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New SOG grow , my own breed , sort of .


Hello all .
These are my little babies. they are 2 weeks old taken from seeds from a grow that went hideously wrong last year.

I'll update this regularly so if your interested keep checking in .
I grow in a very small self built grow cupboard, Oh to have the space to be able to crank it up a notch.
At the moment I'm using a 250 watter along with 70watter that I cobbled together from an old floodlight.
I have a 600Watt light but the space I'm using at the mo would incinerate everything near it. .
I'm growing in soil and using mainly Bio_bizz organic nutrients . I am also starting to use RHIZOTONIC and maybe also Cannazym in a few weeks .
I'm hoping to do a conventional SOG grow but obviously taking these puppies from seed , this could be a bit risky.

But this is the purpose of my grow diary. Also to document the lifespan of my own (plants) progeny .

the bhudda with the hat on.


How are you going to seperate all those and get them into individual containers?Carefully?


my plan is to not seperate the plants from the container . I will vegetate the plants for a couple more weeks or untill they are about 12inches tall , take some clones , label them and then wack the mother straight on to 12/12 , this way i will find the best genetics within the shortest period of time . the reason for not seperating them is so that the all have the same growing conditions , which in fact are pretty poor , but the clones and the test palnts are what i`1m after , any crop from the resulting flowering will purely be a happy bi-product.

regards bhuddahat


Kind of a strange way to do it,but not a bad idea really.I'm usually not too interested in harvesting the seedplants either,its the clones I'm after.If I did it that way,I would grow and flower the whole set of female clones keeping copies of each in veg.I'd do this because I'd want to see what the flowered cutting looks like before making any final decision on which pheno to keep.You are not going to be able to tell much from the flowered seedplants,and the flowered clones are the finished product you're after anyway.


slight change in direction . I will be starting a true SOG so when the plants are approx 8 -10 inches i will top the plants to make clones . then i will be sexing the clones and getting rid of the males and crap plants . i might aswell flower those clones to completion dispite the fact i will get bugger all from them. Then a couple of weeks later i will take clones from the mothers , add infinitum.

regards bhuddahat


2 weeks on

2 weeks on

My plants are now about 10 inches tall and have all started to show secondary growth

this is my favourite pheno . its up to 9 little leaves per leaf

space is a real issue

A bit of LST will maximise my grow canopy

I have built a cloner and will be cloning them in about a week . i`m testing the cloner with some chilli plants first as its a new design .

Its part mister cloner and part fogger . I had to make a hybrid cloner because at first i was only building a fogger cloner using a pond fogger

but i had some problem with heat . i have now moved the cloner to aseperate cloning box with 2 fluros . i also put in the mister using an air pump that runs when the fogger isnt . this has drastically cut the heat.

So all being well my clones will be cut next wednesday .

My plan is to take clones wait until they root and then flower the mothers . this will be better for me as space is a real issue for me . I only have about 2 1/2 feet of grow space from the top of my pots to the maximum hieght of my llight.

I`ll keep you posted .


the bhudda with the hat on


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I think your going to need a little more soil. Just a suggestion. Looking healthy though.



yes i know i need more soil , but i dont really care about these plants , that much . I`m really after the clones . that will them become the true mothers.

Also i`m trying out cannazym that states that it breaks down old root material so really it should be a continuous regeneration process.

but we`ll see.

regards BH


SWIM did something similar for clones just to make them show vigor and sex. Great idea!
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Ive taken the clones today .

So fingers crossed .

I`m using an aerocloner that i made using an airpump and also a pond fogger to add heat and mist

I took a clone from a male that i have been keeping for some time now and it rooted within a week. But i am notoriously bad at cloning so i hope that i get some good results.

I`m using Canna Rhizotonic and some Superthrive in the resovoir .

Heres hoping .

Roots within the week

I aint gunna put any money on that .

But we`ll see .

I`ll keep it posted .

regards bhuddahat


And we have root growth !!!

And we have root growth !!!

Hello all . Inspired by this post


i got to work buiding a mini cloner using a mini pond fogger , purchases from maplins.co.uk but also available on ebay .

It disipates far to much heat to be used on its only but in conjunction with an air pump it really does the business.

I have it running 15 minutes on 15 minutes off at night and 15 minutes on 30 mintes off during the day when the house is warmer and the lights are on .

I cloned these bad boys just over a week ago

I learnt my lesson harshly at first because i cooked about 5 clones with really high res temps but i soon got it right and the ones that didnt cook have come along really nicely .

`ill keep you posted .

=== easy now .



yo they will be 3 foot if you veg to 1 foot you know that right? and you need 2 gallons of soil per plant for good growth


update on this grow .

what a fuckup.

i chose the best for clones to be my mothers and then took clones from them .

got them flowering and went away for christmas . came back to toasted mothers and spider mite infested flowering mothers .

gutted .

started again a fresh .