler

High morrisgreenberg... good post.. I'll keep some hygrozyme on hand from now on.
I think that more O2 to the root zone would help too.. way more.

But let me ask.. I've read that potassium starts becoming less available at 68F in the res. and at 65F hardly available at all? Is there a trade off : DO vs K?
Or is someone spinning yarns?


Active member
High morrisgreenberg... good post.. I'll keep some hygrozyme on hand from now on.
I think that more O2 to the root zone would help too.. way more.

But let me ask.. I've read that potassium starts becoming less available at 68F in the res. and at 65F hardly available at all? Is there a trade off : DO vs K?
Or is someone spinning yarns?

Personally I skip the whole shebang and just go with Drip and E&F through hydroton. My res sits at about 78F 24/7 and no issues at all. My roots stay nice and humidly cool in their damp hydroton. :D


Try using aquashield along side the hygrozyme. Ive used it in summer months battling high 70s to low 80s and it works. You will see new root growth in about 2 days. Just keep taking them out and washing off the roots to get the slime out of them you'll be fine. Get a chiller small investment to have healthy roots every time.

Have You Used Aquashield & Hygrozyme Both At The Same Time? I Get Leary About Mixing Things.

Thank You Very Much For Your Help
hey maggio, thats a first time i have heard about more DO = less K, if there is a trade off i would take the extra oxygen, you see HS talks about dripping water thru hydroton at higher temps, you can get away with this simply from the root zone being so pourous, hydroton IMO is the best medium for hydro, only for the oxygen capabilities, its a nightmare to clean. also a reference was made about a grower who runs 80F in a DWC, i wouldnt try this but if i did i would be using a hella large air pump


Well-known member
Yes sir I use the aquashield and hygrozyme together with great results. I use to just use it when I had problem but now I use it all the time and get better growth and yields.


hey maggio, thats a first time i have heard about more DO = less K, if there is a trade off i would take the extra oxygen, you see HS talks about dripping water thru hydroton at higher temps, you can get away with this simply from the root zone being so pourous, hydroton IMO is the best medium for hydro, only for the oxygen capabilities, its a nightmare to clean. also a reference was made about a grower who runs 80F in a DWC, i wouldnt try this but if i did i would be using a hella large air pump

High again morrisgreenberg... I'm in limbo... I can't find the thread I read it in.. if I do I'll get back...

I run DWC (20gal) and have the capacity to keep the rez at 65F if I wish and use an 18w air pump with 2 - 10" glassdiffusers.
I can have it whichever way is best.. I'll keep reading and asking.. all the while keeping the rez at 70, happy medium.. and about hydroton.. except for the fact that they get 'into' everything, rolling everywhere.. I like it too..



I have been doing a simple root rinse at each transplant for three years, and it has eliminated most of my rrot issues. The secret? Tap water, with the chlorine still in it. I take the plant, and a bucket of water, dip the root up to the net pot three times, then I gently massage the root under water with my clean hands, till any brown is gone, and to remove any piecs of root or leaf. That is it, simple, cheap and tested effective.

Take a look at Freezerboy's grow diary, over 80 degree dwc, I think he gets his result due to tap water use also.

Took Your Advice & Did The Dip. Only One Problem When It Came Down To The Blessing I Couldn't Get A Rhythm Going. So I Used 100 Beers On The Wall! Lol

Thank You
High again morrisgreenberg... I'm in limbo... I can't find the thread I read it in.. if I do I'll get back...

I run DWC (20gal) and have the capacity to keep the rez at 65F if I wish and use an 18w air pump with 2 - 10" glassdiffusers.
I can have it whichever way is best.. I'll keep reading and asking.. all the while keeping the rez at 70, happy medium.. and about hydroton.. except for the fact that they get 'into' everything, rolling everywhere.. I like it too..


i've read that thread too about 80F water temps and the grow looked perfect, my opionion, why chance it , he also did it as an experiment with high temps, i think you will be more than good with 70 temps, i dunno so many people are blessed with good water temps, i was never that lucky, another thing about the chiller investment, it will aerate your water better than aire stones if you make it waterfall effect, that and a decent airr stone and your more than good

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