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Pothead and his Maid



Well first let me say this place is Awesome! when i found out there was so much stuff about growing i was just blown away.

Before i start let me just say this is not my first grow.My first grow had a 18" fish tank light and two 8" pots wit some bag seed that i had they grew to about
3 feet tall i never knew anything about how to tell the sex or anything was just
growing but had to kill them because a cable guy came over since then i just left growing alone.

Then one day i said let me do a search and found Red Greenery's thread and just had
to jump on it.Well on to my setup i have 6x23w clfs,2 18 gallon tubs,3 90mm 45 cfm fans i have some glass to put in when i change to 43w cfls for flowering.
I have 2 bag seed and 1 mandala safari mix 5 days in veg now well on to the pics

I think this pic(below) was cool

This is my pc build that i'm gona use to veg mums and clones once i get the tub down

Thats it for now will update soon
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New member
Yeah, Red\'s thread was the one that got me thinking \"Hey...I can do this!\" too. Things have been going, er, interestingly for me so far. =P I\'ll get it right eventually.

Good luck with your grow.


Well things have been slow and going not so good this is my plants right now

as u can tell they not doing too good and it's all my fault lets start with
#1.The temps are high and very low RH like 27%.oh did i say i'm only on 4x23W cfls
#2.I took them out the cups and put them in jiffy pots cause the cup was

Anyways it's only the 2 bagseeds dieing,my mandala seeds are fine.Im gona put
some plexiglass in the maid and see what happens.

Since 2 seedlings are dieing i put 2 more safari to germ.

Everything is inside my new pc veg box that i just got done so now i'm gona work on the maid some more

Thanks "godisadj" i like your pc setup looking good.

"Tic-Tac" red thread is the shit took me like 3 days to read almost all of it very good stuff and thanks btw
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The St.

hey man, nice box, just some advice, you may want to put some sort of light baffle on your fan. or just make sure your closet stays shut when its night time for your girls!



Thanks "The ST." since i'm gona put plexigalss in it i was gona do that the same time.I seen you post in New England thread and just want to say :joint:


nice lil setup pothead.i like your digital thermometer.i got the exact same one.8 bucks at casa depot aint bad.im stickin around for this one.


Thanks "kidkannabis" and i love this thermometer nice and cheap too

The St.-yea im in RI been here for like 2 years now and let me just say it's crazy weather around these parts


Time for an update.I worked on the tub for a few days now,i took out the
mylar and painted it white(i think this is the best thing to do makes u have less heat)then i cut some passive intakes and made some light traps.

This is how it sits now

With the lights off

Temps is all good now

This is one of the new ones i had put in which is about 4 days veg now

This is my multi top plant coming back to life

Well after looking at them for a few days i though maybe i had a nute problem so i went an got some miracle-gro so now they are taking off again.

"The St." :pointlaug funny but so true
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hi there! looking nice, but i have a few helpful suggestions for you:

1) i noticed you weren't using weather stripping in between your rubbermaids. trust me, i've stacked them right on each other before w/o and had a couple of disasters. using thick weather stripping is key so that you can keep it lightproof under it's own weight and also helping with negative pressure since it is airtight with stripping. you will need to replace weather stripping after a grow because they tend to slip and get wear/tear, but it is worth it for the seal!

2) it was a good idea to paint, but you should have painted 2 coats of black first, then follow with 2 coats white and that will keep light from coming in or leaving the thin walls of the maid. mylar was a bitch to deal with in the maids because it gets ripped and shitty pretty quick. if you don't want hermies, this will really help. not doing such caused me a hermie that micro-seeded my nuggs.

3) make sure the top clear rubbermaid is airtight and check for leaks. same with the lightraps. if light can come out of the traps, it can come in too.

here is what my setup was like.

can't see any light coming out because the back part of the intake is raised up.

definitely needs some remodeling... luckily i use a hydrohut original now. i want to convert it to veg/clone.


Thanks for the suggestions "lc00p4" but let me just give u run down
1)I have double sided tape on it u can't see it good cause it's the same color as the maid if u look at my first pic u will see it

2)yup it was a dam good idea to paint it,i put about 4 coats of white i did not have the money to go and get black paint at the time

3)yea it's as air tight as i can get it,i'm not to worried about leaks cause once i cover it and close my closet door it's dark as hell

I know it needs some work but after this run i'm gona get something with doors cause i hate having to take the top off all the time it just sucks

It's been a real learning curve for me so next run i'm gona get a pre-made cab or make one don't know for sure yet


Definetly make a cab as pre made jobs are nice but WAY over priced one could easily build say a Bloombox for less than half the cost of buying one thats including lights and equiptment.The only limiting factors are your carpentry skills and imagination but youd be suprised what one can come up with.Hope all goes well and good luck in your construction!!


Thanks "gromer" i might make one but since i live in an apartment i don't want people to see me building anything or moving board,i saw something at wal-mart that i might get since i have lights and fans and all that perfect size too and the price is good.

i forgot to add the paint was free and i like your light trap "lc00p4" might use it in the future thanks for the pics


Well time for a update,this is my mandala at day 27

This is one of the bagseed the other one died

and this is the last one i got out of the mandala that pop at day17

so far i have used 5 mandala beans they all germed but i think the soil was too hot so i put some more bageseed to germ
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